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One hundred vintage postcards of Japan, fifty-two of them striking and attractive photographic images, tinted in vivid colour, showing scenes of everyday life, mainly among the rural peasantry (fishing, farming, flying kites, costume)

One hundred vintage postcards of Japan [some 'Copyright, Ono-Banzaikan, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.' and others 'TRADE MARK K.P.C. YOKOHAMA JAPAN']
Publication details: 
Including six postcards 'Copyright, Ono-Banzaikan, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.' and one 'TRADE MARK K.P.C. YOKOHAMA JAPAN'. None of the others with European attribution. None dated [all early twentieth century].

A contemporary oriental album, 19 x 27cm., with oat cloth boards, green ribbon and embroidered spine, containing a beautiful collection of vintage 9 x 14cm. postcards in near-mint condition. None of the postcards has any manuscript marks or sign of postage.

Tribal peoples of three continents: 1930s illustrations by Pier Antonio Gariazzo

Pier Antonio Gariazzo, artist and filmmaker
Publication details: 
Tribal peoples of three continents: 1930s illustrations by Pier Antonio Gariazzo
Tribal peoples of three continents: 1930s illustrations by Pier Antonio Gariazzo

80 lithographic prints, mostly hand-coloured, of drawings of indigenous peoples and tribal groups, made on a voyage to South America, Africa and Asia in 1933 by the Italian painter and film director Pier Antonio Gariazzo. With accompanying French letterpress. This collection of accomplished and beautifully-finished prints is a puzzle, with no apparent reference to it or to the letterpress among Gariazzo's published works.Each print on one side of a separate piece of thick laid paper, 24.5 x 32.5 cm. Numbered 1 to 82, with 61 and 63 lacking.

Two glass slides of Edwardian photographs of New Quay, North Cornwall, the first showing the harbour and the second a crowd around a horsedrawn lifeboat.

[Edwardian photographs of harbour and lifeboat at New Quay, North Cornwall]
Publication details: 

The slides, apparently from a newspaper library, are both bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded. Each carries a manuscript caption in white ink on the black mount. The first slide - 'Harbour, New Quay' - shows a view down into the Harbour, with stone pier and fishing boats. The second - 'Lifeboat. New Quay, N. Cornwall' - shows a procession a distant view of a crowd of men and women in Edwardian dress on a beach before a large rock around a lifeboat being drawn away from the water by four horses.

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