William Mathews of Oxford [Edward Jones (1752-1824), Welsh harpist and antiquary?; John Walter (c.1739-1812), first editor of The Times?]
Letter: 1 p, 4to. On the recto of the second leaf of what was originally a bifolium, but with the first leaf (around a quarter of which has been torn away) detached. On aged paper. Addressed, on recto of first leaf, to 'Mr. Edd: Jones, No 6. | Little Titchfield Street | Gt. Portland Street | London.' With two postmarks (both in black ink; one reading 'OXFORD') and a black wax seal. The reverse of the second leaf has the forwarding address 'Times Office | Printing House Square | Blackfriars', with 'Walthers' above it. Letter reads 'Dr.