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[India.] 32 black and white photographs of India, showing prominent buildings and street traders and entertainers in Delhi and Calcutta.

[Photographs of India]
Publication details: 
Calcutta and Delhi, India. Undated [1940s?].

Six larger photographs (all 12 x 10.5 cm) and twenty-six smaller ones (between 5 x 7 cm and 5.5 x 8 cm). In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, on three leaves removed from an album (the smaller photographs on mounts and the larger ones laid down. The larger photographs have pencil captions, and a few of the smaller photographs have ink captions (for example, 'Taking a drink - Calcutta', 'Is that Ghandi? | The women are carrying dried dung for use as fuel.'). The smaller images appear to be photographs of photographs, with captions.

[La Algaba Filtering Station (1926-1980), designed by Charles Arthur Friend, chief engineer of The Seville Water Works Company, Spain.] 144 original photographs taken during construction, mainly emphasizing the technical and engineering aspects.

[La Algaba Filtering Station (1926-1980), designed by Charles Arthur Friend (d.1930), chief engineer of The Seville Water Works Company, Spain; Spanish irrigation]
Publication details: 
[The Seville Water Works Company, Spain.] Dated between 1924 and 1926.

144 original black and white photographs, uniformly 6 x 11cm. In excellent condition, in two matching photo albums of worn green cloth, one containing 89 and the other 55 images. Some of the photographs have pencil captions on the mount, giving a date and a number. Loosely inserted is a 3.5 x 8.5cm contact sheet, showing four and a half frames from a film of two men examining a chart.

[Photographs; stereoscopic views; Boer War] South Africa 1900 For Queen and Flag

Underwood & Underwood, early producer and distributor of stereoscopic and other photographic images.
Publication details: 

72 stereoscopic views of aspects on the Second Boer War, numbered 1-72 inclusive, hence assumed to be a complete set, in custom-made box with image of a (soldier's) belt, with a motto, "For Empire Queen and Flag" within the belt-circle, and "South Africa | 1900, within the image and a motif, "Sun Sculpture" within a rising sun. [The National Army Museum catalogues one of 89 that they have as "produced by Works and Sun Sculpture Studios, 1900" for Underwood & Underwood.

Manuscript anonymous contemporary ribald spoof titled 'Mrs. Pankhursts Address to the Suffragettes'. [With two small photographs (one of Emmeline Pankhurst and the other of Sylvia Pankhurst?).]

Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), British political activist and leader of the suffragette movement [female suffrage; Victorian humour; sexuality; social history]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [England, 1890s?]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, folded twice. Written in a late Victorian or Edwardian hand. The 'Address' is an interesting survival: the sort of ribald saloon-bar joke through which male opponents of the movement sought to tame it through ridicule. Similar examples survive, attributed to Lady Astor speaking in parliament, but this version clearly predates these. Here is a transcript of what is a concentrated dose of double-entendre: 'Mrs.

[Charles Nunneley and C. O. Smith, eds.] Edwardian circulating magazine 'The Budget: An AGD Magazine', containing unique original contributions by workers at General Post Office, North London, including 14 photographs of Cambridge by E. G. Richardson

Charles Nunneley [Lieut. Charles Francis Nunneley (1883-1914)] and C. O. Smith, eds [E. G. Richardson; W. H. Haines; General Post Office, North London; postal; Edwardian circulating magazine]
Publication details: 
'A & R Branch | A. G. Dept | General Post Office (North) | London | E.C.' Issue 16, undated [c.1902].

99 + [3] pp., 4to, of which 31pp. are original photographs, on grey card mounts, each with tissue guard and manuscript caption in white ink. A further five small photographs laid down on pages of the typed text. In very good condition, on aged paper, in modern green leather quarter-binding with cloth boards and misleading title on spine 'THE BUDGET | CAMBRIDGE' In a contemporary hand on leaf preceding title-page: 'Please return to | Chas Nunneley | (Room 1, 3rd Floor) | A & R Branch | A. G. Dept | General Post Office (North) | (London) | E.C. | or to | C. O.

[Simla and Waziristan.] Album containing 34 original black and white photographs, taken in 1917 and at the time of the Waziristan Campaign and Field Force, including images of Sir Charles Monro's residence at Simla.

[Simla and Waziristan in 1917] [General Sir Charles Carmichael Monro (1860-1929), 1st Baronet of Bearcrofts; Afghanistan; India; Pakistan; the Raj; the Waziristan Field Force]
Publication details: 
[Simla and Waziristan, 1917 [1919].]

Most of the photographs are 7.5 x 10.5cm in size, with the smallest 4.5 x 6.5cm and the largest 10.5 x 15cm. Loosely inserted in a 16mo album bound in green moire cloth. Both photographs and binding are in good condition, lightly aged and worn, with the occasional photograph with a dog-eared corner. Most of the photographs are captioned on the reverse, and seventeen are accompanied by captions on the pages of the album.

Three large mounted black and white photographs of the 'Lakhimpur Battalian, Assam Military Police', 1891, showing 'Gurkha Recruits' on parade, and officers with names.

[Lakhimpur Battalion, Assam Military Police, 1891; Gurkha recruits; John James Street Driberg (1841-1919), of the Indian Civil Service]
Publication details: 
All three photographs dated from Dibrugarh, Assam, 18 June 1891.

Each of the three photographs measures roughly 19 x 23.5 cm, and each is mounted on a piece of card roughly 29 x 35 cm, with a decorative red border around the photograph. The photographs are lightly-faded but in good condition, on aged and worn mounts. Each mount is stamped in purple: 'Lakhimpur Battalion, | Assam Military Police'. In contemporary manuscript, in the bottom left-hand corner of each photograph is 'Dibrugarh | 18.6.91'.

Material mainly relating to the Second World War and the Battle of Britain, from the papers of Flying Office Robert French Helm, Royal Air Force, including autograph material, photographs, tables.

Flying Officer Robert French Helm (1913-1995), Royal Air Force [The Battle of Britain]
Publication details: 
The photographs date from the 1940s; the rest of the material circa 1960.

Helm's promotion on 3 September 1940 to the rank of Flying Officer (41020) is recorded in the London Gazette, 15 October 1940. After the war he joined the International Civil Aviation Authority, working in Iran and Zambia, and was elected to the Membership of the Institute of Navigation, Royal Geological Society, in 1971. A total of 59pp., 8vo, of pencil notes and tables by Helm, relating to the RAF in the Second World War, with 6 original photographs.

One hundred vintage postcards of Japan, fifty-two of them striking and attractive photographic images, tinted in vivid colour, showing scenes of everyday life, mainly among the rural peasantry (fishing, farming, flying kites, costume)

One hundred vintage postcards of Japan [some 'Copyright, Ono-Banzaikan, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.' and others 'TRADE MARK K.P.C. YOKOHAMA JAPAN']
Publication details: 
Including six postcards 'Copyright, Ono-Banzaikan, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.' and one 'TRADE MARK K.P.C. YOKOHAMA JAPAN'. None of the others with European attribution. None dated [all early twentieth century].

A contemporary oriental album, 19 x 27cm., with oat cloth boards, green ribbon and embroidered spine, containing a beautiful collection of vintage 9 x 14cm. postcards in near-mint condition. None of the postcards has any manuscript marks or sign of postage.

Photograph of a young Paul Rogers, inscribed as 'Bottom' to the actress Jill Balcon as 'Titania'.

Paul Rogers, English actor
Publication details: 
Captioned on back 'Bristol Old Vic. 48-49.'

Black and white photograph. Dimensions 15.5 x 21 cm. In good condition, with slight wear to edges. Head and shoulders studio shot of a fresh-faced Rogers, looking slightly upwards with enigmatic half-smile. Caption, at foot, reads, 'To Titania from her loving Bottom.' Rogers acted in several of Jill Balcon's father Michael's films.

Kenya Colony. Camera Studies No. 1. ['By kind permission of Mr. Martin Johnson and Mr. A. Blayney Percival.']

Martin Johnson; A. Blayney Percival [The East African Standard, Nairobi, Kenya Colony]
Publication details: 
[1920s?] 'Published, printed, and engraved by the East African Standard, Limited, Nairobi, Kenya Colony.
Kenya Colony. Camera Studies No. 1.

4to, 27 pp. Stitched with red thread. In original buff wraps, printed in red and black, with photograph of a Masai woman tipped in on front cover. Fair: slightly dog-eared, in worn wraps, with ownership inscription on front wrap. Printed on twenty-six leaves of art paper. Consisting of a covering page of text and 24 pp of captioned black-and-white photographs, two to each page, with two pages of advertisements at rear. Photographs of wildlife and members of the Meru, Masai, Wakamba, Samburu, Turkana, Waikikuyu tribes. Printed on rectos only, except for last page.

Nine prints of group photographs of inmates at the first Borstal Prison [at Borstal, near Rochester, Kent] and six of inmates at the second Borstal Prison, at Feltham in Hounslow. With two of a portrait of a prison officer. With the six negatives.

Maurice Lyndham Waller (1875-1932), Chairman of the Prison Commission 1921-1928; Prison Commissioner, 1910-1921; Feltham Young Offenders Institution; Captain W. V. Eccles, Governor of Borstal Prison]
Publication details: 
[Pre-First World War.]
Nine prints of group photographs of inmates at the first Borstal Prison

All photographic prints and negatives roughly 8.5 x 14.5 cm. Prints all black and white. The collection aged, but in good condition overall. The pictures of inmates all landscape, and the two of the officer portrait. The boys are arranged in three or four rows, with as many as forty present in one image. The images are all taken outdoors and in front of prison buildings, the windows in the Feltham images being barred, and the windows in the Borstal images plain glass.

Seven original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne addressing the First Army of the British Army of the First World War at Ranchicourt in France in August 1917.

[General Sir Henry Sinclair Horne (1861-1929); the First Army; the British Army; the First World War; the 5th Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1917.]
Seven original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne

Each print is in black and white, landscape and 17.5 x 23 cm. They are lightly-worn and in fair condition. Part of a series of British official war photographs (one was published on 26 January 1918 on p. 469 of Part 180, Vol. X, of 'The Great War' magazine), and each numbered between S480 and S501. Shots of troops marching past the Chateau, of a large body of men in battledress standing in grounds, being addressed by the General and a padre, standing at a rostrum draped with the Union Flag and other allied flags, with officers seated beside it.

Sixteen original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne addressing the First Army of the British Army of the First World War at Ranchicourt in France in August 1917, including three prints forming a panorama of the whole scene.

[General Sir Henry Sinclair Horne (1861-1929); the First Army; the British Army; the First World War; the 5th Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1917.]
Sixteen original prints of photographs of General Sir Henry Horne

Each print is in black and white, landscape and 17.5 x 23 cm. They are lightly-worn and in fair condition; one has a short closed tear and another a vertical crease at one side (neither of these in the panorama). Part of the same series of British official war photographs (one was published on 26 January 1918 on p. 469 of Part 180, Vol. X, of 'The Great War' magazine), and each numbered between S480 and S501.

Six original black and white photographs, all captioned on the reverse and dated April 1940, showing the RAF South Cerney Aerodrome, Gloucestershire and its Airspeed AS.10 Oxford training aircraft.

RAF South Cerney, Gloucestershire [Royal Air Force; Airspeed AS.10 Oxford training aircraft]
Publication details: 
April 1940. RAF South Cerney, Gloucestershire.
RAF South Cerney, Gloucestershire

The six small black and white photographs are all in good condition in a Kodac 'snapshot' card wallet. The captions, in pencil on the reverse and all dated 'April 40', read: [ONE] 'Aerodrome at South Cerney' [an aerial shot]; [TWO] 'Officers' Mess No 3 F.T.S. S. Cerney' [exterior of building]; [THREE] 'Oxfords at No 3 FTS' [three grounded planes]; [FOUR] 'Interior of Oxford' [instrument panel]; [FIVE] 'Interior of Oxford' [back of seats and instrument panel]; [SIX] 'Oxford at No 3 FTS' [grounded].

Forty-five glass slides of photographs of British nineteen-twenties dairy production.

[British twentieth-century dairy industry; milk production; agriculture]
Publication details: 

All forty-five slides bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded. The slides, apparently from a newspaper picture library, all carry the label 'M57 637.1 Box 286', and are almost all captioned in manuscript. A good range of photographs, apparently taken in the nineteen-twenties.

Twenty-one glass slides of photographs of the funeral procession of King Edward VII through the streets of London, 1910.

[Photographs of the funeral procession of King Edward VII through the streets of London, 1910]
Publication details: 
[London, 1910.]

All twenty-one slides bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded, with only one slide damaged (glass shattered in a corner, not affecting image). All with labels numbered 394.5.

Three glass slides of photographs relating to the wreck of the SS Schiller off the Isles of Scilly, 1875: 'Lifeboat in which Survivors came ashore', 'Digging the last graves' and 'A funeral'.

[The wreck of the SS Schiller ('the Victorian Titanic'), off the Scilly Isles, 1875; German Transatlantic Steam Navigation Line]
Publication details: 
[1875.] Gibson & Sons, Penzance & Scilly Isles.

Three striking unfamiliar photographs (the last two in particular excellent compositions) of a significant historical event. The three slides are bound in 8 cm glass squares, with none of the glass shattered, and the images themselves in good condition, clear and unfaded. Each mount carries the stamp of the photographers Gibson & Sons. With numbered labels carrying a shelfmark. Each mount titled in manuscript. ONE: ' Schiller" wreck. Lifeboat in which Survivors came ashore'.

Five mounted publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities: showing the interior of restaurant cars in the first and third class compartments, the first class smoking saloon, the kitchen, and an exterior shot of the cars.

[Great Eastern Railway; British railways]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1910?].
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities

The five photographs are all in sepia and 15 x 20 cm. Each is mounted, with a 17.5 x 22.5 white backing, on a piece of grey 25 x 30 cm card. Each is neatly captioned in black copperplate, with red underlining. The photographs are all in good condition, on discoloured and worn mounts. The items were clearly produced for display by the company, as they all have pinholes in their mounts. The captions read: 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Cars.' [exterior shot]; 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car - Kitchen', 'G.E. Rly. Restaurant Car Third Class Compartment', 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car.

Photograph album containing signed portraits of Radcliffe and his wife, and 108 cartes-de-visite of Eton schoolboys, including several dressed for the 'Procession of Boats'. Mainly taken by the studio of Alfred D. Kissack of Eton.

Alfred D. Kissack; Hills & Saunders; Eton photographers [Raymond Coxe Radcliffe (1852-1929), King's College, Cambridge, Assistant Master in Mathematics and Classics, Eton College]
Publication details: 

Possibly a presentation to Radcliffe and his wife. 4to photograph album, in heavily-worn leather binding, all edges gilt, lacking clasp and spine, containing a total of 113 photographs, including 108 albumen cartes-de-visite, each print approximately 9 x 5.5 cm, and each laid down on a gilt-edged card mount roughly 10.5 x 6 cm. The large majority of the photographs are in excellent condition, with some carrying a small pinhole at the head (obscured by their mounts). Three pages of the album carry minor damage, otherwise good and tight internally. Almost all from the studio of Alfred D.

30 photographs illustrative of the life of Sir Walter Scott, marked up for publication.

Sir Walter Scott photographic illustrations
Publication details: 
Undated [1920s?]

The photographs vary in size from 24 x 18.5 cm to 8 x 6.5 cm. The overall condition is good, with one chipped along the edges. 13 have been touched up for publication, a few quite heavily. Annotated, with dimensions, on backs.

Exhibition Album of Pictorial Post Cards. 32 Colored Views of Ireland and 2 Half-tone Pictures of Blackrock & Blarney Castle, Ireland.

Coloured postcard photographs of Edwardian Dublin [Irish International Exhibition, 1907]
Publication details: 
Emerald Series. Printed in Ireland [1907].

Six leaves, each 35 x 28 cm, in original red printed wraps. The first four leaves consists of eight coloured postcards, each 8.5 x 13.5 cm, with perforations between them for ease of removal. The last two leaves each carry full-page landscape photographs, the first of Blackrock and the second of Blarney Castle. The wraps are heavily worn, and there is occasional staining and wear to the photographs, but overall this is a most attractive and evocative production, and a rare survival in its complete state (no other copies traced).

Publicity photograph inscribed to Ken [Williams, Penland Golf Course, Cardiff].

Frank Radcliffe
Publication details: 
Posted from New York; no date.

African-American entertainer and film actor. Minor parts in at least six films in the 50s and 60s, including Dreamboat and Sweet Charity. The photograph measures roughly seven and a half inches by nine inches. Charming shot of a smiling Radcliffe, besuited and behatted and with hands crossed over knee. Stamp of Lewis of Charing Cross Rd on reverse. Inscription reads 'To you Ken I wish the Best Always and I know you are the coming Champ | Frank Radcliffe'. In postmarked 'PHOTOMAILER' envelope with return address given by Radcliffe as 2468 7th Avenue New York City.

40 Autograph Letters Signed to him from various "old shipmates", mostly senior naval figures; with 9 portrait photographs, a photograph of the Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert and the seal in red wax of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich.

Captain Charles Dickson Inglis, R.N.
Publication details: 
between 1858 and 1898; from various locations.

Captain Charles Dickson Inglis, R.N. (born c.1835; fl. 1898), is best known for his offer in 1887 to buy South Georgia in the Falkland Islands for the purposes of sheep-farming. This collection of his correspondence is neatly bound in a crude octavo volume, and is preceded by a manuscript index by him. Items in good condition overall, with minor discoloration and spotting, mainly caused by the glue used in mounting the photographs. All the letters are 8vo and smaller, several of them being cropped at the head, but with the cropped strips loosely inserted.

Sailing ships on the Hudson River, New York, viewed from Hoboken Docks.

Publication details: 
Undated but certainly nineteenth century.

Evocative picture with docks to the right viewed through tree branches, and a number of boats and ships clearly visible, with three three-masted ones in the foreground, one sideways on and the two beside it viewed from the bows. Dimensions: 2¼ inches by 3¾ inches. Mounted on a piece of pink board which is docketed on reverse in nineteenth century hand: 'Hudson River. N.Y. from Hoboken Docks.' The picture is a little creased in the bottom left-hand corner and there is minor discolouration due to ink stains and grime.

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