[Printed pamphlet.] H. M. 32nd Regiment. Return of Casualties of the above Corps from 30th June to 22nd November, 1857, being the day on which the Garrison of Lucknow was released by the Head Quarters Army [...].
4to, 6 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, with slight wear to extremities. The full drop-head title reads: 'H. M. 32nd Regiment. Return of Casualties of the above Corps from 30th June to 22nd November, 1857, being the day on which the Garrison of Lucknow was released by the Head Quarters Army under the immediate Command of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief. | Cawnpore, 29th January, 1858.' Signed in type at end: 'John Giddings, Paymaster, H.M's, 32nd Foot.' Comprising lists, in several columns, giving ranks and names of officers and men, dates and causes of death. Column titles: 'Return of Killed and Died of Wounds during the Siege from 1st July to 22nd November, 1857', 'Died of Disease from 30th June to 22nd November, 1857', 'Return of Women and Children who died in the Residency from 22nd July to 22nd November, 1857', 'Return of Non-Commissioned Officers and Men supposed to have been killed at Cawnpore', 'List of Women and Children supposed to have been killed at Cawnpore' and 'List of Wounded from 30th June to 22nd November 1857'. Also includes a list of those 'Killed in action at Chinhut'. Excessively scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC.