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To the Brave of the Land of the Mimosa. The Japanese. (Poem).

Everard Digby
Publication details: 
No place or date but 1905-ish.

Printed Handbill, c.7.5 x 12", pink paper, fold marks, sl. tear on folds. An exhortation to the Japanese against the Russians commencing "Heed not the boasting Russian horde who claim our dearest rights, / Hold we our heads aloft, stand firm, in many glorious fights; / Forward - ye sons of Fair Japan . . ./ Sedition enters not our ranks as in the Russian host . . ./ They shall lead us to Port Arthur, our Standard there shall soar . . ./ . .. the treacherous Muscovite . . . / Anarchy looms in the distance . . ./ The innocent who have been sacrificed in Siberia's icy zone . . .".

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