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Two manuscript menus, in the hand of Richard Twining the elder, and annotated by him, the first for 'the Dinner at Mr Gogle's at Frankfort in 1781'; and the second for 'Dinner [Desert] at Monsr. Roquette's Augt 1: 88'. With autograph note by his son.

Richard Twining (1749-1824), tea and coffee merchant; his son Richard Twining (1772-1857) [eighteenth-century gastronomy; culinary; menus]
Publication details: 
Menus: 1781 and 1788. Note by Richard Twining the younger, 1850s.

Unusual items, providing a first-hand glimpse into eighteenth-century European gastronomy, by one whose business was intimately connected with it. Texts of both items clear and complete. Both on aged, creased and worn paper. Item One: On one side of a piece of laid paper, 17 x 21 cm. Central vertical fold to make two sections, each with a square drawn in the centre, surrounded by names of foods.

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