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Autograph Letter Signed ['to Pinkham'].

Sir William Reynell Anson
Publication details: 
20 August 1902; on letterhead 'GLENTROMIE, | KINGUSSIE, N.B.'

English jurist (1843-1914), Warden of All Souls college, Oxford. Two pages, 12mo. On discoloured, grubby, creased paper, with a small closed tear and some bleeding due to damp on the verso. Extensive damp damage to blank second leaf of bifoliate. Docketed as 'To Pinkham'. Before leaving Oxford the previous week he 'ordered a somewhat miscellaneous collection of books' to be sent to his correspondent's library. 'It was a small collection - a few biographies, some college histories and one or two books which chanced to be in the booksellers catalogue & which looked interesting.

Autograph Signature on slip of paper.

Philip Bliss
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Antiquary (1787-1857) and Keeper of the Archives at Oxford, 1826-57. On slip of grey paper roughly two and three-quarter inches by three-quarters of an inch, neatly mounted on larger slip of thicker paper. Reads, in Bliss's distinctive and disciplined hand, 'a true Copy | Philip Bliss.' Presumably found inside a volume from Bliss's extensive library.

Drawing and Autograph Note.

Publication details: 
5 August 1900; ' "Deerhurst" | Streatham | London. S.W.'

Parkinson received the degree of Master of Arts from Oriel College, Oxford, but took up art and drew the cartoons for Judy magazine, 1890-96. One page, 12mo. Very good if a tad grubby. Folded once. Attractive illustration, roughly two inches square, in top left-hand corner, showing the head and shoulders of a 'Gibson girl' type beauty, in dress with leg o'mutton sleeves, looking over her left shoulder. Clearly responding to request for autograph, the text reads 'Most willingly | Yours faithfully | Wm Parkinson. | Aug 5. 1900. | "Dearhurst" | Streatham | London. S.W.'

Autograph Letter Signed to [Sir William Henry] Maule.

Charles Bathurst [Lidney; Lydney Park, Gloucestershire]
Publication details: 
Lidney | 7 April 1847'.

Bathurst (1790-1863), an alumnus of Christ Church, Oxford, was Lord of the Manor of Lidney. One page, 12mo. Good, on creased, grubby and discoloured paper, with traces of mount adhering to reverse. Begins 'I send you a Pamphlet, which I dare say began in my brain in the cotyledonous or radicle state as early as when we bothered at Usk Sessions, one day or other you will perhaps read it'. Ends 'I am glad to find you are better than at the beginning of the Circuit'. There is no record of Bathurst's pamphlet in the BL.

Autograph Letter Signed to Major General Rooke.

John Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury
Publication details: 
Windsor Castle June 18th. 1792.'

Learned ecclesiastic (1721-1807), who opposed Hume and edited Clarendon. One page, quarto. Good, though on discoloured paper and heavily creased with a few small holes (not affecting text) caused by wear. Second leaf of bifoliate, damaged, discoloured and with some loss through breaking of wafer; bears address ('To / Major General Rooke | Member of Parliament | Woodstock | Oxfordshire') and postmark 'WINDSOR'. As Douglas was travelling to Salisbury, Rooke's covering letter did not arrive with 'Dr.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent [bookseller]

Frederick Charles Husenbeth
Publication details: 
Cossey Septr. 26 1854'.

Roman Catholic divine and author (1796-1872). One page, 12mo. Frail item in poor condition. On discoloured paper with loss to one edge (affecting five words of text) caused by damp staining. Small spike hole in centre. Clearly written to a bookseller. Reads 'Dear Sir | Be so good as to send e from your List No. XXXIII - No. 418 Natural Hist of England irect that and all parcels as below, but letters merely Cossey near Norwich.' Signed 'F. C. Husenbeth'. Postscript reads 'Address on parcels | Very Rev. Dr. Husenbeth | Care of Mr. Spatchett | St. John's | Madder Market | Norwich'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to Mark [Bonham-Carter].

George Malcolm Young
Publication details: 
14 July 1945, 1 December 1946, 8 May 1947; all on letterhead 'THE OLD OXYARD, | OARE, | MARLBOROUGH, | WILTS.'
G.M. Young

English historian (1882-1959). All three items, two pages, quarto. All good, though grubby and lightly creased. Three intimate and revealing letters. ITEM ONE apparently sent to Bonham-Carter in America. 'You will soon be back, I think. Are you now occupied in assembling and correlating your observations? [...] I should guess it was quite impossible to think when a Presidential election is going on. | I have been spending a fortnight in Oxford and I asked some of the early-middle-aged dons what the undergraduates were thinking.

Four printed items relating to the election of fellowships.

All Soul's College, Oxford
Publication details: 
May, October and November 1946.

From the archive of Mark Bonham Carter. Good, but on lightly creased, worn, discoloured paper with a few closed tears, stains and pencil marks. ITEM ONE: one page (8 3/4 inches by 11 1/4), headed 'UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD | ALL SOULS COLLEGE | ELECTION TO FELLOWSHIPS'. Begins: 'As announced in the University Gazette in September and October (Nos. 2485 and 2487) All Souls College will hold an examination from 1 to 4 May 1946, for the election of not more than three Fellows, if candidates of sufficient merit offer themselves.' States 'conditions of candidature and terms of the Fellowships'.

The cruise of the gyro-car.

Herbert Strang [pseudonym of George Herbert Ely and C. J. L'Estrange]
Publication details: 
London: Henry Frowde, Hodder & Stoughton. [No date, but circa 1914.]

Octavo. 243 pages. Frontispiece illustration. In original red cloth embossed binding. Poor copy: rear endpapers split, binding grubby, pages foxed. Presentation inscription on verso of flyleaf dated October 1914.

A letter to the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., regius Professor of Hebrew, and Canon of Christ Church, on the publication of No. 90. of the Tracts for the Times.

Publication details: 
Oxford: John Henry Parker; J. G. F. and J. Rivington, London. 1841. 'BAXTER, PRINTER, OXFORD.'

Octavo. 13 pages. Disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection. Good, but foxed and with title grubby and stained. Cutting [from the Guardian, September, 1890] of correspondence relating to Cardinal Newman and the authors of 'Tracts for the times' loosely inserted.

The sabbath. A paper read at the conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held at Geneva, September 2. 1861.

Andrew Thomson, D.D., Edinburgh [pref. Rev. J. C. Ryle, Christ Church, Oxford]
Publication details: 
London: James Nisbet & Co. 21 Berners Street. 1863. '200th Thousand.'

Octavo. 16 pages. Disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection. Very good, though paper somewhat discoloured and lightly foxed.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Saunders & Otley
Publication details: 

Saunders & Otley, publishers (BBTI), declining to "undertake the work he mentions". Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Frederick Yates
Publication details: 

Frederick Yates (DNB), actor-manager, making a suggestion to make something (a play) of his "sketch" (perhaps an episode later used in Peter Priggins?). Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Typed Note Signed to Sir Harry Lindsay, Royal Society of Arts.

Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase
Publication details: 
28 November 1947; on letterhead of Magdalen College, Oxford.

English mediaeval and art historian (1898-1974), Director of the Courtauld Institute of Art. One page, landscape octavo. Good, but with one corner creased and grubby, and with staple holes in another. 'I should be much honoured to be nominated as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and should much appreciate association with that body and all the work it does.' Signed 'T. S. R. Boase.'

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Morris
Publication details: 
St Beuno's College, S: Asaph. | October 27, 1875.'

English Jesuit (1826-93). Two pages, 12mo. Very good. He found what his correspondent had to say about Nicholas Roscarrock (an Elizabethan Roman Catholic versifier) very interesting, and is 'glad to hear that you have materials for a memoir of him.' He provides detailed answers to the two questions his correspondent has asked, but 'cannot add to the information you have so industriously collected'. Looks forward to his correspondent's memoir and thanks him for promising to send it.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Frederic William Farrar, Dean of Westminster
Publication details: 
25 January [1886]; on letterhead '17, DEAN'S YARD, | WESTMINSTER, S.W.'

Dean of Canterbury (1831-1903). 'Dear Sir, | I am sorry that my course as Bampton Lecturer at Oxford prevents me from accepting your kind invitation. | Otherwise I wd. gladly give you a Lecture. I should be pleased to visit Sheffield & see Mr Ruskin's Museum. | I am, Dear Sir | Very faithfully yours | F W Farrar'. Farrar was Bampton Lecturer in 1886.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr Foster'.

George Joachim Goschen, 1st Viscount Goschen
Publication details: 
17 November [no year]; on letterhead 'Seacox Heath, | Hawkhurst.'

Liberal statesman (1831-1907) and Chancellor of Oxford University. One page, 12mo. In good condition with slight spotting and remains of brown-paper mount adhering to blank second leaf of bifoliate. Reads 'I am starting for the continent in a day or two, so that I am unable to accept your engagement for the 7th December. It is quite uncertain how long I may be away.' Signed 'George J Goschen'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Osbert Guy Stanhope] Crawford.

Publication details: 
7 September 1955; on letterhead of the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall.

One of the editors of the Dictionary of National Biography (born 1882). The recipient (1886-1957) was a noted archaeologist. Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: creased, grubby, worn, stained and repaired. Weaver has just been reading Crawford's 'extremely interesting autobiography with its most original title' ('Said and done.

The pillar of the cloud: "lead, kindly light": Cardinal Newman, 1833. A translation into Latin elegiacs.

Richard Horton Smith [Cardinal John Henry Newman]
Publication details: 
A reprint from 'Notes and Queries,' ninth series, vol. x. p. 425.; November 1902.

Horton Smith is described on the title as 'K.C., M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge'. Attractively printed 12mo bifoliate on good quality paper, but with the blank verso of the second leaf still adhering to piece of the paper on which it was mounted. Newman's poem of 1833 and Smith's translation of 1902 facing.

Substantial Part of Autograph Letter Signed [to Charles Dolman], Catholic Bookseller/Publisher.

Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman [Cardinal Wiseman]
Publication details: 
No date (but 1853); on letterhead '8 York Place | Portman Square | London W'.

Four pages. 16mo bifoliate. In poor condition: grubby, creased, stained and worn. Traces of previous mounting along top of two central pages, and of stub along one edge, removal of which has caused a small hole (not affecting text). A letter to the publisher of his 'Essays on various subjects' (3 vols, 1853): '<...> sermons, I have "50 Heaven" "Means of salvation" being "49." | Either therefore our lists do not agree, or one of us has made a mistake.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Charlotte Mary Yonge
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English novelist (1823-1901). Paper dimensions: 1 inch by 4 1/4 inches. Paper creased, browning and with discoloration from previous mounting. Reads 'Your most loving | C M Yonge'. On reverse: 'More of a woman She | might do something'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Gorton' of the Globe newspaper.

Joseph Parker
Publication details: 
17 May 1832, '10 . o clock'.

Oxford bookseller (c.1774-1850), described by the bibliographer Dibdin as 'the Corinthian pillar of Bibliopolism at Oxford'. Written in the year of his retirement in favour of his nephew John Henry Parker. The Globe was a London newspaper, founded in 1803. 1 page, 8vo. In good condition, slightly discoloured, creased and with some contemporary ink spotting. Remains of glue from stub along one edge. Concerns the radical meetings held during the passage of the Reform Bill. Reads 'Dear Sir - | Most important Meetings have taken place at Birmm.

Autograph Letter Signed to Messrs Macmillan & Co.

Rev. F. J. Brown, Curate of SS Philip and James, Oxford
Publication details: 
26 January 1918; Rectory, Steeple Aston, Oxford.

1 page, 8vo. Paper discoloured with age, with minor creasing and small closed tears, but in good condition overall. Stamped ('G. A. M.' and '28 JAN 1918') in purple ink and numbered ('352') in red pencil. Tight neat handwriting. He has been moved to write by a passage in Walter Jerrold's 'Highways and Byways in Middlesex', relating to the railings at New College, Oxford. He asks if his letter and that of 'a New College Friend who was in residence about 1887' (the latter not present) might be forwarded to Jerrold.

Autograph Declaration Signed.

Samuel Wilberforce, successively Bishop of Oxford and of Winchester
Publication details: 
11 February 1852; <?> Palace.

Darwin and Huxley's 'soapy Sam' (1805-73). 1 page, approximately 4 1/2 inches by 7 inches. In good condition with minor discoloration to bottom edge. Reads 'I hereby empower Mr Magrath to append my name as the Seconder of the Rev Frederick Reeves for the ballot of the Athenaeum | I have accidentally omitted to Subscribe my own name | S Oxon:' Docketed on the reverse.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Roman Catholic cardinal-archbishop of Westminster (1802-65). Paper dimensions approximately 2 3/4 inches by 4 inches. Grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours sincerely &c | N. Wiseman'.

Typed Note Signed to J. G. Wilson of Messrs Bumpus of Oxford Street.

[BOOKSELLING] Sir Basil Blackwell
Publication details: 
10 April 1930; on personalised letterhead of Basil Blackwell & Mott Ltd, 49 Broad Street, Oxford.

Notable Oxford bookseller (1889-1984). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition though dusty. He thanks Wilson for sending 'The Yellow Dwarf', 'which shall be duly submitted to the editor of 'The Merry-Go-Round'. Thank you for thinking of it.' Signed 'B Blackwell'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Provost of Eton [Edward Craven Hawtrey (1789-1862)].

Samuel Wilberforce, successively Bishop of Oxford and of Winchester
Publication details: 
30 May 1854; 26 Pall Mall.

Darwin and Huxley's 'soapy Sam' (1805-73). 2 pages, 16mo. In poor condition: damp, creased and with some decay at head, though none of this affecting text. 'I hope youo do not think that I have been remiss in not replying to your last kind letter otherwise than by telling Mr Davenport to attend to you. The truth is I have been intolerably occupied. I believe I shall have Randall with me. I hope you may have asked Dr Phillimore - & I hope that the surrounding Clergy have been invited to attend on Thursday.' Signed 'S Oxon:'.

Autograph Note Signed to <Buley?>.

Samuel Wilberforce, successively Bishop of Oxford and of Winchester
Publication details: 
Without date; on blindstamped Athenaeum letterhead.

Darwin and Huxley's 'soapy Sam' (1805-73). 1 page, 16mo. Dusty and discoloured, with remains of stub adhering to one edge. A hurried note, almost illegible. | My dear | Can <?> to <?> & <?> from 26 Pall at 25 to 11 | Yours affly | S Oxon'.?>

Autograph Letter Signed [to John Evans], with self-stamped postmarked envelope addressed in autograph and studio photograph of Bishop Wilberforce.

Arthur Rawson Ashwell
Publication details: 
13 September 1877; letterhead 'CANON LANE, | CHICHESTER.'

Theologian (1824-79; DNB) and biographer of Samuel Wilberforce, successively Bishop of Oxford and Winchester. 4 pages, 16mo. In good condition though grubby. The envelope is addressed to 'John Evans Esqre. | 17 Brazenose Street. | Manchester'. He says the 'only suggestion I can offer is that probably W. H. Smith, or Mudie, may have second hand copies to part with at a reduced price. They usually publish catalogues of their second hand Library Books with a page devoted to periodicals.

2 Typed Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Unsigned to Mary Delane, and a collection related material.

Robert Maxwell
Publication details: 
1962 to 1964; Oxford and London.

Politician, publisher and one of the greatest crooks of the twentieth century (1923-91). The recipient, Mary Delane, is described as 'sometime woman's editor for The Times'. A collection of drafts and letters mainly relating to negotiations for the publication by Maxwell's Pergamon Press of a series of cookery books. A fine example of his Maxwell's questionable business practices. Mainly consisting of typed correspondence and draft replies, mostly in 8vo, some creased and torn but generally in good condition.

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