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[National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, London.] Typed Letter Signed ('<Elie?> Stopford | Secretary') to Anglo-Irish poet Sylvia Lynd, describing a vacancy 'for a Press Writer, i.e. someone to conduct Suffrage and Anti-suffrage controversy'.

[National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, London (<Elie?> Stopford, Secretary, a relation of Irish writer Alice Stopford Green (1847-1929)?]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, Westminster, London. 4 June 1917.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper. The first name of the signature is difficult to decipher. She writes that she met Lynd 'some time ago at Mrs. Green's', and that she remembered her name 'when Mrs. Heseltine suggested it in connection with a vacancy which we have at present time at this office. | The vacancy is for a Press Writer, i.e.

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