Votes of the House of Commons. Jovis 17. die Jan. 1711. [Including the transcript of a letter to the House of Commons from Queen Anne, dated 'St. James's, 17. January, 1711.']
Printed in small type on both sides of a leaf of laid paper, roughly 31 x 20 cm. Text clear and complete. On aged, worn and grubby paper. Closed tear to upper corner (not affecting text). At head of first page: '[39] Numb. 17'. At head of second page: '[40]'. The Queen's letter, of 28 lines, is placed in the midst of a report of the House's business. It informs the House 'That Her Plenipotentiaries are arrived at Utrecht, and have begun, in pursuance of their Instructions, to concert the most proper Ways of procuring a just Satisfaction to all in Alliance with Her, according to their several Treaties, and particularly with relation to Spain and the West-Indies.' She also urges a remedy to the 'Evil' of 'Publishing false and scandalous Libels, such as are a Reproach to any Government', which has 'grown too strong for the Laws now in Force'. Before printers' details at end of second page: 'By Virtue of an Order of the House of Commons, I do appoint Samuel Keble and Henry Clements to Print these Votes; Ant that no other Person presume to Print the same. | W. BROMLEY, Speaker.' At foot of second page: '(Price Two Pence.)' Scarce: apparently no copy of this separate printing on COPAC.