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[Manuscript] Document Signed "Cte Dejean", "Amendement presente par le Comte Dejean".

Publication details: 
No place, c.1815.

Three pages, 4to, fragile and damaged with small loss of text. According to staff at the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, the signature is Dejean's but the body of the document is in another hand. Dejean lists the principles of the new "Chambre des Pairs" (House of Peers or Lords French-style). " Les membres de la chambre des Pairs sont hereditaire." Their "dignite" is transferable from male to male.They are named by the King based on a list proivided by the electoral colleges who name the "deputes".

Document Signed. In French.

Bide de la Grandville, French military commander
Publication details: 
Lille, 8 Dec. 1733

One page 8vo, some defects, but text clear and complete, body of letter in secretarial hand. De la Grandville asks the magistrates of the town o Lille to provide 140 "fournitures des lits, et de les faire places a la Citadelle pour cazerner les miliciens engage pour l'armee d'Italie, etant necessaire de separer des bataillons qui sont en garrison dans la ville . . ."

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