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Manuscript minutes and resolutions, taken by Richard Pryce, of a meeting held in 1833 at the Red Lion public house, Aston, Bampton, Oxfordshire, to oppose the enclosure of common land in the parish; with copies of letters to Charles Leake and others.

Rev. Richard Pryce, minister of Cote Chapel [Caroline Ann Horde; Charles Leake, Witney solicitor; Aston; Bampton; Oxfordshire; Rev. Barrow; Rev. Dr Winstanley; enclosures of common land]
Publication details: 
Dated from the Red Lion public house, Aston, Bampton, Oxfordshire, 12 and 16 November 1833.

Folio, 7 pp. Stitched into orginal brown wraps. In good condition, lightly dogeared and aged. On Britannia laid paper watermarked 'WE | 1833'. The minutes of the first meeting, and the copies of the two letters, are all signed by Pryce as chairman. The four pages of the minutes of the first meeting are headed 'Red Lion Aston Bampton Oxon. Novr 12th 1833'.

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