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Corrected Autograph Drafts of three works by Dr William MacOubrey, consisting of two poems ('To arms! Patriot gallant band' and 'Away! Away nor strive') and a paper on the Ancient Britons, the Romans and Geoffrey of Monmouth, titled 'Brutus'.

William MacOubrey (1800-1884), Irish physican (Trinity College, Dublin), Orangeman and Barrister (Middle Temple, 1839), who married George Borrow's stepdaughter and converted to homeopathy
Publication details: 
None of the three items with place or date (1850s?).

None of the three items appears to have been published. They are in fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. First poem: Headed 'By Dr. MacOubrey' and signed 'Wm MacOubrey' at foot. 1p., 12mo. Five four-line stanzas, and a four-line chorus, with a couple of minor corrections. The first stanza reads: 'Away! Away nor strive | To tempt me from the bowl | Away! and let me live | This night without control'. This followed by the chorus: 'Then quaff the Wine, | Spirits of Joy | Oh! Sense Divine! | Without Alloy!' Second Poem: Untitled. 2pp., 12mo.

Draft of Autograph Letter Signed ('Hubert Smith') to the editor of Notes and Queries, with autograph transcript of piscatorial poem in Welsh (with translation), and five press cuttings related to Welsh bards.

Hubert Smith [Hubert Smith-Stanier](1823-1911), British folklorist [David Harris; Wales; Welsh bards; harpists; minstrels]
Publication details: 
Letter: 8 January 1899; Brooklynne, Willes Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Poem undated. Cuttings: 1892 and 1894.

Letter: 12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. On aged and discoloured paper, with four pin holes to first leaf. Difficult hand. Discussing an article the proofs of which he has corrected. Poem: 8vo, 1 p. Headed 'David Harris (tom piscota) '. Five four-line stanzas, chorus, and footnote. Translation begins 'Of every sport thats in the world | Fishing is the best | And have to wind out of south | And to fish will jump on my hand'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of military document.

Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Uncle (1773-1843) of Queen Victoria, notable book collector. Paper dimensions approximately 1 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches. In good condition. Florid signature 'Augustus Frederick' above printed word '(Rank)' beside 'Lieutt. Coll. Com.' in manuscript, which in turn is above printed word '(Corps)' beside 'Loyal North Britons' in manuscript.

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