National Education. Report of the Proceedings at a Meeting of the Glasgow Public School Association, held in the Merchants' Hall, Glasgow, on the 11th November 1851, with address then delivered by Dr. J. P. Nichol, [...].

J. P. Nichol [John Pringle Nichol (1804-1859), Professor of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow] [Scottish National Education]
Publication details: 
From the "North British Daily Mail" '. Glasgow: David Robertson, Trongate. John Robertson, 5 Maxwell Street. 1851. [William Gilchrist, Printer, Glasgow.]
SKU: 8370

12mo, 22 pp. Stitched as issued, pamphlet. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The title continues, '[...] Nichol, Professor of Astonomy in the University of Glasgow, On the Existing Obstructions to the Institution of a National System of Education.' Offprint. The text is headed 'PUBLIC SCHOOL ASSOCIATION.' In small type. The final paragraph reads '[NOTE. - The foregoing Address was not prepared for publication. It is now reprinted from the report in the NORTH BRITISH DAILY MAIL, made up with the assistance of Professor Nichol's rough notes. Suuch corrections only have been made as seemed necessary to assimilate the report to what was really spoken. It may be requisite to remark, too, that the details of the Manchester and Salford Scheme have been purposely overlooked. No semblance of public guarantees can alter the spirit of that scheme.]' Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at the National Library of Scotland and the British Library.