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[Crimean War, first-hand account, 1855.] Two Autograph Letters (one signed) from an officer of the 33rd Regiment to [Thomson] Hankey, giving news of the war, with references to Admiral Pasley, Generals Codrington and de Salles and HMS Royal Albert.

[Crimean War, 1855; Frederic Rodolph Blake (1808-1855), Lieutenant Colonel of the 33rd (The Duke of Wellington's) Regiment of Foot; Thomson Hankey (1805-1893), merchant banker and MP]
Publication details: 
The Crimea, 14 January and 1 March 1855. Letter One: 'Camp light Div[isio]n. Jany 14th./55. Letter Two: 'R[oya]l. Albert [i.e. from on board HMS Royal Albert] Kamiesch Bay | March 1st.'

16pp., 12mo, each of the two letters cross-written on two leaves. Both in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Closely written in an idiosyncratic and difficult hand. Both letters are addressed to 'My d[ea]r. Hankey'. The first is incomplete (first bifolium only) and unsigned; the second carries a signature which it has not been possible to decipher, the candidates including Assistant-Surgeon Thomas Clark and Lieut. Alexander Bruce Wallis. The author is clearly both well-connected and well-informed, and writes in an entertaining and informative style.

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