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[ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'M de Boinville', complaining of 'want of leisure'.

Anthony Ashley Cooper (1801-1885), 7th Earl of Shaftesbury [ Lord Shaftesbury ] , British politician, philanthropist and social reformer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St Giles's House, Cranbourne, Salisbury. 17 January 1856.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. He assures de Boinville that he 'much regrets his want of leisure to peruse the MS. that M de Boinville has been so good as to send him'. He concludes with the complaint that he is 'really so occupied that heh has not time for the discharge of the several duties that are imposed upon him'.

[ William Black, Scottish novelist. ] Autograph Note Signed, asking Scottish painter Thomas Faed to second his application for membership of the Athenaeum.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish journalist and novelist [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Reform Club, Pall Mall, S.W. [ London ] 26 July [no year].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, and laid down on a piece of card. Reads: 'July 26 | My dear Faed, | Would you mind seconding me at the Athenaeum? I believe Tom Hughes has put down my name. | Yours faithfully | William Black.' According to Black's entry in the Oxford DNB, he 'studied landscape painting for a short time in the Glasgow School of Art, but, becoming connected with the Glasgow Citizen, gradually exchanged art for journalism'.

[ Francis Russell, 7th Duke of Bedford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tavistock') to '<Lucan?>' [Lord Lucan?], regarding Lord Brougham's response to Lord Grey's Reform Bill cabinet.

Francis Russell (1788-1861), 7th Duke of Bedford, styled Marquess of Tavistock, 1802-1839 [ Lord Brougham [ Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ]; the Great Reform Bill, 1832 ]
Publication details: 
No place. 27 May [1832?].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with short closed tear at head of gutter. He states that 'Ld B. [ i.e. the Lord Chancellor, Lord Brougham] was the first member of Ld Grey's Cabinet who objected to the cabinet to which the Reform Bill was carried', adding of Brougham that 'his opinion of one year, or of one week, are not those of another'. He does not believe that there is any 'reason to expect a dissolution at present but the Tories are very anxious, & its difficult to say what their may be'.?>

[ Plymouth and the Great Reform Act, 1832. ] Poster announcing a meeting of 'the Inhabitants of the Borough of Plymouth [...] to consider the propriety of Petitioning the Legislature, for an effective Parliamentary Reform'.

[ Plymouth and the Great Reform Act, 1832 ] [ W. W. Arliss, Printer, 33, Bedford-street, Plymouth ]
Publication details: 
Plymouth, February 3, 1831. [ W. W. Arlis, Printer, 33, Bedford-street, Plymouth. ]

Printed on one side of a piece of 45.5 x 57cm yellow paper. A fragile survival, on cheap paper, worn and folded four times, with some closed tears to folds. An arresting poster, laid out in the customary style of the period, in a variety of roman and italic fonts and point sizes. The body of the text reads: 'Parliamentary | REFORM [last word in 6.5 cm high letters] | We the undersigned hereby request the Inhabitants of the Borough of Plymouth to | meet at the ROYAL HOTEL, at 12 o'Clock precisely, | On WEDNESDAY, the 9th Feb.

[ Shaftesbury ] Autograph Note Signed "Ashley" styled Lord Ashley till 1851) to George Palmer apologising for not being able to go to A Dinner.

Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of SHAFTESBURY (1801-1885), Philanthropist and Social Reformer
Publication details: 
No place, 14 June 1837

Two pages in his sprawling hand, cr. 8vo, bifolium, good condition, fold marks. He apologises for not being able to attend a Dinner of the "London Conservation Society" because of "personal circumstances". Note: no information found about this Society (or the London Conversation Society of that's what he wrote.

[Women's suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Remarks on Woman's Work in Sanitary Reform.

'S. R. P.' [Susan Rugeley Powers] [The English Woman's Journal] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Publisher not stated. Undated [circa 1860].

20pp., 8vo. Drophead title. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Signed in type 'S. R. P.' at end of text (p.20), followed by a 'List of [17] Books Recommended at Page 2.' Four copies on OCLC WorldCat, and three more on COPAC: Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Oxford (the last of which states that it is reprinted from the English Woman's Journal). BL and LSE hold copies of a third edition.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] The Ladies' Sanitary Association. From the "English Woman's Journal."

'B. R. P.' [Bessie Rayner Parkes] [The Ladies' Sanitary Association; The English Woman's Journal, London] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[The Ladies' Sanitary Association.] London: Published at the Office, 14a Princes Street, Cavendish Square. [Printed by Odell & Ives, 18, Princes Street, Cavendish Square.] Undated [1859].

15pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. No copy on COPAC or on OCLC WorldCat.

[Simplified Spelling Board, New York.] Twenty-five printed circulars, numbered 1-21, 23-25 (including two versions of 16), promoting English spelling reform.

Simplified Spelling Board, New York [Thomas R. Lounsbury; Mark Twain; Calvin Thomas; Brander Matthews; Henry Holt; Burt G. Wilder; William Hayes Ward, Editor of The Independent; William H. Maxwell]
Publication details: 
The twenty-five items printed by the Simplified Spelling Board, 1 Madison Avenue, New York, between 30 April 1907 and 30 September 1911.

The Simplified Spelling Board was founded in 1906, funded by Andrew Carnegie, and counted Mark Twain and President Theodore Roosevelt, and the English lexicographers James A. H. Murray, Walter W. Skeat and Joseph Wright among its members. The present collection of the Board's Circulars consists of 25 uniform items, all unbound and stapled. The collection is in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with occasional wear. Stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London.

[Sidney Hartnoll Beard, President of the animal rights vegetarian society the Order of the Golden Age.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Sidney H. Beard') to John Nayler, explaining in the second what he has done 'to ensure the permanency of our work'

Sidney Hartnoll Beard, founder and President of the 'food reform' movement vegetarian animal rights society the Order of the Golden Age [John Nayler, Methodist journalist]
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of Barcombe Hall, Paignton; 26 May 1904. Letter Two: on letterhead of The Order of the Golden Age, Paignton; 2 August 1905.

Both items 1p., 4to. ONE: 26 May 1904. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He has always shrunk from 'giving advice to anyone concerning investments', but would consider 'the £10 shares of the London Necropolis Company at 7 1/2 as being safe to buy for investment.' He discusses the state of the company, and also suggests 'Japanese bonds'. TWO: 2 August 1905. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with short closed tears to a central crease. 'I am doing what I can to ensure the permanency of our work, but you are doubtless aware that the O.G.A.

[Sir John Fischer Williams, international lawyer.] Typed Letter Signed ('John Fischer Williams') to R. F. Harrod, Hon. Sec., Oxford University Liberal Association, expounding at length on Professor Gilbert Murray and proportional representation.

Sir John Fischer Williams (1870-1947), English international lawyer and authority on proportional representation [Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), classical scholar and internationalist; electoral reform]
Publication details: 
British Delegation, Reparation Commission, 7 Rue de Tilsitt, Paris XVII. 19 March 1929.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On two leaves, with the second attached at the head of the blank reverse to a piece of grey card. In fair condition, on aged paper. He writes that he will be 'very glad to sign the memorandum enclosed with your letter of the 14th instant in support of Professor Gilbert Murray'. He proceeds to remark at length on a 'statement in the last paragraph of the memorandum as to the working of Proportional Representation'.

[Printed pamphlet in favour of postal reform.] Our Postal Express. Speech of Hon. William Sulzer, of New York, In the House of Representatives. Thursday, June 9, 1910. [Including endorsement by Frederick C. Beach, editor of Scientific American.]

William Sulzer ['Plain Bill Sulzer'] (1863-1941), 39th Governor of New York; Frederick C. Beach, President Postal Progress League and Editor of Scientific American [postal service]
Publication details: 
[Washington, D.C., June 1910.] Beach's printed letter of endorsement dated 13 June 1910.

8pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, on aged high-acidity paper, with slight wear to extremities. Blind stamps and shelfmark of the Hartford Theological Seminary. The text begins: 'The House having under consideration the bill (S. 5876) to establish postal savings depositories for depositing savings at interest with the security of the Government for the repayment thereof, and for other purposes - | Mr SULZER said: [...]'.

[Robert Grosvenor, 1st Marquess of Westminster.] Autograph Signature ('Westminster') and seal in red wax on piece of vellum cut from document, with his engraved portrait by W. H. Mote.

Robert Grosvenor (1767-1845), 1st Marquess of Westminster [W. H. Mote; Thomas Collins; Reform Club, London]
Publication details: 
The vellum document dated 1841. The engraving from 'London, Thomas Collins, 170, Piccadilly, Jany. 23 1842'.

The piece of vellum an irregular rectangle of about 4 x 17 cm. Smudged signature, with crumbling red wax seal to its right, beneath fragment of Latin text ending with date 1841. The engraving, with facsimile of signature, 'From a picture in his Lordship's possession | This plate, 28 x 19 cm on 4to leaf, is by express permission dedicated most respectfully to the Members of the Reform Club by their faithful Servant Thomas Collins'. It is in fair condition, aged and with strip of discoloration in margin at head.

[Richard Oastler, Tory radical.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed editor, regarding the proof of his 'sayings of last Monday'.

Richard Oastler (1789-1861), Tory radical, abolitionist and campaigner for Poor Law reform
Publication details: 
'Mr. Tathams'. 27 March 1839.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He has just 'received notice that the Mansfield meeting will be held on Thursday at 12 o'clock - & the Sutton meeting on Saturday at One O'clock.' He continues: 'If you intend to insert any of my sayings of last Monday, I should feel obliged by a sight of the proof, if consistent with your official regulations'.

['A Llanbrynmair Farmer'.] Printed pamphlet: 'Letters on Improvements, addressed to Landlords and Road Commissioners, with a Petition to Parliament for a Cheap Ocean Postage; and a Memorial to the Prime Minister for Franchise Reforms.'

'A Llanbrynmair Farmer' [Rev. Samuel Roberts (1800-1885), Welsh author on economic matters, and advocate of postal reform] [Royal Mail; the Post Office; postal reform; transatlantic postage]
Publication details: 
'Albion Office: Published and Sold by the Rev. S. Roberts, Llanbrynmair; and Henry Parry, Printer, Horse-market, Newtown.' 1852.

59pp., 12mo. Stitched. Front wrap present, with the title printed within an ornate border on yellow paper, and the price given as sixpence. In fair condition, on aged paper, with dog-eared corner and slight loss at foot of the worn front wrap. Two ownership inscriptions: 'David Davies his Book' on the inside wrap, and 'David Davies his Book | 1852 | Tynyfawnay Llanfair | Montgomeryshire'.

[Robert Owen] Autograph Letter Signed "R Owen" to [Rowland Hill, inventor and social reformer], about the movements of his son in America, and Joel Roberts Poinsett, with a long (and significant) MS. note by the latter

Robert Owen (1771–1858), socialist and philanthropist [Rowland Hill, (1795–1879), teacher, inventor and social reformer].
Publication details: 
49 Bedford Square, Monday morn[in]g, 19 Sept. [1832? See notes] [this was the address of Quaker, John Walker]

Two pages (and a line), 12mo, bifolium, fold mark, tiny closed tears at fold, minor staining, mainly good condition. With a lengthy note about his relationship with Robert Owen and Owen's plans by "R.H." [Rowland Hill]. LETTER from OWEN: "Until this moment I have not had any opportunity of attending to private correspondence since your note arrived.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sydney Smith') from Rev. Sydney Smith to the future Lord Chancellor Henry Brougham, regarding his ambitions and 'objects in the Church'. With annotations by Brougham.

Rev. Sydney Smith (1771-1845), author and wit ['the Smith of Smiths'], member of the Holland House Circle [Henry Brougham (1778-1868), Scottish lawyer, Whig politician and Lord Chancellor]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. Docketted by Brougham '1830 or 31', but in fact circa 1827.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. A thin strip has been torn from the head of the first leaf, resulting in loss to two lines of text, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A significant letter, in which Smith discusses his ambitions with a close and influential friend, and former colleague on the 'Edinburgh Review'.

Hand-coloured engraved caricature titled, 'A Parliamentary Examination touching certain Curiosities in the British Museum', showing Sir Henry Ellis before a parliamentary committee, answering William Cobbett's charge of nepotism.

[McLean's Monthly Sheet of Caricatures [Sir Henry Ellis (1777-1869), Principal Librarian at the British Museum, William Cobbett (1763-1835), writer and Radical MP for Oldham]
Publication details: 
London: McLean's Monthly Sheet of Caricatures No. 41 [June 1833].

Placed within a 35 x 45.5 cm frame, with 25 x 35.5 cm window. In good condition, with unobtrusive 2.5cm closed tear at head. Dimensions of image 34 x 22 cm, with engraved caption beneath: 'A PARLIAMENTARY EXAMINATION TOUCHING CERTAIN CURIOSITIES IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM', and 'MC.LEANS MONTHLY SHEET OF CARICATURES NO. 41' running up the left-hand side of the border.

Typed Letter Signed ('H D'Arcy Power') from the Southampton physician Dr H. D'Arcy Power, written in the spelling of the Phonetic League to 'Bryn', discussing the health of his wife Gretel, and with an autograph postscript by her.

Dr H. D'Arcy Power, Physician, Southampton [The Phonetic League]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead ('Consultations by Appointment Only'), 23 Brighton Road, Southampton. 11 April 1934.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged, worn and creased paper. Seventeen lines in phonetic spelling, with printed key at foot, headed: 'NOTE - Members of the Phonetic League are pledged to use this Alphabet and spelling in correspondence.' Disregarding the use of the diaersis, the letter begins: 'Mi der Bryn, | Zis is only a not ov enqwiri tu asertan wezer yu ar stil aliv.

Autograph Letter Signed from Jesse Collings, Liberal Mayor of Birmingham, to 'Mr Goodrich', regarding the election of 'Mr Sturge'

Jesse Collings (1831-1920), Liberal Mayor of Birmingham, advocate of educational and land reform [The Sturge family of Birmingham]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of King Edward's Road, Birmingham. 14 November 1872.

2pp., 12mo. On aged paper. He only received Goodrich's note on his return from London on the previous day, 'too late to attend the meeting which I certainly should have done to vote for Mr Sturge had I been able'. However he sees from the newspapers that 'his election took place all right | In haste | Yours very truly | [signed] Jesse Collings'.

Long Autograph Letter Signed ('Eastnor') from John Somers Somers-Cocks, 2nd Earl Somers, to Sir James Carmichael-Smyth, Governor of the Bahamas, discussing a number of questions including the Reform Bill.

John Somers Somers-Cocks (1788-1852), 2nd Earl Somers, styled Viscount Eastnor between 1821 and 1841 [Sir James Carmichael-Smyth (1779-1838), Governor of the Bahamas, 1829-1838]
Publication details: 
London. 1 August 1831.

1p., 4to and 12pp., 12mo. The 4to leaf, in which the others (in three bifoliums) were wrapped, carries a black wax seal (damaged on opening) and the address 'His Excellency Major Genl Sir James Carmichael Smyth Bt. Bahama Islands.' Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Sir James'. He begins by reporting that his family is 'no longer living at the Priory, [...] but we are established, at least our home is established at leamington, where we have built & completed a pretty hunting Box.

[Victorian satire in form of mock Act of Parliament.] Cap. CCXXXVIII. An Act for the Reform and Regulation of Female Apparel and to Amend and Refrenate the Customs relating to Crinoline and other Artificial Superfluities and the Profusion thereof.

Publication details: 
'This proposed Act is Published by WILLIAM CONEY, 61, Wardour St., Oxford St., London and Sold by all Booksellers. [Session 1859]

4pp., folio. Bifolium. On worn and aged paper. Nicely printed, with royal crest at head of first page, above the words 'ANNO VICESIMO SECUNDO & VICESIMO TERTIO | VICTORIAE REGINAE.' The full title reads: 'An Act for the Reform and Regulation of Female Apparel and to Amend and Refrenate the Customs relating to Crinoline and other Artificial Superfluities and the Profusion thereof, with the Powers, Provisions, Clauses, Regulations and Directions, Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties to be observed, applied, practised and put in execution for securing the proper observance of the same.

Manuscript list, by 'J. Wheeler Pottery Branch', of properties in the Staffordshire townships of Shelton, Penkhull, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Knutton, Keele and Madeley, describing the properties, and naming owner, lessee and occupier.

J. Wheeler, 'Pottery Branch' [1830s property listings for the Staffordshire townships of Shelton, Penkhull, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Knutton, Keele and Madeley] [Josiah Wedgwood; Ralph Sneyd]
Publication details: 
Undated [1830s], on paper watermarked 'G W | 1835'.

23pp., landscape folio; on twelve leaves pinned together. Fair on lightly-aged and dogeared paper. The document is clearly official, perhaps relating to the Poor Law or Reform Bill. With numerous emendations in different hands. Each page is a printed form, divided into five columns: 'Number on Plan.', 'Description of Property', 'Owner', 'Lessee' and 'Occupier'. (The plan referred to in the first column is not present.) Properties range from 'Field (Glebe Land)' to 'Railway'; and from 'House. Barns. Stables yard & Garden' to 'Canal & towing path'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the radical Thomas Cooper to fellow-Chartist William Lovett, announcing a course of lectures and criticising the Irish Chartist Feargus O'Connor. With printed handbill advertising a course of Cooper's lectures in Holborn.

Thomas Cooper (1805-1892), Chartist and religious lecturer [William Lovett (1800-1877), radical, Secretary of the London Working Men's Association and the first Chartist Convention; Feargus O'Connor]
Publication details: 
Letter: 134 Blackfriars Road, London; 12 February 1846. Handbill: Ostell, Printer, Hart Street, Bloomsbury. 1847.

Letter: 1p., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf, the reverse of which is addressed to 'Mr. Wm. Lovett | National Hall | 242, Holborn', with postmarks in black and red ink. Cooper begins: 'Dear Lovett | Please announce, in your bill that | "Mr.

[Broadside] Public Notice [anticipating distress in Ireland, announcing 'facilities and advantages in obtaining loans under the Land Improvement Acts.'

Edward Hornsby, Secretary; [Land Improvement; Ireland; 1879]
Publication details: 
Office of Public Works, Dublin, 22 November 1879.

Broadside, two pages, folio ,fold mark, two small closed tears, mainly good. It comprises (recto) details of 'facilities and advantages in obtaining loans under the Land Improvement Acts.' And (verso) a schedule of the unions in the Counties (Donegal to Sligo) with the handwriten addition of Mallow and Kanturk. Note: The Irish National Land League was founded at the Imperial Hotel in Castlebar, the County town of Mayo, on 21 October 1879.

Autograph Letter Signed from Sir Henry A. Miers, Vice-Chancellor of Manchester University, to the educationist Thomas Lloyd Humberstone, regarding his book on 'University Reform in London'.

Sir Henry A. Miers [Sir Henry Alexander Miers] (1858-1942), Professor of Crystallography at the Victoria University of Manchester, 1915-1926 [Thomas Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957), educationist]
Publication details: 
31 May 1926; on his Manchester University letterhead.

12mo, 2 pp. Nineteen lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Thanking him for his 'excellent book on University Reform in London': 'I read it carefully when it came out and was much impressed by your clear statement of the problem and the thoughtful discussion of possible solutions'. He will now prize his own copy, as it is 'a really important contribution to a subject which has naturally interested me for the past 18 years'.

[Printed transcript of the Chartist Petition of 1839.] Supplement to the Votes and Proceedings. Veneris, 14o die Junii, 1839. Petition (national) of the thereundersigned, for universal suffrage, &c.

[Chartist Petition of 1839; Universal Suffrage]
Publication details: 
[From the Journals of the House of Commons, 1839?]
Chartist Petition of 1839

Folio, 2 pp, paginated 241 and 242. Text clear and complete. On worn and aged paper, with closed tears, and repair to the margins. Circular red stamp of the Mansion House (the official resident of the Lord Mayor of London) at head of first page. The item had been folded into a package, docketed in pencil 'A', and in pen 'H.M | No. 1', and has manuscript marking to the margins.

[Printed handbill by the National Association of Certified Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Great Britain, reproducing a 'Letter from Mr. T. B. Ll. Baker, of Hardwicke Court, Gloucester, to Mr. Wm. Garnett, President of the Association.'

[National Association of Certified Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Great Britain, William Garnett, President; Thomas Barwick Lloyd Baker; Social Science Congress; Hardwicke Reform School]
Publication details: 
[Printer and publisher not stated.] Transcript of Baker's letter dated 29 April 1884; reply by the President, Manager, and Superintendent of the Association's reply dated 30 April 1884.
National Association of Certified Reformatory and Industrial Schools

Folio, 2 pp. Printed on one side of a sheet, folded to make a bifolium, with Baker's letter on the recto of the first leaf, and the Association's statement on it, in the form of a letter to its committee (signed by the president William Garnett; manager Thomas Higgin, and superintendent Richard Gorst), on the verso of the second. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper. Baker's letter begins: 'My dear Garnett, | I have just been shewn the circular issued by the Reformatory and Refuge Union to the Managers of Certified Schools, of which you wrote to me, but I cannot understand it.

Autograph Letter Signed Herschell, Lord Chancellor, to unnamed woman, concerning the Children's Aid Society of which, as he says, he was President .

Farrer Herschell, first Baron Herschell (DNB)(1837–1899), lord chancellor.
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 46 Grosvenor Gardens, SW [London] 31 January 1896.

Three pages, 12mo, some staining, but text clear and complete. In asking your consideration of the claims of the Childrens' Aid Society a Branch of the Reformatory & Refuge Union of which I am the President, I am not seeking your help for a mere experiment but for work which has been in progress now for nearly forty years with marked success. By means of this Society large numbers of children have been rescued from criminal & vicious surroundings, from the almost certain fate of a future of dishonesty & vice, & have become honest & honourable men & women and useful members of society.

Two Autograph Letters Signed J. Chamberlain to Sir Robert Giffen, eminent Scottish statistician and economist, encapsulating his views on tariff reform and related issues at a critical time.

Joseph Chamberlain (DNB), politician and statesman
Publication details: 
[Printed headings] 40 Prince's Gardens, SW [London], 11 Aug. 1902 AND Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham, 11 Dec. 1903.
Joseph Chamberlain (DNB), politician and statesman

3 & 4pp., 12mo, very good condition. With original addressed envelope for Letter 1 (Sir Robert Giffen KCB | etc etc etc. [Chamberlains' joke?], 40 Brunswick Road ...) , with franked signature of Chamberlain. Letter One (1902): Many thanks for your notes. I agree with you in thinking that preference is chiefly valuable as promoting the Imperial sentiment of unity. | It has, however, other advantages - (1) it is a movement as far as it goes, towards free trade within the Empire. Every reduction of duty helps towards the end.

Nine prints of group photographs of inmates at the first Borstal Prison [at Borstal, near Rochester, Kent] and six of inmates at the second Borstal Prison, at Feltham in Hounslow. With two of a portrait of a prison officer. With the six negatives.

Maurice Lyndham Waller (1875-1932), Chairman of the Prison Commission 1921-1928; Prison Commissioner, 1910-1921; Feltham Young Offenders Institution; Captain W. V. Eccles, Governor of Borstal Prison]
Publication details: 
[Pre-First World War.]
Nine prints of group photographs of inmates at the first Borstal Prison

All photographic prints and negatives roughly 8.5 x 14.5 cm. Prints all black and white. The collection aged, but in good condition overall. The pictures of inmates all landscape, and the two of the officer portrait. The boys are arranged in three or four rows, with as many as forty present in one image. The images are all taken outdoors and in front of prison buildings, the windows in the Feltham images being barred, and the windows in the Borstal images plain glass.

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