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Autograph letter signed to unnamed correspondent

Thomas Keble
Publication details: 

Divine and writer, brother of John Keble (1793-1875). 2pp., 12mo. He thinks it would be as well to prefix a notice to "the Tract on Nupticions(?)", which will be removed when the volume is bound up. He has asked Dr Moberly (Bishop of Salisbury) to reply to a question about the number of copies of "the Poems" (John Keble's?).

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

J.H. Parker.
Publication details: 
Oxford, 19 Nov. 1836.

Oxford Bookseller and Publisher (1806-1884). Two pages, 8vo, chipped and sl. marked, but text mainly clear. "Sir/ At the requestof Mr. Hill and Mr. Renand I write you a few lines respecting the books you wished to enquire about -on the Articles I send - but it is the most scarce of 's pieces- The Harmony of Confessions is a very [underlined] book.

Autograph note signed to [?] Bowerbank,

Samuel Wilberforce
Publication details: 
April 11 [no year], with letterhead Cuddesdon Palace, Wheatley, Oxon.

Bishop of Oxford (1805-73), celebrated opponent of the theory of evolution, nicknamed for his slippery arguments "Soapy Sam". One page, 12mo, on mourning paper. "I cannot fail to pay the greatest attention to your recommendation of Mr P Chabot". Signed "S Oxon". Minor discolouration to paper.

Autograph note signed to an unnamed noble correspondent,

Samuel Wilberforce
Publication details: 
27 May 1836, 26 Pall Mall.

Bishop of Oxford (1805-73), celebrated opponent of the theory of evolution, nicknamed for his slippery arguments "Soapy Sam". One page, 12mo. "My dear Count / I accept , but not that merely, for I thank you really & heartily "the thing" which accompanied your note. I dipped into them to-day with very great interest." Signed "S Oxon". Docketted "Received last night". Paper discoloured at the edges.

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