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Typed Letter Signed and Typed Note Signed to F. J. Epps, Convenor, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 78 Dunwich Road, Bexleyheath, Kent, England.

Publication details: 
1 November 1943 and 28 November 1944; both on letterhead 'UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR | NATIONAL PARK SERVICE | Chicago, 54, Ill.'

The letter of 2 pages, 4to. Discoloured, dusty and frayed. Dr Carl P. Russell has asked him to reply to Epps's letter regarding 'the preservation of outdoor Geological Sections'. Discusses this matter over two paragraphs. Says he is sending a copy of his 'Field Manual for Museums' and refers Epps to two illustrations. 'I am personally as well as professionally interested in all problems related to the preservation of natural and historical objects and will be pleased to learn of any methods you have found to be satisfactory.' The note of 1 page, 16mo.

Typed Letter Signed to F. J. Epps, Convenor, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 78 Dunwich Road, Bexleyheath, Kent, England.

Carl P. Russell
Publication details: 
18 August 1943; on letterhead United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

Chief Naturalist of the National Park Service and Superintendent of Yosemite National Park. One page, 8vo, slightly stained but in good overall condition. Russell is replying to Epps's request for information about the National Park System, 'particularly those areas which are classed as "nature preserves"'. He says that he is sending a number of publications under separate cover, and that with this letter he encloses copies of the 'Antiquities Act' of Congress, 1906 and 'Dr. Kendeigh's article' (neither of which are present).

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