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[ John Fonblanque, author and whig politician. ] Autograph Memorandum, signed 'John: Fonblanque', regarding 'distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'.

John Fonblanque [ John Anthony de Grenier Fonblanque ] (1759-1837), English author, whig politician and barrister
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 7 March 1830.

2pp., 12mo. 55 lines of closely-written text, with a few minor emendations. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with 'John Fonblanque' in another hand at foot of first page. The document begins: 'I have been considering whether the Distinction that we notices this morning in the Description of the Heir sometimes as Lord & sometimes not may not fornish another Criticism for distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'. He proceeds to argue the point learnedly.

[ The Baron de Breteuil, as Minister of the King's Household. ] Order from King Louis XVI, in the hand of a secretary, signed 'Le Bon. de Breteüil'.

[ Louis Charles Auguste le Tonnelier, Baron de Breteuil, Baron de Preuilly ] (1730-1807), last Prime MInister of France before the Revolution
Publication details: 
Versailles. 10 September 1786.

1p., folio. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He is sending 'de nouveaux ordres du Roy pour retenir à Bicêtre le Ne. Esprit Prosper', and refers to a 'Pension de Deux cent livres qui serez payee par son pere'.

[ 'Andre Massena, Baron de Camin', anti-Catholic rabble-rouser. ] Printed anti-Catholic handbill headed 'Popish Malice. | To the Protestant Inhabitants of York and its Vicinities.' With Autograph Notes by Massena and 'W Haty' of Sunderland.

'Andre Massena, Baron de Camin', anti-Catholic rabble-rouser in Britain [ anti-Irish sentiment in Victorian Britain ]
Publication details: 
The handbill printed by 'Geo. Hesk, Printer, "Standard Office," 29, Scale Lane, Hull.' Haty's note dated 7 April 1860.

Theodore Hoppen, in his 'The Mid-Victorian Generation', refers to a 'growing band of anti-Catholic lecturers who toured Britain in the 1850s and 1860s', adding that most 'were rogues like the former Dominican, Giacinto Achilli, and the soi-disant Baron de Camin. Almost all depended financially upon admission fees. Their lurid handbills advertised travesties of the mass, "the secrets of the confessional", and "wafer Gods" to be "sold at 1d. each at the doors".' See also Paul Colman Mulkern, 'Irish immigrants and public disorder in mid-Victorian Britain, 1830-80'.

[ Alfred de Vigny, French romantic poet. ] Autograph Signature, with note to fellow-author Eugène Guinot.

Alfred de Vigny [ Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny ] (1797-1863), French romantic poet [ Eugène Guinot (1812-1861), French author ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of an 8 x 13 cm piece of paper. In good condition, with light signs of age, and central horizontal fold. Firm, bold signature, 8 cm long, with underlining flourish. Beneath the signature, in a small hand, is the message: 'M Guinot | M: Vigny vous adresse son nom pour vous remercier il ne connait pas votre adresse'. Addressed on reverse, 'à M. Eug. Guinot'.

[ Élisabeth de Mac Mahon, wife of the French president Patrice de MacMahon, Duke of Magenta. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Male. de Mac Mahon'), in English, to the artist and women's activist Barbara Bodichon, regarding meetings in Algeria.

Élisabeth de Mac Mahon [ née Castries ] (1834-1900), La Maréchale de Mac Mahon [ MacMahon ], Duchesse de Magenta, wife of French President Patrice de Mac Mahon (1808-1879) [ Barbara Bodichon ]
Publication details: 
One dated 'Alger the 16th March' and the other 'Alger Sunday' [ Algiers. Between 1864 and 1870? ]

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Accompanied by an envelope, with broken red wax seal, addressed by the Maréchale to 'Madame Bodichon | Mustapha Supérieur | Chemin de la Colonne Voirol | à El Biar'. (In 1857 Bodichon had married the French physician, ethnographer, and scholar Eugène Bodichon (1810-1885), and thereafter divided her time between Algeria and England.) General MacMahon was Governor General of Algeria between 1864 and 1870. ONE: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 'Alger Sunday'.

[ Ulick John de Burgh, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Clanricarde') [to W. de Boinville]

Ulick John de Burgh (1802-1874), 1st Marquess of Clanricarde [ Lord Dunkellin; the Earl of Clanricarde ], Irish Whig politician [ W. de Boinville ]
Publication details: 
Portumna [ Ireland ]. 14 January [1850s].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He thanks de Boinville and his family for their 'kind wishes & feelings': 'I have thank God, quite recovered from my accident'. He is sorry that de Boinville and his wife 'have been suffering', and hopes to see them on his return to London. One of a batch of letters addressed to de Boinville in the 1850s.

[ 'The Chevalier Sir Frederick Bowman, K.C.E.' ] 'Shakespeare Souvenir' pin badge, depicting Bowman as the Bard of Avon, attached to a Typed Letter Signed ('Frederick H.-U. Bowman') to Barry Duncan, regarding the actress Edith Loraine and her career.

Frederick Bowman [ Frederick H. U. Bowman; The Chevalier Sir Frederick Bowman K.C.E. ] (1893-1969), Liverpool music hall actor, eccentric and author [ William Shakespeare; Count Potocki de Montalk ]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of 'The Chevalier Sir Frederick Bowman K.C.E.', Humanimal House, Sandown Lane, Liverpool, with date stamp 1 June 1964. Pin badge undated, but contemporaneous.

Letter: 1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly creased and aged. With a few autograph emendations. In a characteristically eccentric letter he writes that their common friend Jimmy Linton has told Bowman that Duncan 'may be able to give me some particulars and perhaps a photo of Edith LORAINE who played Godiva in F. B. Woulfe's Company, presenting the famous historical play by Max Goldberg, (John F. Preston.) He refers to Mabelle F. Barlow, Lady Astor and his own play 'Divorce or Dishonour'. As a boy he was greatly impressed by Loraine's performance, and it 'started my interest in Coventry.

[ Jules Ladoumègue, cyclist ] Autograph signature, "J. Ladoumègue", on piece of paper tipped on to detached album leaf.

Jules Ladoumègue, cyclist.
Publication details: 
No place or date

Signature on piece of paper, 8 x 5.5cm, tipped onto to a detached album leaf, 17 x 11cm, good condition. Album leaf headed "The Holder of All the World's Cycle Records".

[ Antonin Magne, cyclist ] Autograph signature, "Ant Magne", on piece of paper tipped on to detached album leaf.

Antonin Magne, cyclist, Tour de France winner in 1931 and 1934.
Publication details: 

Signature on piece of paper, 9.5 x 6.5cm, tipped onto to a detached album leaf, 17 x 11cm,good condition. Album leaf incorrectly headed "Winner of the Tour de France - 1932 [for 1931]".

[ Rudolph de Cordova and Alicia Ramsay, playwrights and actors. ] Typescripts of three plays: 'The Earthquake', 'The Hand of Vengeance' and 'A Game of Nap' (the last by de Cordova alone), and of a short stoy by de Cordova, 'The Man in Mourning'.

Rudolph de Cordova (1860-1941), Jamaican-born British writer, screenwriter of the silent era and actor, married to Alicia Ramsey [ born Alice Joanna Royston ] (1864-1933)
Publication details: 
'The Earthquake' performed at the Hippodrome, London, around 1914. 'The Man in Mourning' published in the Green Book Magazine, February 1916.

De Cordova was a voluminous author (see his entry in Who Was Who). Several of the couple's works were adapted for the cinema during the silent era. Of the four items present here, 'The Man in Mourning' was published in the Green Book Magazine, February 1916, and de Cordova's entry in Who's Who 1914 lists 'The Earthquake' among 'seven sensational dramas for the London Hippodrome'. No record has been found of the other two pieces. Four duplicated typescripts. In fair condition, with some wear and aging. ONE: '"The Earthquake" A Dramatic Sketch by Alicia Ramsey and Rudolph de Cordova'. A play.

[ Charles Forbes René de Montalembert, Comte de Montalembert. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'le Cte de Montalembert'), in French, to an unnamed recipient

Charles Forbes René de Montalembert (1810-1870), Comte de Montalembert [ Abraham Hayward; John Wilson Croker ]
Publication details: 
Paris. 26 April and 25 May 1856.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: He thanks him for offering to translate his book ('The Political Future of England'), but considers his knowledge of English law too shaky to permit him to give any encouragement. He suggests that the recipient come to an arrangement with 'Mr. Abraham Hayward, Queen's Counsel, 1 King's Bench Walk, Temple', who is acting for de Montalembert in the matter.

[ Guillaume Lejean, French ethnographer and African explorer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Lejean') to unnamed correspondent, regarding his writing for various publications, and a spat in Le Pays between Lamartine and the Vicomte de La Guéronnière.

Guillaume Lejean (1828-1871), French ethnographer and African explorer. [ Alphonse de Lamartine; Louis Étienne Arthur Dubreuil, Vicomte de La Guéronnière (1816-1875) ]
Publication details: 
Orléans. 23 July 1851.

2pp., 8vo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. 52 lines of text, written in a close and difficult hand. He begins by explaining his silence 'depuis deux grands mois'. He refers to 'notre ennuyeux papier, comme Guilmer continue à appeler les journaux', and states that he has been doing 'un peu de redaction dans le Pays, soit la Revue de la Presse, soit les comptes rendus des Académies'. He begins by explaining his silence 'depuis deux grands mois'.

[ Hélène Kirsova, Danish ballerina. ] Autograph Signature on photograph.

Hélène Kirsova (1910-1962), Danish ballerina and choreographer, founder-member of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo
Publication details: 
Dated by Kirsova to 1936.

Black and white photograph of Kirsova in costume and dance pose, cut from a magazine. 13 x 9.5 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Good firm signature across bottom left of image, reading: 'Hélène Kirsova | 1936'.

[ Michel Panaieff, Russian ballet dancer. ] Autograph Signature ('Mischa Paniaieff') on photograph.

Michel Panaieff (1913-1982), Russian dancer with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, and teacher of ballet in America
Publication details: 
On photograph cut from programme for 'the ALHAMBRA Co., Ltd.' [ Blackpool, Lancashire ] Dated by Panaieff to 1936.

Black and white photograph of Panaieff in costume and dance pose, cut from a magazine. 15 x 10 cm, with border. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Good firm flourishing signature across the image, reading: 'Mischa Paniaieff | Lancks [sic] | 1936'.

[ Lawrence of Arabia and Eric Kennington. ] Typed Letter Signed from Lionel Curtis to R. R. Francis, a circular regarding Kennington's 'ghost portrait' of Lawrence, with TLS from John Johnson to Francis, regarding the collotype print of it.

Lionel Curtis [ Lionel George Curtis ] (1872-1955), writer; John Johnson [ John de Monins Johnson ] (1882-1956), Printer to University of Oxford [ T. E. Lawrence; Lawrence of Arabia; Eric Kennington ]
Publication details: 
Curtis's letter from Hales Croft, Kidlington, Oxford. 20 November 1935. Johnson's letter on letterhead of the University Press, Oxford. 15 July 1936.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: TLS from Curtis to Francis. 1p., folio. Signed 'L. Curtis'. A circular letter, with signature, date and name of recipient added. Curtis begins the letter: 'I am writing to ask whether you would care to acquire a replica of a portrait of Lawrence which has now come to be known as "the ghost portrait." Its history is as follows: In 1923 Eric Kennington made a portrait in pastel of Lawrence, who was then a fellow in residence at All Souls.

[ The Peninsular War. ] Manuscript Letter, in a secretarial hand, signed by J. L. Mallet of the Audit Office, to Charles Stuart, British envoy to Portugal, regarding £277,450 spent by him on supplies for Wellington's army.

John Lewis Mallet (1775-1861), Secretary of the Audit Office, Somerset Place, London [ Charles Stuart (1779-1845), 1st Baron Stuart de Rothesay; the Peninsular War ]
Publication details: 
Audit Office Somerset Place [ London ]. 29 January 1812.

2pp., folio. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. He is directed to 'make up and transmit to this Office an account Current of the receipt & application of the [...] Sum of £277,450, duly attested upon oath & accompanied by the necessary vouchers & authorities in support thereof'. The money is made up of 'various bills of Exchange drawn by you upon their Lordships on 4th. Novr: 1810 payable to M. T. Sempayo [Sampayo]'.

[ John Justin, English actor. ] Autograph Note Signed to the daughter of a cameraman at Twickenham Film Studios, given during the shooting of 'The Thief of Baghdad'.

John Justin [ John Justinian de Ledesma ] (1917-2002), English stage and cinema actor, of Argentine descent
Publication details: 
No place [ Twickenham Film Studios ]. 'June - ? 1939.'

Good firm inscription on 18 x 16 cm leaf removed from an album. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'To Ann, oh Ann | whose father was a cameraman. | Best Wishes | John Justin.' Docketed at foot: '"Thief of Baghdad" June - ? 1939.'

[ Henri Rochefort, French politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('henri Rochefort'), in French, to a 'Bien Cher Confrere', with reference to his future son-in-law Frédéric Dufaux. With copy of J. Mercier's satirical journal 'La Laterne d'Arlequin'.

Henri Rochefort [ Victor Henri Rochefort, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay ] (1831-1913), French politician and polemicist [ Frédéric Dufaux (1852-1943), Swiss sculptor; Jerome Mercier, editor ]
Publication details: 
The letter without place or date. 'La Lanterne d'Arlequin': Imprimerie Ernest Mazereau, Tours. 24 October 1886.

Rochefort's letter: 1p., 12mo. Thirteen lines of text. In fair condition, aged and worn. Following an 'aimable visite' he thanks him for 'le plus charmant article', with reference to 'Mr. Dufaux' (Rochefort's future son-in-law) and 'son tableau ' and 'son buste'. After more graceful thanks and a request he ends, 'Mille poignés de main avec la moitié pour Neville'. The copy of 'La Laterne d'Arlequin' (not to be confused with Rochefort's 'La Lanterne') is 16pp., 12mo, in its original orange printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Victorian Fleet Street. ] Manuscript Letter Signed ('C. A<lcock?>') to 'Mr. Clarke', discussing in detail the setting up of a newspaper, with 'promised contributions' by 'Baron Reuter', and funding by 'Capitalists' Duddell and Davies.

[ Paul Julius de Reuter (1816-1899), Baron de Reuter, news agency founder [ George Duddell (1821-1887); Henry Daniel Davies of Spring Grove House, Isleworth; Charles William Alcock; Fleet Street ]
Publication details: 
10 Hohenzollern Strasse W., Berlin [ Prussia ]. 16 July 1874.

6pp., 12mo. Bifolium and single leaf. On aged and worn paper, with 4 cm closed tear to all three leaves. A highly interesting letter, illuminating Victorian Fleet Street and City of London practices. The author's signature is frustratingly illegible, but may well be that of sports journalist Charles William Alcock (1842-1907). The recipient is possibly James Clarke (d.1888), editor of The Christian World. The author opens the letter with the 'conclusions' he has arrived at regarding the 'various schemes' which he 'maturely reflected upon' in a discussion with Clarke the previous week.

[ Barnard family pedigree. ] Autograph 'Draft Pedigree' by Frederick Arthur Crisp of the family of Lord Barnard.

Henry de Vere Vane (1854-1918), 9th Baron Barnard, senior Freemason [ Frederick Arthur Crisp (1851-1922), FSA, genealogist ]
Publication details: 
In printed folder ('Visitation of England and Wales') for Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E. 1918 or later.

The pedigree is written out by Crisp on one side of a 37 x 95 cm piece of paper, folded twice into a 37 x 23.5 cm packet, printed on the front of which is: 'Visitation of England and Wales. | DRAFT PEDIGREE. | Please return to Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E.' The same address is embossed at the head. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Barnard, B.' in manuscript in top right-hand corner of cover, underlined in red. Dated on cover '1905', but with latest entry for 1918.

[ Programme for a procession of yachts at Cannes, before Félix Faure, President of the Republic. ] Ville de Cannes. Union des Yachts Français. Défilé des Yachts devant M. Félix Faure, Président de la République.

[ Félix Faure (1841-1899), President of the French Republic; Cannes on the French Riviera ]
Publication details: 
Cannes [ French Riviera ]. 3 March 1896.

4pp., folio. Bifolium. On aged and creased paper, with slight damage at spine. Tastefully laid out. The front page carries the Programme (from 'A 8 heures: Arrivée de l'Escadre devant Cannes.' to 'A Midi: Départ pour Villefranche.'), the two central pages carry the 'Règlement' (19 articles under the headings 'YACHTS A VAPEUR', 'VOILIERS', 'VAPEURS PORTANT DES PASSAGERS' and 'PLAISANCIERS & EMBARCATIONS DIVERSES') by 'Le Commissaire de l'Inscription maritime, | BLANC' and 'Le Maire, | HIBERT'. The whole of the last page is taken up with a lithographic map of the route ('LITH ROBAUDY CANNES').

[ General Ulysses de Burgh, 2nd Baron Downes [ Lord Downes ].] Autograph Letter Signed ('Downes') to 'Cap Holby | Secretary to the RVYC [ Royal Victoria Yacht Club? ] regarding the donation of a work by him.

General Ulysses de Burgh, 2nd Baron Downes [ Lord Downes ] (1788-1864), Irish soldier and Tory politician, Surveyor-General of the Ordnance, 1820-1827 [ Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Ryde ]
Publication details: 
Binstead. 22 July 1853.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and ruckled paper. He is sending a copy of 'a Work which I lately published representing the orders of Knighthood received by the late Duke of Wellington from his own & from Foreign Countries', and hopes that 'the Committee will do me the Honor of accepting the same as a Donation to the R V Y Club'.

[ 'Maryla de Chrapowicki, D. Psy., M.D.' ] Typed paper titled 'Fundamental Principles of Bio-Crystallography of the Blood.' With particular reference to the treatment of tuberculosis.

Countess Maryla de Chrapowicki (d.1959), pioneer of alternative medicine and colour therapy [ Radionic Association ]
Publication details: 
'Copyright 1951'. Place not stated [ London? ].

5pp., 4to, typed on five leaves stapled together. With a few minor manuscript corrections. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The introduction reads: 'Bio-crystallography of the blood rests on the premise that the motive force which directs the processes of crystallisation is a Psychosomatic activity inherent in the blood stream.

[ Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor. ] Address, in French, signed 'Caron de Vernon', 'A Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Duc D'Orléans', presenting him with two marble statues.

Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor [ King Louis Philippe I of France (1773-1850), who was Duc D'Orléans between 1793 and 1830
Publication details: 
Paris. 18 November 1828.

2pp., folio. On bifolium. In a contemporary hand in margin of first page: 'Mr. Leblond' and a reference number. The document begins: 'Pre. Louis Caron de Vernon a eu l'honneur de servir sous les ordres de V: Altesse Royale en 1793 dans le 73 Bataillon de Paris, et au camp de Ste. Margueritte celui d'offrir son pain a V: Altesse, qu'Elle volut bien daigner accepter, en recommandant de lui rappeller cette circonstance dans l'occasion.

[ Double Crown Club keepsake. ] 'Bill of Fare' for dinner at the Cafe Royal (chaired by John Johnson with a paper by James Guthrie), featuring a facsimile score for 'Grace after Meat | A new round' by Daniel George and Hubert Foss.

The Double Crown Club; John de Monins Johnson (1882-1956), Oxford University Press printer; James Guthrie; Duncan Williams; Daniel George; Hubert Foss
Publication details: 
Pencil note stating that the item is for a dinner at the Café Royal, 7 March 1934.

16 x 20 cm booklet, consisting of a bifolium stitched with black green thread into covers of thicker paper. In fair condition, aged and worn, with remains of clear plastic front covering. On the front cover is a heavily-inked art photograph superimposing an image of a musical score over the edges of an fanned-out signature. On the inside of the back cover is a facsimile of a calligraphic inscription in Latin, in Renaissance style. The inner contents consists of two facsimiles.

[Printed document in French.] Mandement de Mgr. l'Évêque de Bayeux, Pour la Publication du Cérémonial du Diocèse.

Charles, Évêque de Bayeux [ Charles Brault (1752-1833), Archbishop of Albi and Bishop of Bayeux ]
Publication details: 
A Bayeux, de l'Imprimerie de la Ve. Nicolle. 20 February 1819.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Unbound. In fair condition, aged and with wear to extremities. He considers one of the 'principaux devoirs de notre ministère [...] de veiller à ce que le service divin soit célébré avec cette décence et cette majesté qui conviennent au Dieu suprême auqel il se rapporte', and concludes by describing changes to vestments and ceremonial in four numbered sections. Ends: 'Donné à Bayeux, en notre palais épiscopal, sous notre seing, le sceau de nos armes et le contre-seing du Secrétaire de notre Diocèse, le 20 Fevrier 1819. | + CHARLES, Evêque de Bayeux.

[ L'affaire de l'Aéropostale (The l'Aéropostale Scandal), 1931-1932. ] 16 signed caricatures by 'Dukercy', and 62 press photographs, of the court case resulting from the scandal involving the French airline, which led to the formation of Air France.

[ L'affaire de l'Aéropostale (the l'Aéropostale Scandal), 1931-1932; Compagnie générale aéropostale; 'Pierre Dukercy' [pseudonym of Pierre Méjécaze (1888-1945)], French radical socialist cartoonist ]
Publication details: 
[ Compagnie générale aéropostale, Paris. ] 1933.

The scandal resulted in the dissolution of the company in 1932, and its merging with others to form Air France. In their 'France and Fascism: February 1934 and the Dynamics of Political Crisis' (Routledge, 2015), Jenkins and Millington explain the background as follows: 'In 1931, it was revealed that the owners of the prestigious airline Aéropostale, the Bouilloux-Lafont family, had diverted Aéropostale's government subsidies into other struggling companies they controlled. When these collapsed, Aéropostale fell with them.

[A.-É.-L. Leclerc de Juigné, Archbishop of Paris during the French Revolution.] Autograph Account Signed by 'L'Abbé Lambert | Sy. of the Archbishop of Paris', describing the 'persecutions and misfortunes which this worthy Prelate has experienced'.

L'Abbé Lambert, Secretary of the Archbishop of Paris [Antoine-Éléonor-Léon Leclerc de Juigné (1728-1811), Archbishop of Paris during the French Revolution]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [On paper with watermark of Edmeades & Pine, Maidstone, Kent. 1790s.]

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 46 lines of text in shaky English, neatly written out. Lambert begins: 'Having been a long invested with the particular confidence of Mr. De Juigné Archbishop of Paris, I take the liberty of giving a succinct account of the persecutions and misfortunes which this worthy Prelate has experienced for his Religion, his King, & his conscience; & the dreadful distress to which he is now reduced. | I can with truth attest that Mr. J. archbishop of Paris in the Winter of 1788.

[George Marin De la Voye.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marin De la Voye') to 'Mrs. General Baumgardt', regarding his employment preparing her son 'for his Woolwich examination'.

George Marin De la Voye (1796-1877), French author, tutor at the East India Military College and Addiscombe Military Academy [Major General John Gregory Baumgardt (c.1770-1855)]
Publication details: 
'Chateau de La Paix | Boulogne Sur Mer'. 28 May 1856.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper, with repair to closed tears. He begins by thanking her for her acknowledgment of 'the humble services I had rendered you in preparing your son'. He praises the boy for '[h]is docility, endearing Manners and Gentlemanly Conduct', adding that '[h]e has very little now left to complete the course of instruction necessary for his Woolwich examination'. He will 'complete that course, on his return from Germany by three months' final training'. Other topics in the letter are her 'excursion', health, and an 'approaching trip'.

Autograph Signed corrected draft of 'Memorial of Major general Charles Viscount Grant de Vaux' to the Earl of Bathurst, requesting the transfer of a previous grant of land in Canada to his native island of Mauritius.

Charles Grant, Vicomte de Vaux [Major-General Charles Viscount Grant de Vaux] (1749-1818), soldier and author, born on the island of Mauritius [Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst (1762-1834)]
Publication details: 
Grant Cottage, King's Road, Sloane Square [London]. 21 January 1813.

2pp., cr.8vo (30 x 18.5cm). In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight damage to one corner, resulting in loss of one word of text. 62 lines of text, with deletions and emendations, and the thirteen lines of the conclusion largely rewritten. Headed: 'To the Right Honorable | the Earl of [sic] Bathurst | His Majestys Principal Secretary of State for the Colonial & War Department, | &c &c &c | the Memorial of Major General Charles Viscount Grant de Vaux | Shewest [sic]'.

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