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Fourteen nineteenth-century French pamphlets relating to the blind, four presented by Maurice de La Sizeranne of the Association Valentin Haüy, a run of whose magazine is also present, with English pamphlet from Wilberforce School for the Blind, York

Maurice de La Sizeranne; Association Valentin Haüy, Paris; Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles; Société des Ateliers d'Aveugles; Alexandre Blanchet; Wilberforce School for the Blind, York]
Publication details: 
All but one item printed in Paris, Paris-Auteuil and Tournon, between 1859 and 1888. The fifteenth pamphlet printed in York by Coultas and Volans of King Street, 1879.

A total of 38 items (15 pamphlets and 23 copies of a magazine) bound together in a sturdy modern brown cloth binding, with 'PAMPHLETS ON THE BLIND | FRENCH' and shelfmark in gilt on spine. The items are in good overall condition, on aged paper, with occasional slight chipping and wear to wraps. Label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London, and stamps and labels of its predecessor, the Science & Art Department Educational Library.

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