Three memoranda by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges of Lee Priory, including a transcript in French on the crusades, and heraldic diagrams, with authentication of the handwriting by Brydges's grandson Edward Gibbons Swann, for J. Wetherell.

Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges (1762-1837) of Lee Priory, English antiquary, Member of Parliament and fraudster; his grandson Edward Gibbon Swann (1823-1900) [J. Wetherell of New Brighton, Cheshire]
Publication details: 
Brydges's memoranda without place or date. Swann's letter dated from Lee Priory [Littlebourne, Canterbury, Kent], 22 May 1846.
SKU: 13637

Memoranda and Swann's letter on the same bifolium, 4pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper and with minor evidence of previous mounting. On the recto of the first leaf is Swann's letter, 'For Mr J. Wetherell | New Brighton | Cheshire': 'Possessing, as I do, a considerable number of the papers of my grandfather Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, and being perfectly acquainted with the character of his hand writing, I have no hesitation in affirming that the memoranda marked with the numbers 1, 2, and 3, on this sheet, were written by him: and, although they bear no date, I am persuaded that they were written towards the latter end of his Life.' The following three pages are in Brydges's hand. On the reverse of the first leaf, marked '3', is the 19-line transcript in French, beginning: 'Pour moi, s'il était permis de porter mon jugement, ou plutôt ma conjecture sur une chose si obscure & si ancienne, je me persuaderais volontiers qu'Amé III, Comte de Savoie, qui fut le voyage de la Palestine, en une fameuse Croisade l'an 1147, ait voulu garder la Croix pour ses Armes, [...]'. On the recto of the second leaf, marked '2', is a page of notes on the same subject, again in French, with four crude drawings of heraldic shields. The reverse of the second leaf carries a short note in French, marked '1'.