An Address on The House of Lords, delivered by Lieut.-Colonel Charles Ford, at the West Herts Liberal Club, Watford, on Thursday Evening, February 16th, 1888.
4to, 4 pp. Bifolium pamphlet. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, with closed tears along the central horizontal crease. Printed in small type in double column. 'It strikes me as an anomaly that in these days men should be able to claim and exercise the right of judges of the requirements of the people, such claims resting merely upon the accident of birth; that is to say, that men and their descendants for all time, should constitute a powerful branch of the legislature, largely in consequence of the public services rendered by their ancestors, which public services were considered by the ruling powers of bygone times, meritorious and deserving of public recognition and reward.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library, on COPAC or on WorldCat.