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[ British Army, Sicilian Campaign, 1943. ] Two duplicated documents: 'Lecture by Maj-Gen V. Evelegh, C.B., O.B.E. on 78 Div's Part in the Sicilian Campaign' and 'Notes on Observations made in SICILY' by Lieut-Col. D. E. P. Hodgson.

Major General Vyvyan Evelegh (1898-1958), General Officer Commanding, 78th Battleaxe Infantry Division, British Army; Lieut-Col. D. E. P. Hodgson of the Welsh Guards [ Sicilian Campaign, 1943. ]
Publication details: 
Evelegh's 'Lecture' without place or date, but contemporary. Hodgson's 'Notes' dated 'IN THE FIELD | 9 Oct 43 [ 9 October 1943 ] | DEPH/LCH'.

Both items in good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Both scarce: no copy of either traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, and no copies in the Imperial War Museum collection. From the papers of military historian Barrie Pitt, author of 'Crucible of War'. ONE: ' 'Lecture by Maj-Gen V. Evelegh, C.B., O.B.E. on 78 Div's Part in the Sicilian Campaign'. Two pages each on a separate leaf, the first 8vo and the second half an 8vo page. Stapled together.

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