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[Francis Campbell Bayard and Hugh Robert Mill, as Secretaries, Royal Meteorological Society.] Lithographed Certificate, signed by the two men, electing 'Charles Anthony Esq. Jun. M. Inst. C. E.' a Fellow.

Hugh Robert Mill (1861-1950), Scottish geographer and meteorologist; Francis Campbell Bayard (1851-1927) President of the Royal Meteorological Society
Publication details: 
Royal Meteorological Society, 70 Victoria Street, Westminster, SW. 21 March 1906.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and smudged paper. Engraved copperplate certificate. Signed 'Francis Campbell Bayard' and 'Hugh Robert Mill'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. F. Bayard') to the Hon. Francis Lanley.

Thomas Francis Bayard (1828-1898), Secretary to President Grover Cleveland [Francis Lanley; Timothy Bigelow Laurence]
Publication details: 
3 April 1881; on letterhead of 1413 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D.C.

12mo, 3 pp. In bifolium. 28 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He is going to do Lanley 'a great favor' by assisting him 'to become acquainted with my friend Mrs. Bigelow Laurence [widow of Timothy Bigelow Laurence (1826-1869)] - who will be in England during the summer or autumn'. Reminisces about 'a book you and Casserly and I once planned at a breakfast table here', which was 'to consist of the best specimens of the skill and power of the Poets giving one chance to each'. To assist Lanley he is letting him know 'a woman who is a judge of poetry in its best sense.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Captain Mason.

Thomas Francis Bayard (1828-1898), Secretary to President Grover Cleveland [Lord George Hamilton]
Publication details: 
24 May 1894; on letterhead of the Embassy of the United States, London.

12mo, 1 p. Thirteen lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and foxed paper. Acknowledging 'Captain Mason's note of yesterday', and in response to the request of 'Lord George Hamilton and the Committee', 'Mr Bayard' states that he will 'respond with much pleasure to the toast of "the United States" tonight at the banquet to the Admiral and officers of N.SS Chicago'.

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