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[ Women against slavery; US & GB ] Facsimile Autograph Letter Signed "Elizabeth Sutherland | Hon.Sec." to unnamed male correspondent about publication of women's anti-slavery literature.

Elizabeth Sutherland [ Duchess of Sutherland ], friend of Queen Victoria, sponsor of philanthropic cause (eg anti-slavery).
Publication details: 
10 Pall Mall East, London, 8 Dec. 1852

One page, 12mo, bifolium, vestiges of glue from laying down, fold marks, good condition, text ("lithographed" is pencilled on the recto of the second leaf) clear and complete: "Ladies Committee for the Address from Women of Great Britain & Ireland to the Women of the United States on Slavery. [...] Sir | I beg to forward the enclosed papers for publication in your journal.

[Offprint; Uncle Tom's Cabin] Offprint of long review by Jane Williams of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'

Jane Williams [Jane Williams Isgafell], Welsh historian, poet and feminist..
Publication details: 
'From the Star of Gwent of 6th November, 1852.'

Offprint of long, learned and critical review by JW of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', 'From the Star of Gwent of 6th November, 1852.' 1p., folio. In three columns of small type. One autograph correction. Ascription at head: 'By Jane Williams ... Edwd. Williams'. Docketed on reverse 'Uncle Tom's Cabin | Review of by JW'. She starts off by saying that a reviewer would normally give information about the book as if the reader is unfamiliar, but "every one" is reading it.

[Early English edition, in parts, of Uncle Tom's Cabin, with introduction titled 'A Few Words to the British Reader'.] Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Great American Novel. To be completed in Six Weekly Numbers, Price One Penny each.

[Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896), American author and abolitionist; Vickers, bookseller 334 Strand, London]]
Publication details: 
London: VICKERS, 334, Strand; and all Booksellers. The first number dated 'SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1852.

Author not named. The six parts totalling 96pp., 4to. Unbound and stitched together. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper with occasional minor loss. Page 1 carries 'A Few Words to the British Reader', beginning: 'UNCLE TOM'S CABIN is not only the most thrilling Novel ever written in America, but the most interesting and startling work of the age.

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