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Typed Letter Signed ('Basil Blackwell') to Secker.

Sir Basil Blackwell (1889-1984), Oxford bookseller [Martin Secker (1882-1978), publisher]
Publication details: 
17 December 1969, on illustrated Blackwell's letterhead.

4to: 1 p. Ten lines of text. Heavily stained, but a neat link between two giants of the twentieth-century British book trade. 'I give myself the pleasure of saluting you, I really believe for the first time'. He is happy for the opportunity of telling Secker how much he admired his 'flair and enterprise in earlier years'. He hopes he 'may write as firmly and with as lively a mind as you in six years' time'. 'Alas that we must disappoint you': the books Secker has requested are all out of print. 'Just possibly one or more may come into our hands secondhand.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Ray Lankester') to unnamed male correspondent.

E. Ray Lankester [Sir Edwin Ray Lankester] (1847-1929), English zoologist
Publication details: 
28 May [no year]; Exeter College, Oxford.

12mo: 1 p. Nine lines of text. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Suggests a convenient time for a meeting 'with you, Dr. Masters and Profr. Allman.' Looks forward to hearing from the recipient, once he has 'fixed the hour and the place'.

Spoof notice by 'T. N. Mitchell, Benson, Henley', regarding the death of an 82-year-old 'Wireless Dealer' who is said to have left a fortune of £50,000', with signed inscription by Mitchell on reverse.

T. N. Mitchell of Benson, Oxford [Blows, printer, Henley; spoof; hoax]
Publication details: 
Dated by Mitchell in manuscript 'Xmas 1930'. Printed by 'BLOWS, HENLEY'.

On a piece of brown card roughly 250 x 200 mm. Designed to be hung from two punch holes at head. Worn and aged, but with text (printed in red and black within a decorative border) clear and entire. A clever and amusing spoof, deliberately old-fashioned typographically in a parody of 'improving' texts. Reads '£50,000 | A Wireless Dealer aged 82, died - He left £50,000; thanks to long hours, close attention to business, strict economy, and - a bequest of £49,650 from an Uncle in Australia | T. N. MITCHELL | Benson, Oxford.' Inscribed on the reverse 'Xmas. 1930.

Handbill printed notice of a "£1 REWARD" for the return of 'A Lady's Gold Wrist-Watch & Bracelet, Engraved on the back, P.E.B., Dec. 28, 1921.'

[Hall the Printer Ltd, 3A Queen Street, Oxford; Witney Police Station]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 220 x 280 mm. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with a few short closed tears to extremities. Cheaply but effectively printed in a variety of point sizes. Reads '£1 REWARD | LOST, on Monday Evening, December 16, either on the Motor-bus between Oxford and Witney, or in Witney, A Lady's Gold Wrist-Watch & Bracelet | Engraved on the back, P.E.B., Dec. 28, 1921. | A Reward of £1 will be paid to anyone bringing the same to the Police Station at Witney, or to the County Police Station, New Road, Oxford.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. I Lockhart) to 'Isaac Espinasse Esq one of the Benchers of the H. S. of Grays Inn &c. &c &c -'.

John Ingram Lockhart [John Wastie from 1832] (c.1765-1835), Radical Member of Parliament for the City of Oxford [Isaac Espinasse (1758-1834)] [Robert Nares (1753-1829)?]
Publication details: 
Tubney Lodge, Abingdon'. Undated [on paper watermarked 'BUTTANSHAW | 1809'].

4to, 1 p. Good, though lightly aged and creased. He apologises for the liberty he takes in addressing Espinasse 'as one of the Benchers of Grays Inn', and hopes it is not 'wholly improper' for him 'to say a word in favor of Mr Nares, and [sic] old fellow Colegian [sic] of mine [Lockhart was educated at University College, Oxford], who is a candidate for the Chaplaincy of your Society'. Describes Nares as 'an honorable & learned man, a good divine, exceedingly well connected'. Considers that he 'will prove [...] an acquisition to the Society'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('M Asquith' and 'Margot Asquith'), both to the Editor of the London Daily Graphic Harold Edward Lawton.

Margot Asquith [Emma Alice Margaret Asquith] (1864-1945), Countess of Oxford and Asquith
Publication details: 
3 and 8 December 1920; the first on letterhead of 44 Bedford Square, London W.C.1, and the second on letterhead of The Wharf, Sutton Courtney, Berkshire.

Both items written in pencil and good, on lightly aged paper, with their stamped and postmarked envelopes addressed by Asquith. Both envelopes with traces of brown paper mount adhering to reverse, and both docketed by the Graphic's editor 'To me Harold Lawton'. Letter One (12mo, 4 pp, headed 'Private'): Amusingly outraged letter regarding a visit by 'two gentlemen' of whom Asquith 'had no sort of knowledge'. Graphic journalists, they assured Asquith 'that nothing wd. be written about me without my seeing it first [last five words underlined in red]'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Matt H Bloxam') to Reginald H Pope, Standlake Rectory, Witney, Oxfordshire.

Matthew Holbeche Bloxam (1805-1888), architectural historian [Rugby School]
Publication details: 
17 May 1887; Rugby.

12mo, 2 pp. Very good. Several of the letters of congratulation he received on his birthday were from 'old Rugbeians', and Pope's was 'one of the first'. He has been 'invited by the President and Council of the Royal Archaeological Institute to be President of one of the Sections at their meeting this year at Salisbury but age and infirmity have obliged me to decline'. Although 'not under the Doctor's hands' he feels he is 'going down hill apace'. The previous Tuesday 10 boys from Rugby 'came in to partake of Cake Gingerbreads and fruit 9 of whom were from your old boarding house now Mr.

Autograph Signature on letterhead.

Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), British (Australian-born) classical scholar and advocate of the League of Nations
Publication details: 
6 August 1930; on letterhead 'YATSCOMBE, BOAR'S HILL, OXFORD.'

Paper dimensions: five inches by eight inches wide. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Good clear signature reads 'Yours sincerely | Gilbert Murray. | August 6. 1930.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Oxon.) to Mrs. Light, autograph collector

Francis Paget (1851-1911), Bishop of Oxford
Publication details: 
19 March 1904; on letterhead of the 'Diocesan Registry, Oxford.'

One page, octavo. Good, though a little smoked at head and foot. 'Here, after a delay I am ashamed of, are the autographs: I shall indeed be glad if they give any pleasure to the recipient. | I trust that you and the Vicar were not overtired on the day of the Confirmation: and that you know what a happiness both the Service and the welcome were to me.' Sends 'Mr. Green's kindest remembrances'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Ernest Myers') to autograph collector 'Mr. Soulsby'.

Ernest James Myers (1844-1921), English classicist, translator and poet
Publication details: 
10 January 1884; place not stated.

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'I have much pleasure in sending you my signature, as I am told you wd. care to have it.

Autograph Card Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Margot Asquith'), both in French, to unnamed male correspondent ['Cher trest Cher Coq'].

Margot Asquith [nee Margot Emma Alice Tennant], Countess of Oxford and Asquith (1864-1945)
Publication details: 
Card 1 July and Note 3 July [both no year, but before 1919]; both with printed address '20 Cavendish Square, W. [London]'.

Dimensions of card roughly 8 x 12 cm. Very good though lightly aged. Asking her correspondent to dinner in the following week. Note, addressed to 'Cher tres Cher Coq', on one side of 8vo grey paper. Very good, though lightly creased. She will be 'enchante de vous voir chez moi' on Wednesday [6 July] at 1 o'clock. Both items written before the Asquiths 1919 move from Cavendish Square to 44 Bedford Square. Two items,

Autograph Letter Signed 'To | the Revd: Doctor Shipley | Canon of Xt: Church | Oxford | by way of London'.

Catherine Douglas (née Hyde), Duchess of Queensberry and Dover (1701-1777), aristocratic beauty and literary patron [Jonathan Shipley (1713-1788), Bishop of St Asaph]
Publication details: 
Ambresbury [Amesbury]; 22 January [13 February] 1755.

4to: 3 pp. Bifolium. On neatly-repaired aged paper, with archival paper covering the two inner pages. Fifty-four lines of text, all clear and entire. Remains of black wax seal, with crest, on verso of second leaf, which carries the address and is docketed 'Maragna Mohammed'. A long letter in two parts, the second part beginning on the verso of the first leaf, which is headed 'now Febry: 13'.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed ('Herbert Card Vaughan').

Herbert Cardinal Vaughan (1832-1903), English Roman Catholic cardinal and Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly 11 x 11 cm. Good, on lightly discoloured paper, with traces of tissue mounts adhering to blank reverse. With five lines of text: '<...> Thank you sincerely for your letters & the enclosure. I quite feel that you cannot be in sympathy with certain proceedings. | Yours faithfully | [signed] Herbert Card Vaughan'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Sartoris, 27 Chapel Street, London.

Mary Somerville (1780-1872), Scottish scientist after whom Somerville College, Oxford is named
Publication details: 
15 July [postmarked 1844, with Penny Red stamp]; 14 Lower Belgrave St, Eaton Square [London].

16mo: 3 pp. A small bifolium (each leaf 10.5 x 9 cms) on aged paper. Discoloured strip at foot of first leaf, containing four lines of text and the signature, cut away and reattached with archival tissue, with damage to two words (not in signature). Second leaf with minor damage through breaking of seal. Good Penny Red stamp, postmarked in black, and second red postmark. The earliest she can accept the dinner invitation is the following Wednesday.

Poemata, quae de praemio Oxoniensibus posito Annis 1806, 1807, et 1808, infeliciter contenderunt; non in publicum edita, amicis tantum privatim deferenda.

[Abraham John Valpy (1787-1854); Pembroke College, Oxford; Trafalgar]
Publication details: 
[London] Londini: In Aedibus Valpianis, Pridie Idus Octobres, 1809. [A. J. Valpy]

Octavo: [ii] + [41] + [1] pp. A little dogeared, on lightly aged paper, and with slight damp staining to one corner at rear. In worn and stained original grey wraps, repaired with strip of brown paper at spine. Three Latin poems by Valpy: 'Trafalgar', 'Plata Fluvius' and 'Delphi'. COPAC lists only three copies: at the British Library, the Bodleian and Durham.

Scenes from an unfinished drama, entitled Phrontisterion, or, Oxford in the 19th century.

[Henry Longueville Mansel, Dean of St Pauls; University of Oxford; J. Vincent, publisher]
Publication details: 
Oxford: Printed and published by J. Vincent, and G. Bell, Fleet Street, London. Fourth edition, 1852.

English philosopher (1820-71). 24 pages, 12mo. Very good, neatly bound in brown cloth binding. Bound in are the original grey printed wraps, affected with foxing, and with very slight damage from glue to front wrap. The rear wrap carries an advertisement of 'BOOKS LATELY PUBLISHED | BY J. VINCENT OXFORD.', including 'NINEVEH: the Best Newdigate for Years; therefore not recited in the Theatre, Oxford, July 3, 1851. 12mo. 1s.' A brilliant satire on academic reformers and German philosphers. Copac only lists copies of the third, fourth and fifth editions.

Two Autographs Letter Signed ('George Goold' and 'George') to Paul Quinton, Classical Department, Blackwell's of Oxford; with inscribed offprint of Goold's lecture 'Richard Bentley, a Tercentenary Commemoration'.

[YALE UNIVERSITY] George Patrick Goold (1922-2002), William Lampson Professor of Latin Language and Literature, Yale University [Richard Bentley; Blackwell's of Oxford; Loeb Classical Library]
Publication details: 
LETTERS: 30 September 1977 and 3 July 1979, both on letterhead of Yale University Department of Classics; OFFPRINT (from 'Harvard Studies in Classical Philology'): Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1963.

Both letters two pages, quarto. LETTER ONE (annotated in ink with some ink marks in the blank space beneath Goold's signature): Written at the point at which Goold was relinquishing the University College Latin Chair to return to Yale. 'I told you I should be visiting Yale this autumn; and now I have to tell you that I shall be going on to Stanford after Christmas till March. Still, if I shan't have the pleasure of coming in occassionally to the bookshop, it probably means that I shall be ordering more books from you!' Orders a couple of copies of Austin's 'Aeneid'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Kato') in English to [?] Beaufort.

Shozo Kato (of Osaka, Japan, and 8 New Oxford Street, London, England), dealer in 'Japanese & Chinese Works of Art' [Japanese; Oriental art]
Publication details: 
3 April 1919; on business letterhead.

One page, octavo. On aged, grubby paper with minor staining at foot. He has spent 'all his monney for prints & Books I bought at Sale last Week. I have no balance in my Bank at all. (ganz nichts) if you are not inconvenient [sic] Please bring some L. S. D. on Saturday next'. Postscript: 'My business is Ratton N. B. G.' It is thought that Kato obtained a large portion of the Japanese prints for Sir Edmund Walker's celebrated collection.

Thirteen autograph letters signed, all but one to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins", and others.

Henry Colburn.
Publication details: 

(Name with quantity of letters and years of writing if known in brackets.)J.T.J. Hewlett to Henry Colburn*, publisher (1; 1844), declining dinner and planning his daughter's visit to the Colburns.Henry Colburn* (13 including one to Walesley, acting as Hewlett's agent; 1840-1844), publisher (BBTI). It appears that Colburn conducted the correspondence while Hewlett looked set for success, but put it in the hands of his staff later on (see below).

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Rt Revd Edward Churton (1800-1874), Archdeacon of Cleveland [The Oxford Movement]
Publication details: 
1 May 1861; 'Crayke nr. Easingwold'.

One page, 12mo. Good, on grey paper and with the merest trace of cream mount adhering to blank reverse. The previous month he received 'an engraved Circular' from his correspondent, from which he now quotes a passage stating that his subscription of a guinea [to the Church Institution] is due. 'I have no recollection of having ever promised a subscription to the Institution referred to.


The Oxford Etonian Club [Eton College; Old Etonians]
Publication details: 
Oxford. 1872. ['Revised October, 1857; November, 1858; February, 1863; May, 1864; and May, 1872.']

Printed in two columns in black and red on one side of a piece of paper seventeen and a half inches by eleven and a quarter wide. Foxed and with a few very small closed tears at points along crease lines. Thirty-six rules, listed under sections headed 'THE EXECUTIVE', 'GENERAL MEETINGS', 'MOTIONS', 'ELECTION OF MEMBERS', PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS, &C.', 'HONORARY MEMBERS', 'ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE', 'DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT', 'DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY', 'DUTIES OF THE AUDITOR', 'BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, &C.', 'MISCELLANEOUS' and 'CLUB DINNER'.

Manuscript document signed "William ffindall" with crude seal, "Printer in the University of Oxford.

William Findall.
Publication details: 
[Oxford], 19 May 1685.

Manuscript document, c. 9 x 8", chip from one corner not affecting text, discreet repair to long tear through signature, some soiling and fold marks, text clear as follows: "Bee it knowne unto all men by these presente that William Fyndall Printer in the University of Oxford, in consideration of the summe of five and thirty shillings of lawfull moneys of England to him in hand paid by Wright Croke of the Inner Temple London Esqre.

Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Letter Signed to Wilson Clayton.

Arthur Lionel Smith (1850-1924), historian and Master of Balliol College, Oxford
Publication details: 
Letter One (manuscript), 12 August 1919; Bamburgh, Northumberland [on Balliol letterhead]; Letter Two (typed), 10 January 1920, on Balliol Letterhead.

LETTER ONE (manuscript): Two pages, 12mo. Good on aged paper with a little light foxing. Is 'glad of the opportunity' to tell Clayton 'how highly appreciated on the Committee was the assistance you gave it, your assiduity & attention, your fairness, & your practical wisdom. Besides your kindliness & unvarying good temper were an invaluable element. For myself personally I feel I have made a new friend; wh. in old age is not so easy, & therefore is all the more agreeable.' Signed 'Arthur L Smith'. LETTER TWO (typed): three pages, octavo. Good, though slightly dogeared.

Autograph Signature on fragment of document.

Sir John Pratt (1657-1725), Lord Chief Justice of England
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly five inches by three-quarters of an inch. Signed 'John Pratt' between writing in a seventeenth-century chancery hand. Docketed with biographical details in a minute nineteenth-century hand, and enclosed in a piece of paper with further biographical details in another nineteenth-century hand.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

C.L. Gruneisen.
Publication details: 

C. L. Gruneisen (DNB), journalist, music critic, editor of the Great Gun. He explores the possibility that the author of Peter Priggins might write for the Great Gun, explaining his policy and agreeing "in Masonic confidence" to give him the names of the principal contributors.(Presumably these names were sent by George Alder above.) According to DNB, Gruneisen edited the Great Gun from 16 Nov. to 28 June 1845, prob. the life of this weekly. (Copy in British Library Newspaper Library.) WITH: Mrs. C.L.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and others.

George Alder.
Publication details: 

George Alder (1; [1844?]) discusses the nature of a "new periodical" for which he hopes Hewlett will write (prob. the short-lived "Great Gun" - see Bell (#3128) and Gruneisen below), naming potential fellow-contributors in confidence. Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

One Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

William Edwards.
Publication details: 

[William] Edwards, possibly the proprietor of the Great Gun mentioned by Robert Bell (above #3128)), Mrs Gruneisen (with husband #3134), and in Diaries (J.T.J. Hewlett below). He accepts a Bill of Exchange and discusses it. Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

William Naisby.
Publication details: 

William Naisby (1; [1843]), giving a detailed and hostile critique of Hewlett's College Life. Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Henry Flower.
Publication details: 

Henry Flower, presumably the bookseller and publisher in BBTI, discussing Hewlett's Dunster Castle in congratulatory terms, hoping for a meeting. Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Four Autograph Letters Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Edward Stirling
Publication details: 

Edward Stirling (Boase), dramatist and theatre manager, mainly discussing the dramatisation and prospective performance of Hewlett's Peter Priggins - as a farce. Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

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