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[ Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Dodd') from the manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, to 'Mr J Gulliver', requesting payment for a subscription in order to 'save the expences of sending a man

Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse [ Henry Dodd, Manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham; National Fine Art Association, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, of Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. 17 December 1880.

1p., 4to. On pink paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and creased. With Dodd's personal oval stamp in purple ink. Reads: 'Mr J Gulliver | Sir | Will you kindly forward to me at the above the subscription on Bible you had of us in September | In so doing you will save the expences of sending a man'

[Christie, Manson & Woods auction catalogue.] Catalogue of the Highly Important Collection of Modern Pictures, from the Aston Rowant Gallery, Nearly all of which were obtained direct from the Painters'.

[The Aston Rowant Gallery, Oxfordshire; Thomas Taylor (1808-1892), cotton manufacturer and Mayor of Wigan; Christie, Manson & Woods, London auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, at their Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, On Saturday, April 28, 1883. [London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.]

20pp., 8vo. In lilac wraps, printed in black. Disbound from a collection of pamphlets, and with library stitching on spine. Aged and worn, with stamp of the Free Public Library, Wigan, to damaged front cover. (The collection had been amassed by the cotton manufacturer Thomas Taylor, Mayor of Wigan, 1854-55, and was housed in his country house at Aston Rowant.) Around half the 94 lots priced in guineas and pounds in red ink. Includes work by John Linnell, J. W. Waterhouse, Luke Fildes, Marcus Stone, W. P. Frith and G. F. Watts.

[Deed; terrier] a Terrier of copyhold land, Kingway Field, in Coat [Cote] & Aston, Bampton, Oxfordshire

[Coat [or Cote] & Aston, Bampton, Oxfordshire; Edward Moulden; Adwin Williams]
Publication details: 
C17th [Seventeenth Century

Vellum document, c.50cms long, 18cm wide. folded, aged but legible and complete. Description present: "A terrier of copyhold lands formerly in the occupation of Edward Moulden & then in the tenure of Adwin Williams." Towards the end of the document, "Writte By Richard Williams". One Google snippet says that an Edward Moulden was an ironmonger from Witney.

Manuscript minutes and resolutions, taken by Richard Pryce, of a meeting held in 1833 at the Red Lion public house, Aston, Bampton, Oxfordshire, to oppose the enclosure of common land in the parish; with copies of letters to Charles Leake and others.

Rev. Richard Pryce, minister of Cote Chapel [Caroline Ann Horde; Charles Leake, Witney solicitor; Aston; Bampton; Oxfordshire; Rev. Barrow; Rev. Dr Winstanley; enclosures of common land]
Publication details: 
Dated from the Red Lion public house, Aston, Bampton, Oxfordshire, 12 and 16 November 1833.

Folio, 7 pp. Stitched into orginal brown wraps. In good condition, lightly dogeared and aged. On Britannia laid paper watermarked 'WE | 1833'. The minutes of the first meeting, and the copies of the two letters, are all signed by Pryce as chairman. The four pages of the minutes of the first meeting are headed 'Red Lion Aston Bampton Oxon. Novr 12th 1833'.

Offprint of paper by Ellis and Aston entitled 'The Absolute Intensities and Internal Conversion Coefficients of the [gamma]-Rays of Radium B and Radium C.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; G. H. Aston
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.129, 1930, pp.180-207. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2.

8vo: 28 pp. Four figures and two tables. Lightly aged, but good. In original green printed wraps. Two punch holes in inner margin. 'With the compliments of the authors' by Aston on front wrap. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Offprint of paper by Ellis and Aston entitled 'The Dependance of the Photographic Action of [beta]-Rays on their Velocity'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; G. H. Aston
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, vol.119, 1928, pp.645-650. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, St. Martin's Lane.

8vo: 6 pp. In green printed wraps. Lightly aged, but good. Two punch holes in inner margin. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary to the Post Office.

Rev. R. H. Whitelock [Whitelocke] of Manchester [Sir Francis Freeling; Lavinia Robinson; Suicide]
Publication details: 
[March 1814; Manchester.]

Two pages, quarto. On slightly stained, aged paper, with a few closed tears and some wear to extremities. Black wax seal adhering to second leaf of bifolium. Docketed 'March 1814 | Manchester | Revd. R. H. Whitelocke', but the signature appears to read 'Whitelock'.

Letter in secretarial hand signed by Webb ('Aston Webb') to Alice Bertha, Lady Gomme (1852-1938).

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), English architect, best-known for Admiralty Arch, the Victoria Memorial and his work on Buckingham Palace
Publication details: 
1 March 1912; on letterhead '19, QUEEN ANNE'S GATE | WESTMINSTER | LONDON, S.W.'

One page, octavo. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. 'Pray use me as you think fit on Monday March 4th. & I will do what I can | Perhaps you would not mind telling me if it is to be in reply to a toast & if so what & also whether decorations are worn. I imagine it is more or less of a private dinner & therefore they will not be'.

Ten Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Maurice Everett Webb [Sir Aston Webb; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1924 to 1927; on letterheads of Sir Aston Webb & Son, '19, QUEEN ANNE'S GATE, | WESTMINSTER, | LONDON, S.W.1.'

Architect (1880-1939), son of Sir Aston Webb, designer of Admiralty Arch, the Victoria Memorial, etc. All ten items very good. Five docketed and six bearing R.S.A. stamp. All ten signed 'Maurice E. Webb'. An interesting and important correspondence, mainly concerning the renovation of the R.S.A.'s Adelphi building.

Three Autograph Letters Signed and two Typed Letters Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (named one letter) and G. K. Menzies (one letter), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Aston Webb
Publication details: 
1917 to 1919; on letterheads '19, QUEEN ANNES GATE, | WESTMINSTER, | LONDON, S.W.'

British architect (1849-1930), noted for his work on Buckingham Palace, Admiralty Arch, the Victoria & Albert Museum, etc. All five items very good, though dusty. Two docketed and all five bearing R.S.A. stamp. ITEM ONE (one page, quarto, 5 January 1917): 'I have had the possibility of a paper on Charing Cross Bridge before me since you mentioned it. The matter is coming up in Parliament next Session & I think it would be extremely difficult for me to read such a paper just as a Parliamentary discussion or Committee is coming on. I feel sure you will see my position in the matter.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Frederick Ponsonby.

Sir Aston Webb
Publication details: 
17 April 1919 ('3 o'clock P.M'); on letterhead of the Royal Academy of Arts.

English architect (1849-1930), designer of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Admiralty Arch and the new front of Buckingham Palace; President of the Royal Academy, 1919-24. The recipient (1867-1935) was a courtier, Private Secretary to Queen Victoria. One page, quarto. Good, though grubby and creased, and with one small grease stain in bottom right-hand corner (not affecting text). 'The arrangement of the Summer Exhibition of the Royal Academy will be completed and the Galleries ready for the Royal Private View on Thursday the 1st.

Autograph Note Signed to M[arion]. H[arry]. Spielman[n].

Sir Aston Webb
Publication details: 
9 December 1903; on letterhead 19 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, London, S.W.

English architect (1849-1930), responsible for many notable London buildings, including the Victoria and Albert Museum. The recipient Spielmann (1858-1948) was an art historian. One page, 12mo. Grubby, and with pin holes in top left-hand corner, as well as small closed tear at foot of leaf (not affecting text). Reads 'I regret that having to be in Manchester on Friday next I shall be unable to attend the art Committee of the St. Louis Exhibition'. Signed 'Aston Webb'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Messrs Macmillan & Co.

Rev. F. J. Brown, Curate of SS Philip and James, Oxford
Publication details: 
26 January 1918; Rectory, Steeple Aston, Oxford.

1 page, 8vo. Paper discoloured with age, with minor creasing and small closed tears, but in good condition overall. Stamped ('G. A. M.' and '28 JAN 1918') in purple ink and numbered ('352') in red pencil. Tight neat handwriting. He has been moved to write by a passage in Walter Jerrold's 'Highways and Byways in Middlesex', relating to the railings at New College, Oxford. He asks if his letter and that of 'a New College Friend who was in residence about 1887' (the latter not present) might be forwarded to Jerrold.

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