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Catalogue of etchings by Robert Austin, A.R.E. [interleaved by Walker with material relating to Austin, 1926-1933].

Robert Sargent Austin [Campbell Dodgson; Rainforth Armitage Walker]
Publication details: 
London: Published by the Twenty One Gallery, Durham House Street, Adelphi, W.C.2, 1926.

Austin (1895-1973) was a British etcher, engraver and watercolourist. R.A. Walker (born 1886), whose bookplate is on the front pastedown, was a connoisseur and Aubrey Beardsley scholar. Quarto, twenty-six leaves. Internally tight, clean and sound, in worn and stained half-leather binding, with 'ROBERT AUSTIN' in gilt on spine. The item contains a total of forty-seven reproductions of Austin's works, many gleaned from magazines, etc, and tipped in throughout.

[ Samuel Cousins, engraver. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Saml: Cousins') to the Scottish artist Thomas Faed

Samuel Cousins (1801-1887), RA, English mezzotint engraver [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Camden Square, N.W. [London] 29 October 1877.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with small piece of mount adhering at head. Accepting an invitation to dinner.

[ Samuel Cousins. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml: Cousins') to fellow-engraver Thomas Goff Lupton, regarding an invitation to tea and 'Wilson's entertainment'.

Samuel Cousins (1801-1887), RA, English mezzotint engraver [ Thomas Goff Lupton (1791-1873), engraver and artist ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. 'Monday morning'.

1p., 12mo. In good condiion, lightly aged and worn. The letter begins: 'Dear Lupton | I find that we do not dine 'till 6 to day and consequently I shall not be able to take tea with you at half past 6 -'. He still intends to 'go to Wilson's entertainment', and hopes to be with Lupton 'by half past seven, if not sooner'.

[ From the stock of Henry Grey of Acton?] Collection of 114 genealogical and heraldic items, relating to British families, including manuscript and printed pedigrees, engraved coats of arms (including proofs) and armorial bookplates.

[ Henry Grey of Acton, genealogical bookseller; genealogy; heraldry; heraldic; bookplates ]
Publication details: 
[ Henry Grey, 1 Churchfield Road East, Acton, London? ] Ranging in date from the eighteenth century to the early twentieth century.

114 items, ranging in size and format. Many are extracted from eighteenth and nineteenth century English and French volumes. In fair condition, with signs of age and wear. Containing a few duplicates. Perhaps indicating provence is the presence, with two other items in a folder titled 'Hunt Family of Ireland', of a TLS to Grey from W. H. Hunt of Selkirk, 25 February 1923, asking him to supply genealogical 'extracts'. Of the present collection, the pedigrees, variously in manuscript, printed and engraved, are 24 in number.

[ Sir Francis Grant, portrait painter. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis Grant') to Scottish artist Thomas Faed, on his election as Associate Member of the Royal Academy, and an engraving by Samuel Cousins of one of his paintings.

Francis Grant (1803-1878), English portrait painter [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), Scottish artist; Baron Carlo Marochetti (1805-67), Italian sculptor; Samuel Cousins (1801-87), engraver; Royal Academy ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Lodge, Melton Mowbray. 6 February [1861].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, the blank reverse of the second leaf laid down on card backing removed from autograph album. Writing of his trip to London to take part in the vote at the Royal Academy he writes: 'I had two inducements to come up - you & Marochetti [the Italian sculptor Carlo Marochetti, elected at the same time] - & for either I would have come up separately - not from private friendship - although that existed in both cases - but from a sense of duty & the advantage of the Academy of which I doubt not you will very soon be a full member'.

[ Daniel Maclise, Irish artist and illustrator. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Danl. Maclise') to Scottish painter Thomas Faed.

Daniel Maclise (1806-1870), Irish artist and illustrator [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Athenaeum, London. No date.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on leaf removed from album. Reads: 'My dear Faed | It will give me much pleasure to dine with you the day you name | Believe me | faithfully yours | Danl. Maclise'.

[ Quentin Bell, member of the Bloomsbury Group. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Quentin') to Christopher White of the Department of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, introducing Duncan Grant.

Quentin Bell [ Quentin Claudian Stephen Bell ] (1910-1996), artist, member of the Bloomsbury Group [ Sir Christopher White (b.1930), art historian; Duncan Grant ]
Publication details: 
23 Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne. Undated [ between 1954 and 1965, when White was in the Department of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, London ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, neatly folded twice. With worn envelope addressed to 'Christopher White Esq'. Reads: 'Dear Christopher | This is to introduce Duncan Grant, who would like to look at some drawings in the print room. I hope that you will be able to give him whatever assistance he may require. | Yours | Quentin'.

[ Alfred Benjamin Wyon, medallist. ] Pencil drawing of crown, captioned in ink 'Scottish Crown.'

Alfred Benjamin Wyon (1837-1884), sculptor and medallist, with shop at 287 Regent St, London
Publication details: 
With stamp of 'WYON | REGENT ST' [ Alfred Benjamin Wyon, 287 Regent St, London ].Undated.

On one side of a 12 x 13 cm piece of paper. On aged paper with four folds. The crown is drawn in pencil, and is 2.5 x 2.75 cm. The caption, in ink, is below, and reads: 'Scottish crown. | Drawing to be returned.' Between the two lines of text is the firm's stamp, made up of perforated lettering. Presumably a design for a letterhead, or other engraving.

[Leopold Lowenstam, English-based Dutch etcher.] Business letterbook, containing copies of several hundreds of his letters, over a twenty year period, to 72 individuals and institutions, including patrons and artists at home and abroad.

Leopold Lowenstam [Leopold Henry Lowenstam] (1842-1898), Dutch etcher working in England [Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema; Rosa Bonheur; Jozef Israels; Robert Dowling]
Publication details: 
Most earlier letters from 9 Titchfield Terrace, Regents Park [London]; most later letters from Woodcroft, Three Bridges [Sussex]. Dating from between 1877 and 1897.

380pp., 4to. Carbon copies on rectos of numbered leaves. Preceded by an eleven-leaf thumb index (not complete). In original brown leather half-binding, marbled boards and endpapers. Internally sound and tight, in heavily-worn binding lacking spine. At the heart of the correspondence are eight letters to the artist with whom Lowenstam is most of all associated, Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema. These date from the 1890s, and are all addressed to 'My dear Tadema'.

Publishers' 'Specimen Of First Seven Plates' in 'An Elementary Text-Book of Entomology' by 'W. F. Kirby, of the British Museum'.

W. F. Kirby [ William Forsell Kirby (1844-1912) ], of the British Museum [ Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Paternoster Square; William Wesley & Son, London, Booksellers and Publishers ]
Publication details: 
London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Paternoster Square. 1885. [ With stamp of William Wesley & Son, Booksellers and Publishers, 28, Essex Street, Strand, London. ]

16pp., 4to. Unbound and unstitched pamphlet. On aged and worn paper. The first page has the Wesley stamp, and is headed 'Specimen Of First Seven Plates' It also carries nine lines describing the 'object of the author'. The seven plates are accompanied by captions, and there is also an explanation regarding them.

[ Louis Haghe, lithographer and watercolourist. ] Autograph Signature.

Louis Haghe (1806-1865), Belgian lithographer and watercolour artist, based in England
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

The signature 'Louis Haghe' on 0.8 x 5 cm. piece of grey paper, evidently cut from a letter. In good condition, close cropped and lightly aged.

[ Jonathan Anderson Bell, Scottish architect. ] Autograph Signature ('J. A. Bell'), as Secretary, Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, to 'Miss Fordyce, Union Place', for subscription, on ornate receipt.engraved by W. H. Lizars

Jonathan Anderson Bell (d.1865), Scottish architect and watercolourist, Secretary, Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland [ W. H. Lizars, engraver ]
Publication details: 
Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, Edinburgh, 25 March 1857. [ 'Engd by W H Lizars']

Printed on both sides of an 11 x 23 cm piece of grey paper. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. A nice piece of ephemera. The front is tastefully laid out, with fancy lettering and the royal crest. Numbered in red ink 1379. Recording Miss Fordyce's guinea subscription to the association. The reverse has the terms of the Association engraved in copperplate over ten lines. It is docketed '£1 . 1 | Fine Art Association | 25 March 1857'.

[ Henry Lemon, English engraver. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed to his publishers of Messrs. E. Gambert & Co., the first two regarding his engraving 'The Miller's Daughter', and the last proposing to engrave 'The Saviour in the Temple'.

Henry Lemon (1822-1902), English engraver [ Messrs E. Gambert & Co., London publishers ]
Publication details: 
The first two from 4 Chalcot Terrace, London. 21 April and 11 December 1858. The third from 2 Winchester Road, Avenue Road, Regents Park, NW. 24 December 1860.

The three items in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ONE: 4 April 1858. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed to 'Mr. H Moore | Messrs. Gambert & Co.' Regarding the financial arrangement surrounding his engraving 'The Miller's Daughter'. On the subject of 'the two repayment bills', he would 'rather not part with £50.00 for some two or three months to come'. TWO: 11 December 1858. 1p., landscape 12mo. Directing the firm to give the bearer 'six (6) Artists Proofs of Millers Daughter -, which I long since promised to the owner of the Picture'. THREE: 24 December 1860. 2pp., 12mo.

[ Victorian bookseller's catalogue. ] Catalogue of Books & Portraits, comprising Miscellaneous, Theatrical, Old Newspapers, Views of Theatres, London, Trials, Collections, &c. &c.

F. Kornman, Book and Printseller, 168 High Holborn, London, W.C.
Publication details: 
On sale by F. Kornman, Book and Printseller, 168 High Holborn, London, W.C. (Nearly opposite the end of Drury Lane.) No. 9. 1888.

8pp., 12mo. Stapled. Heavily aged and worn. A trim little catalogue, with 158 books described on the first seven pages, and the last page devoted to prints. Beneath the drophead title: 'Post Office Orders to be made payable at High Holborn. | No books or prints sent on approval.

[ Emilio Marolda, ] Elegant engraved ticket of invitation, illustrated with six cherubs, inviting 'Mr. George Bodleys' [ Gothic Revival architect George Frederick Bodley ] to the 'Fête d'Ouverture' of his 'nouvel [sic] atelier' in London.

Emilio Marolda, Sicilian interior designer, artist and decorator [ George Frederick Bodley (1827-1907), Gothic revival architect ]
Publication details: 
74a Margaret Street, Cavendish Square [London]. Thursday 1 July [c.1881?].

Printed in black on one side of 13.5 x 18.5 cm card. Plate dimensions 11.5 x 16 cm. Aged and spotted. An attractive and elegant production with both illustration and text engraved. The illustration, with engraved signature of 'E Marolda' shows six putti playing with a string of foliage, with one in the bottom left-hand corner swathed in ribbon and standing beside an architectural feature. The text reads: 'Les Muses réunies prient ['Mr. George Bodleys' inserted in mansucript] de vouloir bien honorer de ['sa' inserted] presence le nouvel atelier de Sigr.

[Proof engraving of 'The Welcome Coffee House' (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ] Manuscript Letter, signed 'Pro S. W. Partridge & Co | F. N', to W. H. Dunlop, enclosing a proof engraving from the 'Coffee Public News'.

[ S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London publishers ] [Samuel William Partridge (1810-1903); W. H. Dunlop (proprietor?), The Welcome Coffee House (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ]
Publication details: 
S. & W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London. 25 October 1880.

Both the engraving and the letter are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ENGRAVING: Dimensions of image: 5.5 x 9 cm. Dimensions of paper: 12 x 18 cm. In black ink. The coffee house, with signage, is shown behind an old stone wall, in front of a country house. It is built like a barn with a taller structure beside it (possibly a reading room). LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

[ The Rowfant Club, Cleveland, Ohio. ] Illustrated invitation to 'An exhibition of American and Foreign Book-Plates from the collection of Mr. Charles Dexter Allen, Honorary American Secretary of The Ex Libris Society, London.' Signed by F. H. Baer.

Frank H. Baer (1864-1940), American book collector and member of the Rowfant Club of Cleveland, Ohio [ Charles Dexter Allen; The Ex Libris Society, London; bookplates ]
Publication details: 
'Rowfant Club | 255 Erie St' [Cleveland, Ohio]. 'January 21 to 24, 1895. | Evenings 7.30 to 10.'

12 x 8.5 cm. Bifolium. Printed in red and black on thick watermarked deckle-edged laid paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Engraving in black ink on recto of first leaf, incorporating the words 'Rowfant Club' and '255 Erie St', showing a back-view of a man in a chair seated at a table, spreading open a large volume containing ''BOOK-PLATES'. Text on recto of second volume, printed in black and red, with the printed words 'Compliments of' followed by the autograph signature of 'F. H. Baer'.

[ Mary Knox, illustrator. ] Printed illustrated Christmas card 'from E. V. & Mary Knox.' With manuscript address and telephone number at foot.

Mary Knox [née Mary Shepard] (1909-2002), illustrator; E. V. Knox [ Edmund George Valpy Knox ] (1881-1971), poet and satirist ('Evoe'), editor of Punch magazine, 1932-1949
Publication details: 
[London, 1930s or 1940s.]

Printed in black on one side of a 12.5 x 16.5 cm piece of card. A charming image, framed within the drawn curtains of a theatre stage, showing four snowmen, dressed as toff in top hat, flat-capped figure with spade, lady with shawl and umbrella, and bowler-hatted figure with muffler and broom. At head of image 'A Merry Christmas', and at foot, 'from E. V. & Mary Knox'. In blue ink in border at foot of page: '110 Frognal. N.W.3.' and 'Hampstead 7330.' Mary Knox's father E. H. Shepard was the illustrator of the Winnie the Pooh books.

Engraved trade card for the boxer James Figg, formerly attributed to William Hogarth, but now considered a fake.

[ William Hogarth (1697-1764), engraver; James Figg (1684-1734), English bare-knuckle boxer ]
Publication details: 
'Will Hogarth f[eci]t'. [London? 1790s.]

Print: 16.5 x 12 cm. Plate: 19 x 16.5 cm. Paper: 21.5 x 20 cm. In fair condition: aged and worn, with 8cm closed tear unobtrusively repaired on reverse. Depicts Figg and another with weapons on a platform, with a crowd looking on from pit and gallery. Text reads: 'James Figg | Master of ye Noble Science of Defence | on ye right hand in Oxford Road | near Adam & Eve court teaches Gentle- | men ye use of y[e] small backsword & |Quarterstaff at home & abroad'. Copy in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, whose description provides information.

[ The Antiquarian Etching Club, London. ] Printed prospectus, with 'Plan of the Club', 'Rules' and 'Contents of Volumes already issued. With descriptive letter-press.'

[ H. W. King, Hon. Sec., the Antiquarian Etching Club, London, founded 1849 [ John Russell Smith, bookseller, 36 Soho Square, London ]
Publication details: 
[ John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. ] Tucker, Printer, Perry's Place, Oxford Street. [Circa 1852.]

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. Disbound. A frail survival, on aged paper, with chipping to gutter and extremities.

[ Walter Crane. ] Charming small valentine card, showing Cupid as a postboy delivering cards to children, captioned 'May New Year bring from Lovers True, [...]'. With poem by 'W. J. L.' on reverse, beginning 'Nursery Valentines, pretty and sweet!'

Walter Crane (1845-1915), English artist and book illustrator [ 'W. J. L.', poet; Marcus Ward & Co., Belfast publishers ]
Publication details: 

On 6.75 x 10.25 cm card. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Crane's illustration is printed in gold, blue, red, pink and brown, with the caption at foot, encased in a characteristic decorative border reading 'MAY NEW YEAR BRING FROM LOVERS TRUE | LOTS OF VALENTINES FOR YOU!' A winged Cupid in doorway to the right, dressed in blue cap and suit with knickerbockers and red stockings, delivers letters to three girls and a baby in a bath chair. Outside the border, at foot: 'ENT STA HALL MARCUS WARD & CO.' Printed in lilac on reverse is the poem by 'W. J.

[ Peter Ustinov. ] Nine original drawings, including a signed pen drawing of 'King Lear', two theatrical portraits ('Carlo Goldoni' and '<Stuchler?>'), 'Nadia [Boulanger]', and studies of male heads.

Peter Ustinov (1921-2004), Anglo-Russian actor and playwright [ Nadia Boulanger; Carlo Goldoni; William Shakespeare's King Lear ]
Publication details: 
All items undated, and without details of place.

All items in fair condition, on six pieces of lightly aged and worn paper. ONE: Black ink pencil drawing, signed in bottom left-hand corner '"King Lear" | Peter Ustinov'. On 38 x 27.5 cm paper. Striking caricature of a hawkish and hairy Lear, eyes blazing, clutching his crown in his right hand while a courtier looks on from the bottom right. TWO: Black ink drawing, captioned by Ustinov at bottom right 'Carlo Goldoni'. On 38 x 27.5 cm paper. A head and shoulders portrait of a bewigged Goldoni, staring impishly to his right.

[ Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Co., London printsellers. ] Itemised manuscript invoice to 'John Edward Taylor Esq', signed by 'J. W. Wood', including commission on 42 lots purchased for him at the 'Percy Sale'.

Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Company, Printsellers by Appointment to her Majesty, London [ John Edward Taylor (1830-1905), owner of the Manchester Guardian and notable art collector ]
Publication details: 
Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Company, 14 Pall Mall East, 'S.W. next the College of Physicians', London. On the firm's engraved billhead. 'Midsr. [i.e. Midsummer] 1890'.

Taylor's collecting activities are described in his entry in the Oxford DNB. His collection was sold by his widow in 1912 for the massive sum of £358,500.3pp., folio. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Tastefully-printed billhead, as one might expect, in black and red, with royal crests, boasting that the firm are 'Printsellers by Appointment to her Majesty, | Their Royal Highnesses The Prince Consort, The Prince of Wales, and the Duchess of Kent'. Also the text: 'Established 1760. | Half price allowed for packing cases if returned immediately'.

[ J. Ruyssen, drawing master. ] Engraved dedication leaf to his 'Collection of Principles'.

J. Ruyssen, drawing master in Georgian London
Publication details: 
'London, Published as the Act directs Decr. 1803.'

1p., 8vo (28 x 22 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn, with damp stain to top right-hand corner, not extending to the print. The engraving entirely consists of an attractive arrangement of copperplate lettering with some decorative flourishes (for example to the first two words).

[ John Shury, London engraver. ] Engraved moving circular wheel on backing, titled 'A Circular Table, to find all the Moveable Sundays in the Year.'

John Shury, engraver in Georgian London [ Thomas Tegg (1776-1845), London publisher and printseller ]
Publication details: 
'J. Shury Sc. | London, Published by Thomas Tegg, 73, Cheapside, July, 1, 1828.'

An attractive and unusual item, and extremely scarce: no copies recorded on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Engraved print in shape 11 cm diameter circle, carrying text and numeration, attached to printed 8vo leaf and superimposed on matching circular print with months and further numeration, to make a calculation tool. At head of page, beneath title and above wheel: 'To find the SUNDAYS that depend on EASTER day.

[ Brandenbourg House Masquerade, 1794. ] Engraved ticket of admission, with illustration by Bartolozzi from E. F. Burney and crested seal in red wax.

Francesco Bartolozzi (1727-1815), Italian engraver; Edward Francisco Burney, artist [ Brandenburg House, Fulham; Christian Frederick Charles Alexander (1736-1806), Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach ]
Publication details: 
Brandenburg [Brandenbourg] House, Fulham. [1794 or 1800?].

A scarce and unusual item. On one side of a piece of 11 x 15 cm paper. Laid down on 13 x 17 cm paper backing. Aged and creased, with three evenly-spaced vertical folds. The illustration, at the centre of the ticket, is captioned 'MISCUIT UTILE DULCI', and depicts two naked cherubs, one with a Mercury helmet, playing with books and lyre. Beneath, in small letters, 'E. F. Burney del.' and 'F. Bartolozzi sculps.' To the right of the engraving is a crested seal in red wax. Above the engraving: 'BRANDENBOURG HOUSE MASQUERADE | Monday the 24th. of February at Eleven o'Clock'.

[British Army in India (a supplies scandal?)] Eight highly-finished, capable caricatures by 'C', involving a Raj (army supplies?) scandal, 'Bilk', 'Jemadar Amwalla and the Old Atasi Troupe', 'Mahomed Arif & Co', 'the G. C. M.', and the Madras Times.

'C'. [British Army in the Raj, 1913; British India; Cannanore [Kannur], Kerala; Mahomed Arif & Co.; Jemadar Amwalla ]
Publication details: 
Two dated from Cannanore [Kannur, Kerala, India], one to December 1913 and the other simply to 1913.

Eight witty and attractive caricatures, in a sub-Punch style. All eight in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Each in black ink on a separate piece of paper, five of them 33.5 x 21.5 cm, and three of them 21 x 17 cm. The context of the caricatures is at present obscure, but would undoubtedly make itself clear with specialist research. The five largest illustrations are: ONE: Caption: 'Please to remember | The twenty-seventh of November | The "Bilk-Powder" treason and plot'.

[ Printsellers' catalogue with F. B. Daniell & Son bookplate. ] A Catalogue of Engravings, by the most esteemed Artists, after The finest Pictures and Drawings of the Schools of Europe; [...] Forming part of the stock of Moon, Boys, and Graves, [...]

Moon, Boys, and Graves, Printsellers to His Majesty, And Publishers of Works of Art. No. 6, Pall-Mall. [ F. B. Daniell & Son, London printsellers ]
Publication details: 
[ Moon, Boys, and Graves, Printsellers to His Majesty, And Publishers of Works of Art. No. 6, Pall-Mall. ] London: Printed by J. Moyes, Took's Court, Chancery Lane. 1829.

Full title: 'A Catalogue of Engravings, by the most esteemed Artists, after The finest Pictures and Drawings of the Schools of Europe; Systematically arranged under the painters, and by Index to the Subjects: Accompanied by a List of Works in Progress, or recently completed: And also of various Books of Prints, Forming part of the stock of Moon, Boys, and Graves, Printsellers to His Majesty, And Publishers of Works of Art. No. 6, Pall-Mall.' viii + 214pp., 8vo. In original quarter-binding of grey printed boards and black leather spine.

[Rowley Lascelles, antiquary.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Thomas Smith (Keeper of Prints and Drawings, British Museum), asking that his son be allowed to copy out a pedigree in the Harleian Collection for Marquess Wellesley.

Rowley Lascelles (1771-1841), antiquary and archivist whose employment by the Record Commissioners for Ireland ended in controversy [John Thomas Smith (1766-1833), Keeper of Prints, British Museum]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Between 1816 and 1833.]

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, with the verso of the second leaf addressed to 'J. T. Smith esqr.' In fair condition, on aged and worn paper.

[The eighteenth-century London print trade.] Autograph Receipt Signed ('Robt. Dunkarton') from engraver Robert Dunkarton to the printseller John Boydell.

Robert Dunkarton, (c.1744–1811 or 1817), English engraver and portrait painter [John Boydell (1720-1804), printseller and Lord Mayor of London]
Publication details: 
[London.] 23 August 1783.

On 4 x 14.5 cm slip of paper. In fair condition, placed in a windowpane frame, on leaf removed from album. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in creased mount. Reads: 'Augst. 23: 1783 Recd. of Mr Boydell Twelve Pound's [sic] on Account | Robt. Dunkarton | £12: 0: 0'. On the reverse is a receipt signed by a 'Jno Harley'. For more information about Dunkarton and Boydell, see their entries in the Oxford DNB.

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