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[ W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre manager and historian. ] Typescript of an unpublished account of the work of British millers and bakers during the war: 'No Medals for This (The Story of Bread in the Blitz)'. With two related Typed Letters Signed

W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian [ Sydney Walton, publicist ]
Publication details: 
[ London, 1941. ]

148pp., 4to. Bound with pink ribbon into grey card wraps with typed label on cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and aged binding. Pencil note on title page states '40000 words'. An interesting piece of social history during wartime. In a foreword Macqueen-Pope thanks a number of individuals for their assistance, adding that 'the leading characters in this real life story must perforce remain anonymous'.

[Culinary ephemera from Victorian Banbury cake shops.] Six items [printed by Cheney & Sons], including two advertisements for wedding cake boxes by Henry Stone & Son, calling card and letterhead of E. W. Brown's 'Original Cake Shop' ('A.D. 1638').

[Henry Stone & Son, box manufacturers, Banbury; Samuel Betts, cake shop, 70 High St, Banbury; E. W. Brown, cake shop 12 Parson's St, Banbury; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers]
Publication details: 
[Henry Stone & Son, wholesale stationers and box manufacturers, Banbury; E. W. Brown; Samuel Betts; Cheney & Sons, printers, Banbury, Oxfordshire.] Undated [1880s].

The six items in very good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 'Trade List' by 'Henry Stone & Son, Wholesale Stationers and Box Manufacturers, Banbury', for 'Wedding Cake Boxes'. Printed in green on one side of a piece of 25 x 18.5 cm cream paper. At head are engravings for 'No. 21, with Tabs' and 'Nos. 27 and 28, Orange Blossom Design'. Numbers, names, dimensions and prices are given for six 'White Satin Watered Paper, with Lace Flies', and two 'Special New Design | Orange Blossoms on a Silver Ground'.

[Culinary ephemera from Victorian Banbury.] Handbill advertisement by H. A. O. Grimbly ('Sole Vendor'), for '"The Banbury" Concentrated Calves' Feet Jelly' ('Delicious and Economical as well as very Nutritious.')

[H. A. O. Grimbly, 17, High Street, Banbury; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury, Oxfordshire; cookery; cooking]
Publication details: 
H. A. O. Grimbly, 17, High Street, Banbury. 'Cheney and Sons, Printers, Banbury.' Undated [1880s].

Printed in blue on one side of a piece of 26 x 20.5 cm yellow paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A tasteful production, in a variety of fonts and point sizes, with decorative border and small vignette of two birds. Twelve flavours are listed, including Maraschino and Noyeau, and note: 'These Jellies are packed in hermetically sealed boxes, sufficient in each box to make one pint of Jelly. They can be made in a few minutes, and no straining or boiling required. | DIRECTIONS GIVEN WITH EACH BOX. | Delicious and Economical, as well as very Nutritious. | Accept no substitute.

Menu card for 'Dinner at the White Horse Hotel, June 16th. 1896' by the 'Banbury Bowling Green Club (The Chestnuts)', attractively printed in colours by Cheney & Sons, Banbury.

[H. Busby, Proprietor, Banbury Bowling Green Club (The Chestnuts); Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury]
Publication details: 
Banbury Bowling Green Club (The Chestnuts). 'Cheney, Banbury' [Cheney & Sons, printers] 1896.

11 x 7.5 cm. bifolium, with outer covers on shiny paper and inside matte. The cover printed in brown ink in fancy type within an attractive decorative border of gold and light-green. In very good condition. Cover reads: 'Banbury | Bowling Green Club | (The Chestnuts). | Dinner | at the | White Horse Hotel, | June 16th. 1896. | H. Busby, | Proprietor.' With 'Cheney, Banbury' in small type in bottom left-hand corner. Inside, the five-course menu commences with a choice of 'SALMON. CUCUMBER.' or 'FRIED SOLES.

Autograph Note Signed ('E. Leslie -') by the American author of popular cookbooks and works of etiquette Eliza Leslie [Miss Leslie].

Eliza Leslie [Miss Leslie] (1787-1858), American author of popular cookbooks, and of works on etiquette
Publication details: 
No place. 14 October 183<4?>.

1p., 4to. On aged paper, in two pieces, lightly-attached to a piece of backing paper. The text of the note and the signature are intact on the upper part of the letter, but the name of the recipient is lacking. The note reads '- May I ask you to advance me fifty dollars on account of the souvenir - Being disappointed in receiving some money that I expected from Boston, I am just now quite at a loss. | Yours | [signed] E. Leslie -'. Leslie's story 'The Souvenir' was first published in 1830 in 'The Pearl', and republished in 1832 in 'Affection's Gift'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American cook Juliet Corson to 'Miss Booth' [Mary Louise Booth, editor of Harper's Bazaar], discussing the arrangements for the writing of a book ['Every-Day Cookery, Table Talk, and Hints for the Laundry', 1884].

Juliet Corson (1841-1897), American writer of cookery books, Superintendent of the New York Cooking School (founded by her in 1874) [Mary Louise Booth (1831-1889), first editor of Harper's Bazaar]
Publication details: 
Continental Hotel, New York; 6 September 1883.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on aged paper, neatly placed in a thin windowpane mount. After acknowledging receipt of $90, Corson announces that the previous week she 'had a letter from the House accepting my book.' She has received no answer to her letter asking for 'some information', and asks Booth to 'be my mediator again'.

Two manuscript menus, in the hand of Richard Twining the elder, and annotated by him, the first for 'the Dinner at Mr Gogle's at Frankfort in 1781'; and the second for 'Dinner [Desert] at Monsr. Roquette's Augt 1: 88'. With autograph note by his son.

Richard Twining (1749-1824), tea and coffee merchant; his son Richard Twining (1772-1857) [eighteenth-century gastronomy; culinary; menus]
Publication details: 
Menus: 1781 and 1788. Note by Richard Twining the younger, 1850s.

Unusual items, providing a first-hand glimpse into eighteenth-century European gastronomy, by one whose business was intimately connected with it. Texts of both items clear and complete. Both on aged, creased and worn paper. Item One: On one side of a piece of laid paper, 17 x 21 cm. Central vertical fold to make two sections, each with a square drawn in the centre, surrounded by names of foods.

Menu for a dinner of the Worshipful Company of Stationers at Brusnwick Hotel, Blackwall. With ornate doily cut border.

The Worshipful Company of Stationers [Stationers' Company; paper doily]
Publication details: 
London: 18 July 1855.

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 23.5 x 19 cm. A delicate and scarce piece of ephemera, in a remarkably good state of repair. Possibly a proof, as a thin blank strip along one of the vertical edges, intended to be detached and discarded, still adheres. The menu itself is crisply printed in the centre, covering a space roughly 17 x 13.5 cm.

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