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[Female and child factory labour; printed item.] Mr. Mundella's Bill for Limiting the Hours of Labour in Factories. Observations of the Employers upon the Speech of Mr. Mundella, M.P., made In the House of Commons, On Wednesday, the 11th June, 1873.

[Association of Factory Occupiers in the four Counties of Lancaster, York, Chester and Derby; Richard Haworth; Joseph Simpson; Henry Whitworth; Anthony John Mundella; John Heywood, Manchester printer]
Publication details: 
['John Heywood, Excelsior Printing Works, Hulme Hall Road, Manchester.'] [Dated on p.27: '96, KING STREET, MANCHESTER, | 24th July, 1873.'

32pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound and side-stitched. Mundella's 'Statements' given in a left-hand column, and the 'Replies' of the employers in a right-hand column. Ends, p.27: 'On behalf of the Association of Factory Occupiers in the four Counties of Lancaster, York, Chester and Derby. | RICHARD HAWORTH, Chairman. | JOSEPH SIMPSON, Treasurer. | HENRY WHITWORTH, Secretary. | 96, KING STREET, MANCHESTER, | 24th July, 1873.' Appendix, pp.30-32, of tabulated statistics.

[Female and child factory labour; printed pamphlet.] Mr. Mundella's Bill for Limiting the Hours of Labour in Factories. Observations of the Employers upon the Report to the Local Government Board by J. H. Bridges, M.D., and T. Holmes, [...]

[Association of Employers of Factory Labour in the four Counties of Lancaster, York, Chester, and Derby; Richard Haworth; J. Simpson; J. H. Bridges; H. Whitworth; T. Holmes; Anthony John Mundella]
Publication details: 
['John Heywood, Excelsior Printing Works, Hulme Hall Road, Manchester.'] Dated on p.45: '69, KING STREET, MANCHESTER, | 7th June, 1873.'

The full title reads: 'Mr. Mundella's Bill for Limiting the Hours of Labour in Factories. Observations of the Employers upon the Report to the Local Government Board by J. H. Bridges, M.D., and T. Holmes, on the Health of Women, Children, and Young Persons engaged in Textile Manufactures, with Special Reference to the Hours and Ages of Employment.' 45pp., 8vo. Disbound, with the signatures separated, otherwise in fair condition, lightly-aged, no wraps.

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