[printed pamphlet] A Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Protection afforded the King's Majesty [George III] during a long and an arduous Reign. [...] the 25th of October 1809. Being the Day on which His Majesty began His happy Reign.
[prayer for King George III, 1809; George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, the King's printers; liturgies and prayers]
Publication details:
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1809.
SKU: 9625
Small 4to, 4 pp. Disbound (from a collection of pamphlets assembled by Gilbert Buchanan), and with neat strip of tape along margin of last page. Good, with neat vertical fold from placement in 8vo volume. Uncommon. COPAC only lists copies at Cambridge, Oxford, Lambeth Palace and the British LIbrary.