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[ Lady Maria Theresa Lewis, author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M Theresa Lewis') to Sir George Scharf.

Lady Maria Theresa Lewis [née Villiers] (1803-1865), author, wife of Thomas Henry Lister and George Cornewall Lewis [ Sir George Scharf (1820-1895), Director, National Portrait Gallery ]
Publication details: 
Lathom House [Lancashire]. 22 November 1861.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. She is out of town, and Scharf's letter has followed her to Cheshire and Lancashire, and she is sending a letter of introduction to Lord Essex, whom she hopes will 'afford you every facility in your interesting pursuits'. She is flattered 'at the manner in which you always speak of my Grove Catalogue - it was a great pleasure to me & I much regret that other duties & occupations have prevented me for a time from continuing my Biographies'. She concludes by wishing him 'every success in your Blenheim Catalogue'.

[ Lewis Mansergh, Secretary, Public Works Commission, Cape of Good Hope. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lewis Mansergh') to 'Mr. Anthony', regarding the Irrigation Act.

Lewis Mansergh [ Cornewall Lewis Warwickshire Mansergh ], Secretary of the Public Works Commission, and of the Provincial Council, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa [The Irrigation Act, 1906.]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, Cape of Good Hope. 24 September 1906.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He is sending, under separate cover, a copy of 'the Irrigation Act as it finally passed the House', but feels there is 'no use loading you up with particulars of the many intervening phases - and they were many. As you have it now it is the law!' He continues with reference to Gordon and Paterson, the former of whom 'will be finally leaving at the end of the year, and the Govt: has suggested another Indian man', whom Gordon recommends.

Autograph Letter Signed to S[amuel]. Redgrave.

Sir George Cornewall Lewis, 2nd Baronet
Publication details: 
Kent House | 4 April' [no year].

Author and politician (1806-63). The recipient (1802-76) was author of a dictionary of English artists, and successively private secretary to several English statesman. Two pages, 12mo. An odd request. 'I have been asked by a friend to ascertain for him whether any person has ever been tried in England for suffocating a human being supposed to be affected by hydrophobia. If you shd. be in possession of any information which throws light upon the subject, would you have the kindness to enable me to answer the question'. signed 'G C Lewis'.

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