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Coloured map entitled 'England and Wales with the Roads, from the latest Survey's.'

Thomas Kitchin (1718-1784), English mapmaker
Publication details: 
Engrav'd for Guthrie's new Geographical Grammar.' 'Thos. Kitchin Sculp.' [c.1770]

Approximate dimensions 37 x 35 cm. Cloth backed and divided into twelve rectangles of 12 x 8.5 cm each, arranged in three rows of four. The folded map fits into a contemporary pouch, crudely made for the purpose from card and marbled paper, with a signed label on the front reading 'A Map of England with the Roads | C. H. Patesson <?>'. On aged paper and with the edges of the rectangles curling slightly, in worn pouch. Scale roughly forty miles to an inch and three eighths. Shows cities, boroughs, market towns, villages and roads.

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