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Manuscript copy of letter from William Lock to Alexander Murray, complaining from Italy about the result of the sale of his books and prints, discussing his estate, and planning the sale by Sotheby of his own paintings and those of Henry Fuseli.

William Lock (1767-1847), painter, son of the connoisseur William Lock [Locke] (1732-1810) of Norbury Park, Surrey [Henry Fuseli; Samuel Sotheby; Alexander Murray; John Julius Angerstein]
Publication details: 
2 June 1821. Florence, Casa Quaratesi, Piazza Ognissanti.

1p., 4to. Neatly written out in a contemporary hand (presumably the recipient's), with 'Copy' at the head. In very good condition, on lightly-aged laid paper with watermark of 'W D WELLS'. Signature transcribed as 'Wm. Lock'. Lock has just received Murray's letter of 18 May, 'giving me an Account of the Sales of my Books and Prints which is so much below what I had reason to expect, that I must beg you to apply only One thousand to the Payment of my Debt to my Fathers Executors'.

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