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Manuscript, in French, titled 'Avis de la Commission, chargée de l'étude préparatoire des questions relatives à l'armement des Navires à Vapeur, sur l'embarquement des troupes expeditionnaires à bord de ces Navires.' [Steamships of the French navy.]

V. Couchard, J. Houssard, Chopard Fourichon [members of an official Commission of the French Government producing a report on the foundation of a French naval expeditionary force]
Publication details: 
dated 'à la Cote d'Afrique. Paris; le 19 Mars 1849. Les Membres de la Commission, Signée: V. Couchard, J. Houssard, Chopard Fourichon.'

Folio, 30 pp. In brown leather half-binding, with marbled boards. One simple pen illustration, p. 18, showing arrangement of 'Muraille' and 'Pont'. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding. Neatly set out, in a secretarial hand, with a synopsis beside each paragraph in red ink in the widened left-hand margins. As a loosely-inserted printed slip explains in English, the manuscript sets out 'instructions by a French Official Commission for the preparation and arming of a fleet of steam ships to be equipped to carry marines to form an expeditionary force to the coast of Africa.

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