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[Sir George Bramwell, Baron in the Court of Exchequer.] Autograph Certificate, on vellum, regarding an indenture shown to him by Catherine Stein, wife of Peter Stein. With a signed affidavit, also on vellum, signed by Charles Harris Hodgson.

George Bramwell, 1st Baron Bramwell [George William Wilshere Bramwell, 1st Baron Bramwell] (1808-1892), English judge [Charles Harris Hodgson]
Publication details: 
Bramwell's certificate: 28 March 1861. Hodgson's affidavit: Rolls Garden, Chancery Lane. 28 March 1861, on vellum document 'Sold by J. Sullivan, Printer and Stationer, 22, Chancery Lane.'

The two documents are on 33 x 24 cm pieces of vellum, and are pinned together. Both in very good condition. Both are printed forms, made out by the signatory. Bramwell's certificate begins (with the manuscript portions in square brackets): 'These are to Certify that on the [Twenty eighth] day of [March] in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-[one] before me the undersigned [Sir George William Wilshere Bramwell Knight one of the Barons of Her Majestys Court of Exchequer] Appeared personally [Catherine Stein] the Wife of [Peter Stein] and produced a certain Indenture marked [A]'.

Printed facsimile of circular letter to clergymen from 'A J B Beresford-Hope', as Chairman of the Marriage Law Defence Union', writing in opposition to the Married Women's Property Rights Act of 1882.

Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope (1820-1887), conservative politician [the Marriage Law Defence Union; the Married Women’s Property Rights Act of 1882]
Publication details: 
18 September 1883. 20 Cockspur Street, London SW.
Beresford-Hope, facsimile letter,  Marriage Law Defence Union

12mo, 1 p. In good condition. Laid down on a page removed from an album. Addressed to 'Rev. and Dear Sir', and calling the recipient's attention to an 'enclosed appeal' (not present), and asking that he 'would kindly put it up in your Church'. 'It speaks for iself and I can only add that the efficiency of the opposition to the disastrous change of law must greatly depend on the means at the disposal of those who are contending for an old domestic purity.'

The Dream and other Poems.

[Caroline Norton] The Hon[ora]ble Mrs. Norton.
Publication details: 
London: Henry Colburn, publisher, 1840

`Fine binding, full leather, decorated gilt, raised bands, gilt edges, faint foxing, binding sl. rubbed, mainly very good.

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