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[ James Galt & Co. Ltd., Manchester booksellers. ] Typed Note to E. Vale of Nant Ffrancon, signed on behalf of the firm by B. E. Stevenson, regarding books ordered, on elaborate coloured letterhead.

James Galt & Co. Ltd., Manchester academic booksellers and stationers, established 1836 [ B. E. Stevenson; E. Vale of Nant Ffrancon, Wales ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of James Galt & Co. Ltd. Grove House Works, Plymouth Grove, Manchester 13. Undated [ 1930s? ].

1p., 4to. In good condition. The large and unusual letterhead is the point of interest: it is roughly 17 x 11.5 cm, and mostly taken up with an illustration, printed in red, yellow, green, blue, orange and black, depicting an idealised scene in a Victorian bookseller's shop, with a young lady with bonnet and parasol, two schoolboys in top hats with Eton collars and a bespectackled master in mortar board and robes, the last of whom is examining a book shown to him by an elderly bookseller.

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