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Printed Bill of Exchange with manuscript insertions.

Thomas & Matthew Pickford; Sir Richard Carr Glyn & Co; John Hickling [Manchester; banking history]
Publication details: 
22 April 1814; 'Messs. Pickford | Wood Street' ['Manchester [...] London'].

Pickford's are the world's oldest removal company, founded in Manchester in 1630. Hickling is presumably the Methodist preacher (1765-1858) who was active in the north of England. Dimensions of paper roughly nine inches by three and a half. Good only: paper discoloured and lightly creased. Two small punch holes. Small engraving of banking premises with negligible loss due to punch hole. Order 'No. [868] £[147..8..4] Manchester [April 22d..1814] | [Two Months] after date pay to the order of [Mr. Jno.. Hickling]'. Signed (presumably by one of the brothers) 'Thomas & Mattw. Pickford'.

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