[Printed document.] North-Riding of Yorkshire. To wit. Orders made at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden at Northallerton, in and for the said Riding. [Including House of Correction and North and East-Ridings' Pauper Lunatic Asylum.]

Thomas Lawrence Yeoman, Clerk of the Peace for the North-Riding of Yorkshire [William Mauleverer; William Lockwood; J. V. B. Johnstone; Metcalfe, Printer, Northallerton]
Publication details: 
Epiphany Sessions, 6 January 1852.
SKU: 11026

Folio, 4 pp. Bifolium. On laid paper. The drophead title (of which the start is quoted above) runs to 14 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Printed in double column. Yeoman signs in type at the end of the document, which contains three reports, each signed in type by the chairman of the committee which produced it: Mauleverer for the Visiting Justices; Lockwood for the Finance Committee; and Johnstone for the Committee of Visitors of the Noth and East-Ridings' Lunatic Asylum. Includes itemised 'Victualling Account', the 'General Gaol Accounts for the Quarter', 'Bridge Master's Accounts', 'Treasurer's Account', 'The Bridge Surveyor's Accounts', 'The Accounts Connected with the Clerk of the Peace's Office'. These include such items as £10 6s 6d to 'Thomas Hamilton, for Leather for Prisoners' Clogs', and £2 3s 0d to 'Rachael Wilkinson, for cleaning Court House, lighting Fires, and getting in Coals'. The document ends with a notice and eleven orders.