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Manuscript Accounts Day Book of Perks & Llewellyn, Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, Hitchin [interior now housed in Hitchin Museum], giving names and addresses of purchasers, with products and prices.

Perks & Llewellyn, Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, Hitchin [interior now in Hitchin Museum]
Publication details: 
17 September 1904 to 22 November 1905.

366pp., narrow folio (16 x 40 cm). 43 lines to the page. In original vellum binding, with covers ruled in blue. On front cover printed label of 'PERKS & LLEWELLYN, | Dispensing & Family Chemist, | HIGH STREET, HITCHIN.' Marbled edges and endpapers. First leaf with 5 cm closed tear. Written out in black ink, in two or three different hands, with the granting of credit recorded in red. Containing a mass of information about local history, product and price. Early entries are stamped with date, later entries have date written out.

[Hanwell Lunatic Asylum.] Sixteen documents, including corrected manuscript minutes of a committee meeting in 1850, a death certificate, and ten manuscript cards and four forms from various workhouses enquiring about vacancies.

Hanwell Lunatic Asylum [The Middlesex County Asylum; Hanwell Insane Asylum], the first purpose-built asylum in England and Wales, built for the pauper insane, and opened in 1831 [J. W. Palmer]
Publication details: 
The minutes (8 August 1850) and death certificate (6 December 1884) from Hanwell Lunatic Asylum. The other fourteen items dated from various locations in Middlesex and London, between 1880 and 1884.

The fifteen items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The minutes are 5pp., foolscap 8vo, and are docketted: '8. Augt 1850 | Lunatic Asylum | Minutes of Comee | To be entd. in Minute Book inserting in their places Papers 1. 2. & 3.' The document is headed: 'At a Meeting held pursuant to adjournmt at the Asylum on Thursday the 8th. of August 1850. | Present, John Wilks Esqre, in the Chair | George Baillie Esqre | Marlbrorough Pryor Esqre | Thomas Russell Esqre | John Townend Esqre | Walter Buchanan Esqre | Valentine Knight Esqre | Henry Warner Esqre | Benjn. Mo.

Two Holograph Books of Poetry, written while a Broadmoor patient by the Ham Common killer Sidney Stewart Hume, the first titled 'Book Of Verse: Nbr. 1. - By & Of Sidney S. Hume' and the second 'Book Nbr. 5 (FIVE) S. S. Hume's Copy of Police Witness.'

Sidney Stewart Hume (1886-1976), English First World War fighter pilot, incarcerated in Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, 1919-1968, for the 1918 killing at Ham Common of Private Robert Aldridge
Publication details: 
Both volumes written in Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, Crowthorne, Berkshire. 'Book of Verse: Nbr. 1': written between c.1938 and 1949 (bound in 1950). 'Book Nbr. 5 (Five)': 1953 to 1958.

These volumes bear tragic testimony to a diseased mind. A native of Argentina, Hume saw service in the First World War with the 1st County of London Yeomanry at Gallipoli, before transferring to the Royal Flying Corps (66 Squadron, RFC and RAF). In May 1917, while on his second patrol, he was shot down over France. It was while incarcerated in several POW camps (he escaped from one) that Hume's mental illness appears to have begun to manifest itself, and he was exchanged for German prisoners in August 1918.

[Hester Catherine Browne, Dowager Lady Sligo.] Autograph Letter in the third person soliciting the votes of 'Mr. Shewell [...] for Henry Jennings at the Election for the Idiot Asylum in April, 1854'.

Hester Catherine Browne [nee de Burgh] (1800-1878), Marchioness of Sligo [Lady Sligo], wife of Howe Peter Browne (1788-1845), 2nd Marquess of Sligo [Shewell; Idiot Asylum]
Publication details: 
Portumna Castle, County Galway, Ireland. 12 December 1853.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'The Dowr. Lady Sligo presents her Compliments to Mr. Shewell, & begs earnestly to solicit his Votes for Henry Jennings at the Election for the Idiot Asylum in April, 1854 - | Lady Sligo can recommend Henry Jennings as a member of a very poor & industrious family -'.

[William Cleland, lunatic, of Upper Canada.] Autograph Petition Signed to Lord John Russell, and Autograph Letter Signed to George Ross, regarding his claim to have been cheated by the Bank of Scotland. With forwarding letter to the bank.

William Cleland of Upper Canada [Bank of Scotland; Lord John Russell (1792-1878), Whig Prime Minister; Sir James Stephen (1789-1859), civil servant]
Publication details: 
Letter from Governor Road near St George, Dumfries, Upper Canada. 1 November 1839 [but with 3 June 1840 postmark]. Petition stamped received on 1 June 1849. Forwarding letter: Downing Street [London]. 9 June 1840.

ONE: Autograph Petiton Signed. 'Unto the Right Honble. Lord John Russell Secrety of State &c &c | The Petition of Samuel Cleland residing near St George Dumfries Upper Canada'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. In poor condition, aged and worn at edges, with one corner apparently nibbled away by mice. At least some of the damage would appear to be contemporary with the document, as Cleland has written within the boundaries of the loss to the corner, and there is no loss to text. Docketed in red at head '1091 U. Canada' and stamped 'Received | C. D. | June 1 1840'.

Manuscript Accounts Day Book of Perks & Llewellyn, Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, Hitchin [interior now housed in Hitchin Museum], giving names and addresses of purchasers, with products and prices.

Perks & Llewellyn, Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, Hitchin [interior now in Hitchin Museum]
Publication details: 
17 September 1904 to 22 November 1905.

366pp., narrow folio (16 x 40 cm). 43 lines to the page. In original vellum binding, with covers ruled in blue. On front cover printed label of 'PERKS & LLEWELLYN, | Dispensing & Family Chemist, | HIGH STREET, HITCHIN.' Marbled edges and endpapers. First leaf with 5 cm closed tear. Written out in black ink, in two or three different hands, with the granting of credit recorded in red. Containing a mass of information about local history, product and price. Early entries are stamped with date, later entries have date written out.

[Printed document.] North-Riding of Yorkshire. To wit. Orders made at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden at Northallerton, in and for the said Riding. [Including House of Correction and North and East-Ridings' Pauper Lunatic Asylum.]

Thomas Lawrence Yeoman, Clerk of the Peace for the North-Riding of Yorkshire [William Mauleverer; William Lockwood; J. V. B. Johnstone; Metcalfe, Printer, Northallerton]
Publication details: 
Epiphany Sessions, 6 January 1852.
 North-Riding of Yorkshire.

Folio, 4 pp. Bifolium. On laid paper. The drophead title (of which the start is quoted above) runs to 14 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Printed in double column. Yeoman signs in type at the end of the document, which contains three reports, each signed in type by the chairman of the committee which produced it: Mauleverer for the Visiting Justices; Lockwood for the Finance Committee; and Johnstone for the Committee of Visitors of the Noth and East-Ridings' Lunatic Asylum.

[Vellum indenture.] Grant of the Custody of the person and management of the real and personal Estate of Maria Anna Zachary Spinster a Lunatic unto Charles Claridge Gentleman'.

[Maria Anna Zachary; Shepherd]
Publication details: 
27 September 1838.
Grant of the Custody of the person and management of a Lunatic

Striking vellum document, 60 x 75 cm. Docketed on reverse. 32 lines of text, ruled with red lines, with ornate engraved decorative border along three sides, headed in large letters 'Victoria by the Grace of God', and depicting the young Queen, the royal crest, a crown held by a cherub, blind justice, and other images. Tax stamp in margin and frayed ribbon at foot. On 9 September [V Geo.

[printed advertisement for Samuel Hare's Castleton Lodge lunatic asylum] Retreat near Leeds, for the Reception and Recovery of Persons afflicted with Disorders of the Mind. [with engraving by J. N. Bean of Leeds from drawing by T. Burras]

Samuel Hare, surgeon, proprietor of the Castleton Lodge lunatic asylum, near Leeds [J. N. Bean of Leeds, engraver; T. Burras, artist; nineteenth-century madhouses; mental hospitals; psychiatric]
Publication details: 
[Undated, but with transcript of letter dated 20 November 1830.] W. Bean & Son, Printers, 92, Briggate, Leeds.
Printed advertisement for Samuel Hare's Castleton Lodge lunatic asylum

Printed text: 8vo, 2 pp. Engraving: 8vo, with dimensions of image roughly 7 x 12 cm. Disbound. Text and engraving good, on aged paper. Printed text: 42 lines on first page; second page with printers slug at foot, beneath which has been subsequently printed a four-line footnbote in copperplate. On the recto Hare boasts that 'the most strict Attention is paid to the Medical, as well as Moral Treatment of the Individuals who are committed to his Care'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'G D Yeats') to his sister Jane Ellen Paterson, wife of Admiral C. W. Paterson.

Grant David Yeats [G. D. Yeats] (1773-1836), English physician, born in Florida, America [Jane Ellen Paterson; Admiral Charles William Paterson (1756-1841)]
Publication details: 
Letter One: 18 July 1823; Tunbridge Wells. Letter Two: 3 November 1823; 17 Queen's Place, Mayfair.

Both items clear and entire: good on lightly aged paper. Both addressed, with postmarks, to 'Mrs. Admiral Paterson, East Cosham Cottage, near Portsmouth.' Letter One, to 'My dear Ellen' (4to, 8 pp). Long letter, leaving his sister 'to judge as a reasonable Being whether I do not do every thing that can possibly be expected from me'. He is at present in debt to the tune of £460. Letter Two, to 'My dear Sister' (4to, 4 pp). Another letter dealing with the financial matters of the family. Docketed 'Dr. Yeats most strongly desiring his Sister Mrs.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary to the Post Office.

Rev. R. H. Whitelock [Whitelocke] of Manchester [Sir Francis Freeling; Lavinia Robinson; Suicide]
Publication details: 
[March 1814; Manchester.]

Two pages, quarto. On slightly stained, aged paper, with a few closed tears and some wear to extremities. Black wax seal adhering to second leaf of bifolium. Docketed 'March 1814 | Manchester | Revd. R. H. Whitelocke', but the signature appears to read 'Whitelock'.

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