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Autograph itemised Receipt Signed by the Southwark stationer John Muggeridge, made out to 'Mr. Cromp' and listing five purchases including ink, blotting paper, wax and quills.

John Muggeridge (d.1825), Stationer, Borough [Southwark, London]
Publication details: 
[Borough (Southwark), London.] 21 February 1777.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Headed 'Mr. Cromp 21 Feby 1777 | Bought of John Muggeridge'. The first and most expensive of the six items, at £1 6s 0d, is 'a Book 6 qn fine Medium ruld. 9 lines Vellum <?> lind marbled & Alphabet'. Other items include '1/2 pind red Ink & Stone bottle', 'blotting paper', '1/2 pound supfine [sic] wax' and '400 best Quills'. The six items total £1 14s 6d. Docketed 'No.

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