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[ James Clarke Hook, RA, English painter. ] Signed ('Jas: C. Hook') Autograph transcription of J. R. Lowell's lines on Abraham Lincoln.

James Clarke Hook (1819-1907), English painter, Member of the Royal Academy
Publication details: 
On letterhehad of Silverbeck, Churt, Farnham, Surrey. 23 October 1895.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Written in response to a request for an autograph, and signed at foot 'Yours Truly | Jas: C. Hook'. Above this, beneath the heading 'Lincoln', Hook has transcribed twelve lines from 'Ode Recited at the Harvard Commemoration, July 21 1865', beginning 'He knew to bide his time, | And can his fame abide,' and with 'J. R. Lowell.' at the end.

[ Edward Hodges Baily, sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E H Baily'), giving his 'charges for Busts in Marble'.

Edward Hodges Baily (1788-1867), English sculptor
Publication details: 
11 York Place, Portman Square. 23 July 1855.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to an unnamed recipient. He gives his prices for 'a head in Marble', a 'Torso bust', and a 'pale draped bust'. Docketed on reverse with biographical details in a nineteenth-century hand.

[ John Gould, bird-artist ] Printed Receipt Signed boldly over stamp, "John Gould".

John Gould (1804–1881), English ornithologist and bird artist
Publication details: 
[Printed address] To John Gould. 26 Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, W.C. 17 August 1870

Receipt, part printed, part MS., 21 x 13cm, fold marks, good condition. A "Mr Cornish" has purchased Parts 17 & 18 of the Birds of Great Britain. Note; "The Birds of Great Britain" (1862–73).

[ John Martin, English romantic painter. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the antiquary John Britton, regarding a meeting to discuss the 'intended embankments of the Thames' which he himself proposed.

John Martin (1789-1854), English romantic painter [ John Britton (1771-1857), antiquary; embankment of the River Thames, London ]
Publication details: 
30 Allsop Terrace [ London ]. 30 March 1840.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, with slight damage to gutter from removal from stub. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'John Britton Esqre | 17, Burton St | Burton Crescent'. He asks him and 'any friend who might be interested in the subject' to try to attend 'a meeting at the Guildhall Coffee House' the following day, 'Sir Wm. Heygate in the chair, to consider the necessity of combining a public walk with the intended embankments of the Thames'.

[ Minnie Walters Anson, English miniaturist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Miss Newcomb' [ secretary of Marcus Adams Limited], regarding miniatures made from photographs of children taken by her brother-in-law Marcus Adams

Walters Anson [ Minnie Walters Anson ] (1875-1959), RMS [ Royal Miniature Society ], miniaturist [ Lambeth School of Art ], wife of artist Chris Adams (1867-1960), brother of Marcus Adams
Publication details: 
Both on her letterhead ('WALTERS ANSON, R.M.S.'), 48 Parkstone Avenue, Parkstone, Dorset. 6 and 11 February 1950.

Both letters 2pp., 12mo. Both in good condition, lightly-aged, the second with the first page lightly crossed through in pencil. The letters relate to work done for the firm of her brother-in-law Marcus Adams (described in his Times obituary as 'the outstanding child photographer of his day and photographer to the Royal Family for more than 30 years'), at 43 Dover Street, Mayfair. She begins the first letter by explaining that she has 'endeavoured to make the Woodall miniature like the snapshot, but unless they are really satisfied I had better do another.

[ Richard St John Tyrwhitt, art critic. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R St John Tyrwhitt') to 'Mrs Paul', regarding his book 'Our Sketching Club. Letters and Studies on Landscape Art.' With a copy of the book.

Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. [ Richard St John Tyrwhitt (1827-1895), English art critic, cleric and supporter of John Ruskin ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Ketilley, Oxford, on cancelled letterhead of Christ Church. 25 September 1875. Book published by Macmillan and Co., London, 1874.

Letter: 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Laid down on the book's flyleaf. In very good condition, lightly-aged. He hears about his book 'every now & then & I suppose it goes off all right'. He advises Mrs Paul to tell her correspondent that 'she has only to go on with its lessons & exercises', and that 'The woodcuts are all meant to be copied, & a fair amount of directions is given.

[ Richard St John Tyrwhitt, art critic. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R St John Tyrwhitt') to 'Miss Bosworth', presenting a copy of his 'A Handbook of Pictorial Art' to her. With inscribed copy of the book.

Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. [ Richard St John Tyrwhitt (1827-1895), English art critic, cleric and supporter of John Ruskin ]
Publication details: 
Lettter dated 29 March 1869, no place. Book published at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1868.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Attached by the blank second leaf of the bifolium to the reverse of the front free endpaper of the book. Envelope addressed by Tyrwhitt to 'Miss Bosworth | Parks Town' tipped-in beside the letter. He is not sure whether she has a copy of 'my art-book', which she mentioned 'the other day'. 'If not, will you kindly accept of this one, tho I fear it is not a very good one in the illustrations?' Book: [xv] + 480pp., 8vo. Sixteen-page November 1868 publisher's catalogue at rear.

[ Bernhard Sickert, English painter. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bernhard Sickert') to unnamed individual, regarding a New English Art Club exhibition.

Bernhard Sickert (c.1863-1932), German-born English artist, brother of Walter Sickert [ Walter Richard Sickert ] (1860-1942), English painter [ New English Art Club ]
Publication details: 
12 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington [ London ]. 29 October 1900.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He is enclosing an invitation (and puts the word in inverted commas) for the New English Art Club, and gives the date of the 'sending in day'. The New English Art Club was founded in London in 1885 as an alternate venue to the Royal Academy by young English artists returning from Paris.

[ Dame Sybil Thorndike. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Sybil Thorndike') to 'Mrs. Radcliffe', explaining her reasons for being unable to sit for 'Mr. Priest'.

Dame Sybil Thorndike [ Agnes Sybil Thorndike ] (1882-1976), English actress [ Alfred Priest (1874-1929), English artist ]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead ('Under the Direction of Bronson Albery & Lewis Casson'), from the Criterion Theatre, London. 1 February 1923.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and creased, with slight tearing at edges. She begins: 'Please forgive me for not answering your letter before, but I have been so rushed!' She is not able to 'sit for Mr. Priest just at present': 'We are just on the point of starting rehearsals for several plays to be toured and, in addition, my two small girls are ill, so that I want to spend all my spare time with them.' She is trying to 'get out of' sittings for another artist.

[Pamphlet] The Glasgow School of Art through a Century 1840-1940

[John M. Groundwater and others]
Publication details: 
No printer or publisher named. [Glasgow, 1840].

14pp., 4to, illustrated (full-page illustrations paginated), printed paper wraps, wraps stained and sl.chipped, contents good. Brief history, personnel, etc


[ George Arnald and Sir Thomas Lawrence, painters. ] Autograph Letter Signed from 'G. Arnald' 'To the President and Council of the Royal Academy', requesting relief for the widow of artist Thomas Whitcombe. With Autograph Note by Lawrence in reply.

George Arnald (1763-1841), English landscape painter; Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830), President of the Royal Academy and portrait painter [ Thomas Whitcombe (1763-c.1824), English artist ]
Publication details: 
18 June 1829.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper. Arnald's appeal begins: Appealing to the 'known humanity' of Lawrence and the Council, Arnald writes on behalf of 'Mrs. Abigail Whitcombe, widow of Mr. Thos. Whitcombe late of Clarendon Square, marine painter, and for 40. Years an annual contributor to the Exhibition of the Royal Academy', who has previously received assistance, but is now 'almost totally deprived of sight, and otherwise afflicted', and is dependent on 'the assistance afforded by friends on whom she has no Claim'.

[ British Artist ] The papers of Robin Wallace (1897-1952), twentieth-century Westmoreland landscape painter

Robin Wallace, British artist (1897-1952).
Publication details: 

Robin Wallace (1897-1952) was a well-known British painter in oils and watercolours, particularly noted for his landscapes. He was born in Kendal, Westmoreland, descended from a long line of hand-loom weavers. After working for local nurserymen, he served in the Royal Marines in the First World War. Soon after the war he set off for London, where he showed his work to Vicat Cole, principal of the Byam Shaw Vicat Cole School of Art in Kensington, who offered to teach him for nothing. His scholarship was renewed until 1926, the year of his first show, at the Rembrandt Gallery in Liverpool.

[ Oliver Hall, RA, English artist and engraver. ] Drypoint etching titled 'Hayling Island' (in Hampshire). One of an edition of 40, signed by Hall and inscribed by him to Robin Wallace.

Oliver Hall (1869-1957), RA, English landscape artist and engraver [ Robin Wallace (1897-1952), English artist from Kendal, Westmoreland ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. The subject is Hayling Island in Hampshire.

On watermarked laid paper. Dimensions of paper: 23 x 32cm. Dimensions of plate: 14 x 20cm. In fair condition, aged and lightly stained, with creasing and short closed tear to right-hand margin, but with the engraving good and clear. A windy scene, with a turbulent cloudy sky weighing heavily over a disheveled windswept landscape, in which two small figures can be made out on a bridge. Inscribed in pencil beneath the plate: 'Oliver Hall | To R. Wallace | Ed: 40.' The title 'Hayling Island' is in pencil in the bottom right-hand corner.

[ Robin Wallace, English landscape painter. ] Drypoint etching titled 'The River'. Inscribed to 'Father Richard' and described as a 'working Proof'.

Robin Wallace (1897-1952), English artist from Kendal, Westmoreland
Publication details: 
Signed by the artist and dated by him 'July 1927'.

On F. J. Head & Co. laid paper. Dimensions of paper: 23 x 29cm. Dimensions of plate: 17.5 x 25cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. A wonderful watery view of a winding country river and trees. Inscribed in pencil on the reverse: 'To Father Richard. This is working Proof for drypoint "The River" | Robin Wallace July 1927'. Wallace, a well-known painter of landscapes and still life subjects in oil and water-colour, was born at Kendal in the Lake District and studied in Kensington at the Byam Shaw and Vicat Cole School of Art.

[ Walter Crane, Arts and Crafts artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to J. Stanley Little, with thirteen examples of Crane's work, including invitation cards, handbills, letterheads.

Walter Crane (1845-1915), English illustrator, designer and painter, associated with the Arts and Craft Society, Fabian Society and Art Workers' Guild [ James Stanley Little (1856-1940) ]
Publication details: 
13 Holland Street, Kensington, and other London addresses. 1886 to 1912.

The fourteen items are laid down on three pages, on two leaves of grey paper, removed from an album, on the reverse of one leaf are two coloured coaching scenes by Randolph Caldecott, one featuring a highwayman. The overall condition is fair, with creasing and signs of age. The Autograph Letter Signed is from Crane to 'My dear Stanley Little'. 1p., landscape 8vo. With letterhead of Beaumont Lodge, Shepherd's Bush, featuring an illustration by Crane of a shepherd and sheep. 20 September 1892.

[ Sir Lionel Cust, art historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lionel Cust') to 'Lucas', regarding a trip to Ostend, problems with luggage and the Belgian railways, and a lost umbrella.

Sir Lionel Henry Cust (1859-1929), British art historian, director of the National Portrait Gallery and editor of the Burlington Magazine
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Oliphant House, The Crescent, Windsor. 26 July 1907.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition. He has been 'clinging' to Lucas's umbrella since the return from a trip to Ostend, where Cust had 'an awful quart d'heure with the luggage people, who were very unwilling to send it on, [...] but by bribery and threats of weeping and pcitures of you all shivering on deck, I <?> them to entrust the 16 or 17 packages to the guard of the train next due'. The letter continues in much the same chatty tone.

[ George Bernard Shaw. ] Printed calling card, with Arts and Crafts influence, possibly designed by Walter Crane.

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish playwright [ Walter Crane (1845-1915); Arts and Crafts Society; Art Workers' Guild; Fabian Society ]
Publication details: 
'G. BERNARD SHAW, | 29, FITZROY SQUARE, | W.' [ London ] [ Between 1887 and 1898.]

Printed in black on 4 x 7.5cm piece of card. Lightly aged and stained, with one indentation. Evidence on reverse of removal from a grey paper mount. Restrained in design, and reading 'G. BERNARD SHAW, | 29, FITZROY SQUARE, | W.' The 'G' and 'S' in Shaw's name with flourishes at head trailing to the right. Shaw lived at this address from 1887 to his marriage in 1898. Virginia Woolf lived there from 1907 to 1911. From a collection of material relating to Walter Crane, who was a member of the Fabian Society with Shaw, and possibly designed by him.

[ Thomas Faed, RA, Scottish artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Your Old Dad | Thomas Faed') to his daughter (or daughter-in-law) Mary, and Autograph Note Signed to his son 'Jack' [ John Francis ].

Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of 244 Cavendish Road, St John's Wood, N.W. [ London ]. The letter to Mary dated 5 September 1894. The note to Jack undated.

Both items 1p., 12mo. ONE: Letter to Mary. In good condition, lightly-aged. He thanks her for 'the beautiful Plums', before continuing, 'The wee lassie was a little at home with me - She is very bonnie.' Faed's daughter was named Beatrice, so it is likely that the note was addressed to his daughter-in-law, the wife of Jack. TWO: Note to Jack. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased, with traces of wax from mount on reverse. Reads: 'My Dear Jack | Very glad that Mary is a ltitle better. | Your aff Father | Thomas Faed'.?>

[ Thomas Faed, RA, Scottish artist. ] Autograph Signature and Christmas message.

Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist
Publication details: 
No place. 25 December 1881.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged and spotted, with minor traces of glue from mount on reverse. Reads: 'With the Compliments of the Season to all | from | Thomas Faed | 25 Der. 1881'. For information on Faed, see his entry in the Oxford DNB.

The Defence of Guenevere and other Poems by William Morris. Illustrated by Jessie M. King.

William Morris and Jessie M. King [ Isabel Bonus ]
Publication details: 
London and New York: John Lane The Bodley Head. 1904.

8vo. 310pp. Red cloth, gilt extra, with ornate design to front board and spine. First edition with King's illustrations. A good copy of an extremely attractive book, in binding with light fading in parts, but gilt still bright, and with the merest wear at head of spine. Bookplate by Isabel Bonus for Annie C. Dolamore. Collated and complete. All of King's ninety-five illustrations are present, with twenty-four of them, including the frontispiece, on shiny art paper. A sumptuous item, produced at the high point of King's Art Nouveau period.

[ Samuel Cousins, engraver. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Saml: Cousins') to the Scottish artist Thomas Faed

Samuel Cousins (1801-1887), RA, English mezzotint engraver [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Camden Square, N.W. [London] 29 October 1877.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with small piece of mount adhering at head. Accepting an invitation to dinner.

[ John Faed, Scottish painter. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Fanny', making a Christmas present of an engraving to 'fill a corner in your Boudoir'.

John Faed (1819-1902), RSA, Scottish painter, brother of Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 38 St. John's Wood, Park, N.W. [ London ] 25 December 1865

2pp., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with trimmed margins and slight damage at head from removal from album. He asks her to accept a 'Copy of Titian's "Ascension of the Virgin". You seemed to like it and it may fill a corner in your Boudoir.' He apologises if the frame is 'not as it should be but some might prefer he quaint old pattern to a more modern one.' From the papers of Faed's nephew John Francis Faed, son of the Royal Academician Thomas Faed (1826-1900), and so probably addressed to a family member.

[ Ralph Bartlett Goddard, American sculptor. ] Illustrated pamphlet advertising 'Portraits of Eminent Men in Bas-Relief', including extracts from letters from relations of Longfellow, Poe and Hawthorne.

Ralph Bartlett Goddard (1861-1936), American sculptor [ The Library Bureau, London ]
Publication details: 
The Library Bureau, 10, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C. [ 1890s. ]

4pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The second page carries photographic reproductions of the bas-reliefs of Tennyson and Carlyle, in frames. The third page gives details of the twelve portraits (Carlyle, Tennyson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Dickens, Whittier, Lowell, Thackeray, Bryant, E. A. Poe, Ambriose [sic] Thomas, O. W. Holmes), executed by 'Mr. RALPH BARTLETT GODDARD, the eminent Sculptor', stating that they are available in plaster or bronze, and 'form a most suitable adornment for the walls of a private or public library, schoolroom, or study'.

[ Henry Turner, American artist in Prussia. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Messrs Morgan & Buckstone' of Berners Street Gallery, London, stating that he sending over '4 Oil Pictures', with reference to 'Mr G. du Mourier'. [ George Du Maurier ].

Henry Turner, American artist, from Virginia [ Matthew Somerville Morgan (1839-1890) and Frederick Buckstone, manager and secretary, Berners Street Gallery, London; George Du Maurier ]
Publication details: 
Berger Strasse No. 1, Düsseldorf, Prussia. 5 December 1862.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged. 'I shipped on yesterday to you through Mr J. D. Brink Jr Forwarding Merchant of this city a box containing 4 Oil Pictures which I wish you to expose for sale at your Exhibition Rooms. | The titles and prices of the same will be given you by my friend Mr G. du Mourier. Please let me know when they come to hand.' The Berner's Street Gallery's association with American artists would continue: in the following decade it would gain notoriety for exhibiting Whistler's 'Symphony in White, No. 1'.

[ Peter Graham, Scottish artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Jack' [i.e. John, son of Scottish artist Faed], regarding his pictures in a Royal Academy exhibition.

Peter Graham (1836-1921), RA, Scottish artist [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), Scottish painter ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 93 Ladbroke Grove, Notting Hill, London W. 29 March [no year].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium with black border. He writes that he had 'looked forward with great interest to seeing your academy pictures for this year', but that he is disappointed not to be able to do so, as a result of a heavy cold. 'I have no doubt they will more than sustain your reputation, and it will be a true pleasure to me to hail them on good places on the line in the R.A.' He ends by sending regards 'to Mrs. Faed & yourself'.

[ Sir Francis Grant, portrait painter. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis Grant') to Scottish artist Thomas Faed, on his election as Associate Member of the Royal Academy, and an engraving by Samuel Cousins of one of his paintings.

Francis Grant (1803-1878), English portrait painter [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), Scottish artist; Baron Carlo Marochetti (1805-67), Italian sculptor; Samuel Cousins (1801-87), engraver; Royal Academy ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Lodge, Melton Mowbray. 6 February [1861].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, the blank reverse of the second leaf laid down on card backing removed from autograph album. Writing of his trip to London to take part in the vote at the Royal Academy he writes: 'I had two inducements to come up - you & Marochetti [the Italian sculptor Carlo Marochetti, elected at the same time] - & for either I would have come up separately - not from private friendship - although that existed in both cases - but from a sense of duty & the advantage of the Academy of which I doubt not you will very soon be a full member'.

[ Clarkson Stanfield, marine painter. ] Autograph Signature ('C Stanfield') on part of letter.

Clarkson Stanfield [Clarkson Frederick Stanfield] (1793-1867), RA, English marine painter
Publication details: 
The Green Hill, Hampstead. 21 May 1855.

The address and valediction of a letter have been cut away, on two strips. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, and laid down on leaf removed from album. The address (3 x 10.5 cm) reads: 'The Green Hill. Hampstead. | May 21st. 1855.' The valediction (4 x 11.5 cm) reads: '[...] of its place or influence in placing it. | I am Sir | Your Obedt Servt. | C Stanfield'.

[ Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Dodd') from the manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, to 'Mr J Gulliver', requesting payment for a subscription in order to 'save the expences of sending a man

Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse [ Henry Dodd, Manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham; National Fine Art Association, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, of Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. 17 December 1880.

1p., 4to. On pink paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and creased. With Dodd's personal oval stamp in purple ink. Reads: 'Mr J Gulliver | Sir | Will you kindly forward to me at the above the subscription on Bible you had of us in September | In so doing you will save the expences of sending a man'

[ Quentin Bell, member of the Bloomsbury Group. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Quentin') to Christopher White of the Department of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, introducing Duncan Grant.

Quentin Bell [ Quentin Claudian Stephen Bell ] (1910-1996), artist, member of the Bloomsbury Group [ Sir Christopher White (b.1930), art historian; Duncan Grant ]
Publication details: 
23 Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne. Undated [ between 1954 and 1965, when White was in the Department of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, London ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, neatly folded twice. With worn envelope addressed to 'Christopher White Esq'. Reads: 'Dear Christopher | This is to introduce Duncan Grant, who would like to look at some drawings in the print room. I hope that you will be able to give him whatever assistance he may require. | Yours | Quentin'.

Autograph list by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, naming pictures he has contributed to thirteen international exhibitions between 1862 and 1898, proposed in autograph queries by the art historian William Roberts.

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912), Dutch-born English painter of the 'Victorian Olympus' period [William Roberts (1862-1940), art historian]
Publication details: 
Address in bottom left-hand corner of 'W. Roberts 47, Lansdowne Gardens, Clapham, S.W.' [Circa 1898.]

1p., folio. Good, on a lightly-aged piece of ruled paper. In two columns, with the left-hand column, written out by Roberts with his address at the foot, headed 'Name of Exhibition', and listing twelve international exhibitions between 1862 (Amsterdam) and 1898 (Brussels). The right-hand column, headed 'Picture Exhibition', carries Alma-Tadema's responses, some of which are written in darker ink than others, indicating that they were added at more than one point. Alongside 'Paris (EU) 1867' he writes '13 pictures amongst them.

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