Anonymous Manuscript, apparently unpublished, docketed: 'Copie of a Letter to Sr Philip Warwick [secretary to King Charles I] assisting at the Treatie at the Isle of Wight Oct: 17th 1648', written a few months before the king's trial and execution.

[Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I; Isle of Wight, 1648; English Civil War]
Publication details: 
[Seventeenth-century. Docketed date of copied document 17 October 1648.]
SKU: 9821

Folio, 3 pp. Bifolium. Printed on laid, watermarked paper. Around thirty-four lines to the page. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with loss to one corner (not affecting text). Reverse of second leaf docketed, and with thin strip from mount adhering at fold. Written in a neat seventeenth-century hand, with a number of emendations (including a deletion of three lines) suggesting that this copy was made by the anonymous author himself. An extremely significant document, composed a few months before the trial of the king, and with no evidence to suggest that it has ever been published. Begins 'Though I can say little that is newe to you, yet soe passionatly am I affected with what you are doeing, that I cannot but importune you, though but with repeated Arguments.' Continues (after the three-line deletion mentioned above) 'Wee are wondring to what End the King soe earnestly conjured all men to draw on a Treatie by their uttmost strengths and Interests; being thereby made confident that Hee would not disappoint our hopes; but would make it a certaine, and happy inducement to a succeeding Peace, (in despight of such whole Interests, and Contrivances doe heere work subtilly against it) [...]'. The author would appear to be a Royalist, claiming that 'the Inclination and Temper of the People of England, (as it is now sensibly recovering and returning,) is apt to bee soe devout and averse to Presbiterie, that Episcoacie though cut down to the Root will certainly revive, and spring upp againe, if the King and Monarchie shall bee preservd'. Ends 'All those in the 3 Kingdomes who are not resolved upon a change of Government, and to adventure to the last Extreamities, to Satisfie their more darke and ambitious Ends, will bee willing to acquiesce, or at least ashamed to rebell againe, when their uttmost Demaunds, and Pretensions, are soe satisfactorily and perfectly complied with. &c &c.' King Charles held Warwick in high regard, bequeathing to him a ring.