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Letter Signed "James C. Pilling", to E.S. Cox, State Geologist, Indianapolis, Ind.

James C. Pilling, Ethnologist (here Chief Clerk of the Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian]
Publication details: 
Washington, DC, 19 July 1880.

One page, 4to, body of letter secretarial, fold marks, fair condition, complete and legible: Our Library is minus the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th annual report of teh geological survey of your State, nor have we anything later than the 10th. I am directed by Maj. Powell [Director] to ask if you can furnish us with the same, & to say that we should be glad to send you any of the publications of this Office that you have not already received."

Autograph Signature.

Paul Belloni Du Chaillu
Publication details: 
26 June 1901; on letterhead of the Auguste Victoria (Hamburg-Amerika Linie).

French-born American traveller in the interior of West Africa (1831-1903). On piece of paper roughly 4 1/2 inches by 7 inches. In good condition although somewhat grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours very truly | Paul Du Chaillu | June 26th 1901'. Letterhead, with vignette in gold, gray and blue, reading 'Au Bord | des Schnelldampfers "AUGUSTE VICTORIA" | den ........ 19 | Hamburg-Amerika Linie'.

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