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Printed notice, issued by the magistrates for the 'Hinkford Hundred, in Essex', enjoining 'all licenced alehouse-keepers within this hundred, to maintain and keep good order and rules'.

Hinkford Hundred, in Essex; Isaac Hills, alehouse-keeper, at the Swan, Braintree
Publication details: 
At a Petty Sessions held at Bocking White-Hart, on Thursday the 28th Day of June, 1787'. Addressed in manuscript to 'Mr. Isaac Hills, at the Swan, Braintree'.

Printed on one side of a piece of laid paper roughly 320 x 190 mm. On light-aged paper, with slight discoloration, and wear to the fold line repaired on the reverse with archival tape. Twenty-one lines of text, clear and entire, with 'Hinkford Hundred, in Essex}' in the left-hand margin.

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