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The Institution of Junior Engineers. Founded 1884. [...] Presidential Address delivered by Archibald Denny, Esq. M.Inst.N.A. At the Inaugural Meeting of the Fifteenth Session, Held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, London, on [...] 1st November, 1895.

Sir Archibald Denny (1860-1936), Scottish shipbuilder who chaired the British enquiry into the sinking of the Titanic [The Institution of Junior Engineers]
Publication details: 
Record of Transactions. Part I. Volume 6. Published by the Institution, 47 Fentiman Road, London, S.W. [1895].

8vo: 16 pp. Stapled and unbound, in original blue printed wraps. Good, with light spotting, in stained, spotted wraps. Rust stains from staples. Ownership inscription of H. J. Young, dated November 1895, on front wrap. Advises his audience on 'the education proper for a budding Engineer', 'a lad who intends to tread the higher walks of theh profession'. Moves from apprenticeship to the positions of chief draughtsman and manager, before ending with observations on the 'combination of qualities' required by the 'successful business man'.

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