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[ Edmund Gwenn, Oscar-winning actor, and Jan Hurst, composer and conductor. ] Autograph Signatures, with five others.

Edmund Gwenn [ Teddy Gwenn ] (1877-1959), Oscar-winning English actor; Jan Hurst (c.1890-1967), composer and conductor, and Musical Director to the Brighton Corporation
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Bedford Hotel, Brighton. Undated [between 1929 and 1934].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The seven signatures are on top of one another, with the fifth in pencil and the others in ink. They read: 'Teddy Gwenn | [ ditto ] Michael | Lawrence | Sevier | Tommy Shale | Jan Hurst. | Patersen Story'. From the papers of Herman Finck (1872-1939), with whom Jan Hurst was connected. According to one authority: 'In 1929 [Hurst] secured the all year round post of Musical Director to the Brighton Corporation and as such, he was in charge of their Municipal Orchestra.?>

[ Conrad Heighton Leigh, English artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C H Leigh') to 'Mr Horton', giving an account of the result of his visit to the London publisher Grant Richards, regarding 'Mr Hegcock's & my little alphabet'.

Conrad Heighton Leigh (b.1883), artist, commercial illustrator and member of the Brighton Arts Club [ Grant Richards (1911-1963), London publisher ]
Publication details: 
68 Grand Parade, Brighton. 20 January 1902.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. After following Horton's 'kind advice' concerning 'Mr Hedgcock's & my little alphabet', 're some sketches with more action in them', he has been to 'Town' to show the designs to the publishers Grant Richards. He 'called in person on Thursday but after some delay they have eventually rejected the Alphabet. [...] Evidently from what I was told the sketches such as you advised would have been more what they wanted', so he will do them again 'in that style and try again with other people'.

[ George Grossmith, comedian and author. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed ('Geo: Grossmith Jnr.') to 'Reeves Smith' - George Reeves-Smith, manager of Brighton Aquarium - regarding details of a booking. With signed undertaking for '7 performances'.

George Grossmith (1847-1912), author and comedian, brother of Weedon Grossmith (1854-1919) [ George Reeves-Smith, manager of the Brighton Aquarium ]
Publication details: 
The three letters from London: two on letterhead of the Beefsteak Club, King William Street, Strand, W.C., and one on letterhead of 31 Blandford Square, N.W. 8 and 17 February [1880]. The undertaking from 31 Blandford Square, and undated.

The four items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first two items originally pinned together. The signature on the first letter clearly written out, the other three signatures more hurried. ONE: 8 February [1880]. 1p., 12mo. 'I am going to take a rest. Supposing I can give you a week (two sketches an evening) between Feb 21 & March 13th. What will you stand?' TWO: Signed undertaking. 1p., 12mo. Not addressed. Begins with quotation: 'Right you are says Moses'. States: 'This is an equivalent for booking you for 23rd. 7 performances'. THREE: 17 February [1880].

[Catherine Penna, soprano.] Autograph Letter Signed to '- Wilkinson Esq', accepting an engagement at the Brighton Aquarian, on the reverse of two pages of printed 'eulogistic criticisms' of 'Miss Catherine Penna'.

Catherine Penna (d.1894), English soprano [Sir Julius Benedict; the Norwich Festival; Madame Albani]
Publication details: 
38 Marylands Road, St Peter's Park, London, W. 1 October [1881].

Letter and printed text both on a 12mo bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Letter: 2pp., 12mo. Docketed with stamp of the Brighton Aquarium. She writes that she is 'happy to accept an Engagement for a Saturday Concert at the Brighton Aquarium as Principal Soprano' and will do her best 'to meet your terms'. Printed text: 2pp., 12mo.

[The Market Street Workhouse, Brighton, Sussex.] Manuscript titled 'A prayer for the poor in the poor House at Brighton'. With note by the author written 38 years later, lamenting the lack of improvement in conditions.

[The Market Street Workhouse, Brighton, Sussex]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. February 1801.

2pp., 8vo. The prayer is 39 lines long. In fair condition, on aged and worn laid paper with 'GATER' watermark. The prayer begins: 'O. Lord - O.

Three memoranda by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges of Lee Priory, including a transcript in French on the crusades, and heraldic diagrams, with authentication of the handwriting by Brydges's grandson Edward Gibbons Swann, for J. Wetherell.

Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges (1762-1837) of Lee Priory, English antiquary, Member of Parliament and fraudster; his grandson Edward Gibbon Swann (1823-1900) [J. Wetherell of New Brighton, Cheshire]
Publication details: 
Brydges's memoranda without place or date. Swann's letter dated from Lee Priory [Littlebourne, Canterbury, Kent], 22 May 1846.

Memoranda and Swann's letter on the same bifolium, 4pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper and with minor evidence of previous mounting. On the recto of the first leaf is Swann's letter, 'For Mr J.

[Printed handbill.] Roedean School. Dates of the Beginning and End of Terms for 1917.

[Roedean School, near Brighton, East Sussex, boarding school for girls founded by the Lawrence sisters in 1885]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Roedean School, East Sussex. 1916 or 1917.]

1p., 16mo. Good, on lightly-aged and spotted laid paper. A few pencil calculations on the reverse. Neatly printed. Giving details for the three terms: Lent, Summer and Michaelmas, with dates for 'Pupils re-assemble', 'Opening Address to Pupils', 'Reading of the Reports and Closing Address' and 'Pupils leave'. These details are followed by the following notices: 'Parents are earnestly requested to co-operate with the School authorities in enforcing punctuality of attendance at the beginning and end of Term.

Eighteen items relating to British Salonica Army concert parties in the First World War, including three programmes, ten photographs and four ALsS from Captain G. M. Butt of the Army Service Corps to his father G. W. Butt of Littlehampton

Captain George Malleson Butt (1880-1936) of the Army Service Corps [his father George Weller Butt (d.1931) of Wilbury, Littlehampton, British Salonica Army; Balkans; Sir Reginald Kennedy-Cox]
Publication details: 
Salonica. 1917 and 1918.

This collection provides an evocative and unusual snapshot of First World War social history, comprising eighteen items relating to British Army concert party performances in Salonica towards the end of the First World War, including three scarce programmes (only one copy of Item 13 below on COPAC, and Items 1 and 14 unknown), ten photographs of members of the concert party in character (several in drag), and four letters from Captain Butt (Items 15 to 18), three of them containing well-written, appreciative and informative comments on productions.

Contemporary manuscript transcription (on paper watermarked 1818) of a satirical political poster from Brighton by 'Edward Thunder', produced for the Sussex election held at Chichester in 1820.

'Edward Thunder' [satirical political poster for the Sussex election, held at Chichester, 12 March 1820; national debt]
Publication details: 
[Watermark 1818; Circa 1820.] The original printed by 'Fleet, Printer, Brighton'.
Satirical political poster for the Sussex election

Folio, 1 p. On paper watermarked 'J WHATMAN | 1818'.

Manuscript and printed ephemera relating to the work of a Committee to remove the encumbrances on the Unitarian Chapel in Brighton.

[New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church]
Publication details: 
New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church

Five manuscripts items, 15pp., 4to (4), fol.(1); three printed items, 4to, some with MS. additions. The Manuscripts items are related to the printed and are as follows: a. List of Subcriptions recd towards building the Chapel at Brighton (names and amounts). [1820] - Total, £1591.11-; b. [Fol., partly detached at fold marks] List of subscriptions (name, place, amount, or just town or city for some reason) and donations, Aug. 1834. with crossings out and calculations, and a list including periodicals (as subscribers?); c.

[Pamphlet] Brighton College. Prospectus

[Prospectus; Education]
Publication details: 
Richard Sickelmore, Printer, 45, High Street, Brighton, [c.1851?]
Brighton College. Prospectus


Two variations of Wallis's ornate trade card.

Hannah Wallis of Brighton, plain and ornamental printer, stationer and bookseller [typography]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1860?]. 5, Bartholomews, Brighton.

Both items very good, each printed on one side only of a piece of thin shiny card, dimensions 11 x 15 cm. The arrangement of the text is the same in both cases, but one is printed in blue and green, and the other in blue and gold. An attractive piece of Victorian typography, laid out in a variety of decorative fonts and point sizes, with a strong hint of Gothic revival about it. Reads 'HANNAH WALLIS, | Plain & Ornamental Printer, | IN LETTER-PRESS, LITHOGRAPHY, & COPPERPLATE, | ACCOUNT-BOOK MAKER, | Stationer and Bookseller. | ARTISTS' MATERIALS OF THE BEST QUALITY.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Edwd. Jesse' and 'Edward Jesse') to [Edward] Walford.

Edward Jesse (1780-1868), English naturalist and author [Edward Walford (1823-1897)]
Publication details: 
13 October 1863, 16 Belgrave Place; 30 July 1867, Brighton.

Letter One (12mo, 2 pp; good, with glue from previous mounting to reverse of blank second leaf of bifolium): Jesse hears 'that there has been a violent attack made on my lectures to the Brighton Fishermen in "the Field" of last Saturday'. He 'published these lectures in the hopes that they might be useful to many people'. He 'gave the Copyright to Mr. Booth the publisher & never recovered one farthing profit for them'. 'They were written for an ignorant club of men without any pretension'.

Autograph Card Signed ('Agnes Castle' and 'Egerton Castle').

Egerton Castle (1858-1920) and his wife Agnes Castle, nee Sweetman (1860-1922), British historical novelists
Publication details: 
6 December 1901; place not stated [Brighton].

Printed Post Card, dimensions three and a half inches by five and a half. Good, on aged paper, but with the reverse (showing the remains of a photograph of Brighton) damaged by its removal from an autograph album. Unobtrusive vertical crease. Reads (apparently in Egerton Castle's hand) 'Dear Miss Gray | Your letter has been forwarded to us here. We have much pleasure in sending you the autographs you desire'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edgar A. Bowring') to Thomas Flood.

Edgar Alfred Bowring (1826-1911), Liberal Member of Parliament, civil servant and translator of Goethe
Publication details: 
13 November 1873; on letterhead 5 Lewes Crescent, Brighton.

12mo: 4 pp. On lightly creased paper, with spotting and some staining to the verso of the second leaf of the bifolium. Apologises at length for not being able to attend 'the next General Public Meeting [...] of the Committee for Sir E. W. Watkin's [Sir Edward William Watkin (1819-1901), railway entrepreneur] Election'. 'It is unnecessary for me to inform the Committee how anxious I am for the success of the Liberal cause on this as on all other occasions [...]'. He is at present 'quite unequal to any violent exertion or excitement & certainly could not make a speech to a large meeting.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Walford' [Weston Styleman Walford, 1802-1879?]

J. C. Jesse [Weston Styleman Walford; Joel Rowsell; Victorian book trade]
Publication details: 
21 August [no year, c.1875?]; 16 Belgrave Place, Brighton.

12mo: 2 pp. Good, on lightly browned paper. Writes 'in good haste to save the post', asking for advice. 'Mr. J. Rowsell of the West Strand, Bookseller, has been here all the morning, at the request of Mr. Smith of North St.' Rowsell has 'gone through the books carefully', and offers £140 for them, not including Lady Juliana Berner's manuscript and Lord Wellesley's book. 'He says, I should not get so much if Sotheby & Wilkinson sold them.' Jesse has never heard of Rowsell, 'and his coming was quite a surprise'.

Engraved coloured lithographic portrait, 'Drawn from Nature by J. W. Childe' and engraved by Charles James Hullmandel (1789-1850).

Richard Lemmon Gregory, 'The Respected Librarian at MR. LODER'S ESTABLISHMENT, North St. Brighton.' [Robert Loder; Circulating Libraries]
Publication details: 
Published by R. Loder, North Street, Sepr. 12th. 1828.'

Dimensions of paper roughly eight and a half inches by six and a half wide. Illustration roughly five and a half inches by five wide. Good on slightly aged and creased paper. A grey-haired Gregory, fashionably dressed in striped waistcoat and cravat, and wearing a white apron, stares at the viewer while holding a book in his left hand and writing its details in a ledger with a quill in his right hand. BBTI gives Robert Loder's trading dates as 1822-39, and Gregory's as 1793-1851.

Autograph Letter Signed to I[saac]. Wilkinson[, Manager and Secretary of the Brighton Aquarium].

Dudley Smith (born c.1852), English and Foreign Musical and Dramatic Agent [The Brighton Aquarium; Victorian Circus]
Publication details: 
22 March 1883; on ornate letterhead in blue and gold carrying address at 449 Strand, London (as well as addresses in Paris and New York).

One page, quarto. Very good, though slightly aged and creased, and with minor damp staining at foot, affecting bottom three lines including signature. Wilkinson has written to say that he 'has not the space' Smith has 'named'. '[Y]ou express an opinion that Circus business would pay, & I, from my personal knowledge of Brighton & experience therein, feel sure a really good Circus would prove an immense attraction & a paying one, & would stand some time by introducing fresh novelties'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Thomas] Attree.

Robert Plumer Ward
Publication details: 
24 September 1834; Gilston Park, Harlow.

English novelist and politician (1765-1846). The recipient (c1778-1863) was an influential Brighton solicitor, owner of Queen's Park. One page, octavo. On discoloured and lightly creased paper, with fraying and several small closed tears, but with no loss to text. An affectionate letter inviting Attree to Harlow. 'Fred.

Official circular in secretarial hand, with autograph signature, to Captain Brock, Assistant Quarter Master General, Brighton.

Sir Robert Brownrigg
Publication details: 
Horse Guards 31st. May 1808.'

British soldier and statesman (1759-1833); Governor of Ceylon, 1811-20; conqueror of the Kingdom of Kandy, 1815. Two pages, large octavo. In his capacity as Quarter Master General, Brownrigg informs Brock that 'the Establishment of Entrenching Tool Carts, and Tools attached to the several Regiments in Great Britain, shall cease on the 24th of June next, and that the Horses, Harness, and Carts used for carrying the Tools shall be forthwith Sold by Publick Auction.' Gives instructions for delivering over the 'Horses, Carts, and Harness'.

Autograph Letter Signed to E[dward]. J[ohn]. Broadfield.

Publication details: 
The Warren, New Brighton, Cheshire, 4th Feb., 1884.'

Poet and miscellaneous writer (1817-90), called 'the Lancashire Burns'. The recipient Broadfield (1831-1913) was a Mancunian worthy. Two pages, 12mo. Very good, with four stubs from previous mounting adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He thanks Broadfield for his letter 'anent that quaint invader of the House of Lords. I will call at the office when I come to Manchester, and get the particulars of the story from Mr. Lang. | You mention our old friend, S. P. Robinson. I am glad to hear that he is still "to the fore." I had an impression, somehow, that he was laid up.

Typed Letter Signed to Miss Scott Rogers of the Royal Academy of Arts.

Ernest Alfred Sallis Benney
Publication details: 
9 May 1946; on Brighton School of Art letterhead.

Artist (1894-1966) and principal of Brighton School of Art. One page, octavo. Good, but lightly creased and with staple holes in the top lefthand corner. Date stamps in grey and red ink. Letter concerns the suitability of Alfred Charles Hull as a member of the Academy. Benney knew Hull 'for many years as a master at Shoreham Grammar School' and elsewhere. 'Mr. Hull is an extremely charming fellow and would socially fit in very happily with the Society. It is a little difficult, however, for me to say whether he is of fellowship standard.

Autograph Postcard Signed to Kenneth Bredon, of Bredon's Bookshop in Brighton.

Nicolas Bentley
Publication details: 
Postmarked 24 September 1974; 'The Old School, Downhead, Shepton Mallet, Somerset.'

One page, very good. Postcard illustration of Marie Taglioni. In Bentley's distinctive neat hand. 'If & when Angus & Robertson's traveller shows you a book called Dead Funny, illus. by Bill Tidy, pubs. Ask & Grant, I hope you'll feel compelled to place a huge order: The Grant is Arabella's husband, just breaking into publishing (mad!) How are you & Billie? We should love to see you both, but I doubt that you ever come this way. If you do, you can count on a warm bed & reception. Try & make it sometimes.' Signed 'Nick'.

Typed Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies[, Secretary], Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Atkinson
Publication details: 
24 November 1932; on letterhead '126 WIGMORE STREET | W.I'.

British architect (1883-1952) who worked on 'the Bath Improvement Scheme, Saint Catherine's Church, Hammersmith, W., The Regent Theatre, Brighton, The Picture House, Edinburgh, Gresham Hotel, Dublin, and many private and other works' (Who's Who). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Headed 're Architectural Decoration Committee'. He assumes that 'the Agenda of a meeting of your Committee on the 30th November at 4 p.m.' has been sent to him in error, as he has written a letter declining the invitation to serve on it.

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