J. W. Good [ James Winder Good ] (1877-1930), Irish journalist (Assistant Editor, Irish Statesman; Leader writer, Irish Independent; Irish Correspondent, New Statesman)
See his obituary in The Times, 5 May 1930. 90 ALsS and one ACS to RL and SL. Totalling 192pp., 4to; 17pp., 8vo; 223pp., 12mo. Two signed 'Seumas', the others signed 'James W. Good' or 'J. W. G.' Mainly from 24 Herbert Place, Dublin, but also from 35 Waterloo Rd, Dublin, and other addresses, and on letterheads of The Freeman's Journal; The Northern Whig Office, Belfast; The Republic, Belfast;Uladh. The letters to the separate recipients as follows. To RL: 44 ALsS; 30 between 1908 and 1928; the other 14 undated. Totalling 63pp., 4to; 17pp., 8vo; 121pp., 12mo.