Prospectus for Oxberry's 'New English Drama', to be published [1812] by Simpkin and Marshall, as well as for 'The British Drama' and 'Dramatic Works published by C. Chapple, Pall Mall, and W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, Stationers Court'.

William Oxberry (1784-1824), of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [Simplin and Marshall, Stationers Court; C. Chapple, Pall Mall; Philip Massinger]
Publication details: 
'On December 1 [1812], will be Published, by W. Simplin and R. Marshall, Stationers-court [London]'. [From the Press of W. Oxberry & Co, 8, White-hart-yard, Drury-lane.]
SKU: 10392

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Stabbed as issued. On good wove paper. The 'New English Drama' is stated to be 'intended to comprise the most popular Theatrical Pieces of every description, in Monthly Parts of superior accuracy and unrivalled embellishment'. The first play, 'embellished with an elegantly engraved portrait of Mr. Kean', is Massinger's 'New Way to pay Old Debts'. The second leaf of the bifolium carries details of a further four works.