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[ Maria Ann Lovell, English actress and playwright. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Dillon Croker, regarding his assistance.

Maria Ann Lovell [ née Maria Ann Lacy ] (1803-1877), English actress and playwright, wife of the author George William Lovell (1804-1878)
Publication details: 
7 Mornington Crescent [ London ]. In envelope with postmark of 20 March [ no year ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of glue from mount on reverse of letter and envelope. Envelope, with penny red, addressed by Lovell to 'Dillon Croker Esq. | 3 Gloucester Road | Old Brompton'. Reads: 'Mrs. Lovell begs to thank Mr. Croker for his polite note and for the trouble he has kindly taken - | Should there be any occasion Mrs Lovell will gladly avail herself of Mr. Croker [sic] offer of further assistance.'

[ Lady Maria Theresa Lewis, author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M Theresa Lewis') to Sir George Scharf.

Lady Maria Theresa Lewis [née Villiers] (1803-1865), author, wife of Thomas Henry Lister and George Cornewall Lewis [ Sir George Scharf (1820-1895), Director, National Portrait Gallery ]
Publication details: 
Lathom House [Lancashire]. 22 November 1861.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. She is out of town, and Scharf's letter has followed her to Cheshire and Lancashire, and she is sending a letter of introduction to Lord Essex, whom she hopes will 'afford you every facility in your interesting pursuits'. She is flattered 'at the manner in which you always speak of my Grove Catalogue - it was a great pleasure to me & I much regret that other duties & occupations have prevented me for a time from continuing my Biographies'. She concludes by wishing him 'every success in your Blenheim Catalogue'.

[Female suffrage; presentation copy of printed pamphlet.] On the Education of Women. A Paper read by Mrs. William Grey, at the Meeting of the Society of Arts, May 31st, 1871. With an Appendix.

Mrs. William Grey [Maria Georgina Shirreff Grey (1816-1906)] [the Society of Arts, London; the education of women; women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
London: William Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, W. 1871.

64pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Inscribed at head of title-page: 'From the Author'. Four copies on COPAC.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Is the Exercise of the Suffrage Unfeminine? Published by the London National Society for Women's Suffrage.

Mrs. William Grey [Maria Georgina Shirreff Grey (1816-1906)] [The London National Society for Women's Suffrage] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[The London National Society for Women's Suffrage.] Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., New-street Square, London. 1870.

12pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. With a few pencil annotations. A total of five copies on COPAC and OCLC WorldCat. No copy on market currently.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Are we to have Education for our Middle-Class Girls? Or, The History of Camden Collegiate Schools.

Mary Gurney [National Union for Improving the Education of Women of all Classes; Maria Georgina Shirreff Grey; Camden Collegiate Schools] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
London: William Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, W. Second edition, 1872. ['Series published under the sanction of the National Union for Improving the Education of Women of all Classes. No. II.']

24pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Preface by Maria G. Grey, President of the Central Committee. Noi copies on market currently.

[Henrietta Maria Bowdler [Mrs. Harriet Bowdler], religious author and 'Bowdleriser' of Shakespeare.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H M Bowdler'), thanking 'Miss Walters' for her 'beautiful' works.

Henrietta Maria Bowdler [Mrs. Harriet Bowdler] (1750-1830), author and literary editor, main 'Bowdleriser' of 'The Family Shakspeare' (1807)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight damage to second leaf, which is addressed to 'Miss Walters' and carries a small seal in red wax. The letter reads: 'My dear Miss Walters | I am so much obliged that I know not how to thank you as I wish. Your works are beautiful, & will be a most valuable present to our poor Moravians. Accept my sincerest thanks, & believe me ever | My dear Madam | Yr much oblig'd & affecte | H M Bowdler'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Nursing Homes. A Warning. By Sir Robert Harvey, D.L., J.P., of 1, Palace Gate, London, W., and Dundridge Totnes, Devon.

Sir Robert Harvey, D.L., J.P., of 1, Palace Gate, London, W., and Dundridge Totnes, Devon [Harriett Maria Webb, Home for Convalescent Invalids, No. 88 Marina St, St Leonards, Sussex; Gerald F. Hohler]
Publication details: 
Totnes: Mortimer Bros., "Times" and "Western Guardian" Offices. [Introduction dated 'Dundridge, September, 1902.]

13pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet on green-grey paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. In the introduction ('To my readers') Harvey explains that it is 'a keen sense of my duty to my fellow-countrymen in general, and to potential fellow-sufferers in particular', that has induced him 'to re-open a great and recent sorrow ['the untimely death of my beloved son'] by placing the details of my tragic and terrible experiences of a Nursing Home before the public'.

[Pamphlets and Ephemera; Women and Education] A Collection of pamphlets and printed ephemera issued by "The Maria Grey Training College for Women Teachers established by the Teachers' Training & Registration Society" [found by Maria Grey].

[The Maria Grey Training College for Women Teachers]
Publication details: 
Much printed by the Women's Printing Society, Limited, 66 Whitcomb Street, [London], WC 1892-1906 (some missing, see below).

Seven pamphlets, unbound, 20-32pp., 8vo, one damaged but complete,another sl. chipped, others complete and in fair condition, with labels, numbers and stamps of the Board of Education, sometimes obtrusive. Dating 1892-3, 1898-99 (missing 1893-4 to 1897-8), 1899-1900, 1900-1, 1901-2-3, 1903-4, 1905-6. Contents listed on title as follows: 1. Council of the Society; 2. Objects of the Society; 3. Prospectus of the Training College; 4. List of Former Students (many of their later "appointments", jobs, listed).

[Dinah Maria Craik, Victorian novelist, author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('D M Craik') to 'Mrs Western', regarding the taking-in of 'Isabel' and an outbreak of scarlet fever.

Dinah Maria Craik [née Mulock] (1826-1887), novelist, best-known for 'John Halifax, Gentleman' (1856)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Corner House, Shortlands, Kent. 12 September 1882.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium. 57 lines of closely-written text. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. She begins by exclaiming 'I have been so very sorry for you!', before urging her correspondent to 'keep quarantine'. 'But about Isabel? [...] I would gladly take her to stay here as I have done beforetime - but there are some impediments - we must have complete separation between our house & yours - Mr Harris's dread is indescribable - he lost his wife & (I think) two sisters with scarlet fever. I think they wd.

[Harriet Maria Gordon Smythies, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. M. Gordon Smythies'] to a male correspondent, regarding the London publishers Darton and Company and the sale of her copyrights.

Harriet Maria Gordon Smythies (d.1883), Victorian novelist [Darton & Company, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
108 Stanley Street, Pimlico. 12 September 1862.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. 'It has just struck me that I ought to have let you know that Mr. Hodge went from the bargain he had himself proposed'. She thinks that 'Mr Darton feared to make any purchase, in these bad times - I have some hopes of selling the Copyrights

and I will let you know directly I find I can do so.' Darton's had published Smythies's books 'The Breach of Promise' and 'The Marrying Man'.

Autograph Journal of Johanna Maria Barrow, daughter of Sir John Barrow of Ulverston, describing her courtship by the soldier and artist Captain Robert Batty.

Johanna Maria Batty (1800-1886), wife of the English army officer and artist Lieut-Col. Robert Batty (1789-1848), and daughter of Sir John Barrow (1764-1848)
Publication details: 
[Darley Dale and Dovedale, Derbyshire.] 31 July to 1821 and succeeding days.

9pp., 12mo. In makeshift unbound pamphlet, made up of six bifoliums pinned together. In good condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. While short, the account is vivid, its first-person account of a whirlwind Regency romance evoking the inevitable comparison with Jane Austen. Written with the long s, the journal begins: 'On Monday July 31st.

Holograph copy of poem (signed 'R. M.') by Richard Mant, beginning 'Bow, Britons, Bow the haughty head' ['War Song'], written out for Anna Maria, wife of George Parker, Vicar of Bampton, and like Mant a Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford.

Richard Mant (1776-1848), Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore [Anna Maria [née Parker], wife of George Richards (1767-1837), Vicar of Bampton; Oriel College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
Oriel College, Oxford. 15 June 1803.

3pp., 4to. On bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is addressed, with half of a black wax seal, 'For | Mrs. Richards | Bampton.' This copy was made within a month of the composition of the poem, for the wife of a fellow Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. The recto of the second leaf carries the following note by Mant: 'with Mr. Mant's best compliments to Mrs. Richards. | Oriel Coll. June 15th. 1803.' Beneath this, in a contemporary hand (presumably that of Mrs Parker): 'Afterwards Bishop of Down & Connor'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Judd') from the American novelist Sylvester Judd, expressing a desire to write for Maria Weston Chapman's abolitionist gift book 'The Liberty Bell'.

Sylvester Judd (1813-1853), American novelist, best-known for his book 'Margaret' (1845) ['The Liberty Bell',abolitionist gift book edited by Maria Weston Chapman (1806-1885)]
Publication details: 
Riverside, Augusta; 28 August 1851.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged paper. The letter (possibly addressed to the book's publisher) reads 'My dear Sir, | It would give me great pleasure to write for the "Liberty Bell," but I dare not at this moment say I could prepare anything in the time you mention. | Yours truly | [signed] S. Judd.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('M Callcott') from the traveller and author Maria Callcott [previously Maria Dundas and Maria Graham] to the antiquary Edward Vernon Utterson.

Maria Callcott (1785-1842) [n
Publication details: 
London; postmarked 26 May 1829.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with oval red postmark and broken red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf of bifolium to 'E. V. Utterson Esqre | 32 York Terrace | Regents park'. She writes that she and her husband are 'sorry to have so bad an account of Mrs Utterson', whom she will visit 'when she can see her friends'. 'Mr. Callcott [the landscape painter Augustus Wall Callcott (1779-1844)] was in York Terrace yesterday but having forgotten your number & finding you denied at three or four doors he began to think you had moved or that I had given him a wrong direction'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. S. Knowles') from the Irish dramatist James Sheridan Knowles to 'My Dear Kenneth'.

James Sheridan Knowles (1784-1862), Irish dramatist [his wife, nee Emma Marian Maria Elphinstone (1807-1888)]
Publication details: 
Belfast; 15 December 1835.

1 p, 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, and still attached to a leaf removed from an autograph album. His troupe 'play in Manchester on the 11th. Jany. for one week. Now, observe! Can you effect an engagement for a week previous to or subsequent to that period - or both subsequent and previous.' Knowles will be in London, 'please God, next week', and the recipient's 'attention deserves and has' Knowles's gratitude. A postscript reads: 'Miss Elphinstone achieved a complete triumph in Edinburgh, the reception was great indeed. You know our terms'.

Three proof wood-engravings of the 'birthplace of Quakerism' Swarthmoor Hall by Edmund Evans, two from drawings by Birket Foster, with an Autograph Letter Signed by Foster, and a copy of a letter by Evans, to John Abraham and his wife Maria.

Myles Birket Foster (1825-1899), painter and illustrator; Edmund Evans (1826-1905), wood-engraver and printer [Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston, Cumbria, 'birth' place of Quakerism]
Publication details: 
Foster's letter: 7 December 1864; on letterhead of The Hill, Witley, Surrey. Copy of Evans's letter: 20 December 1864; Raguet Court, Fleet Street, London. Engravings undated [1865].
Myles Birket Foster (1825-1899), painter and illustrator;

ONE. Birket Foster's letter to John Abraham: 12mo, 2 pp. 26 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with one dog-eared corner. Docketed 'Birket Foster re Sketches'. A letter of Abraham's has been forwarded to him 'relating to the illustrations which I did for the late Wm. Benson (to illustrate the Memoirs of the Fell family I believe)'. He suggests that they be put into Evans's hands to engrave: 'he is a thoroughly conscientious man, and will do the best he can for the price you like to name'.

Victorian engravings, from various sources, of 13 nineteenth-century women, including Hannah More, Maria Edgworth, Lady Noel Byron, Teresa Guiccioli, Caroline Lamb, Mrs Henry Tighe, Lady Morgan, Joanna Baille, Felicia Hemans, Mary Russell Mitford.

[Hannah More, Maria Edgeworth, Lady Noel Byron, Teresa Guiccioli, Caroline Lamb, Mrs Henry Tighe, Lady Morgan, Joanna Baille, Felicia Hemans, Mary Russell Mitford; Anne Maria Porter; Jane Porter]
Publication details: 
Seven of the engravings are dated: 1818, 1831, 1832, 1833 (2), 1846 and 1847. Two without place of publication, two foreign (New York and Germany), the rest published in London.
Victorian engravings, from various sources, of 13 nineteenth-century women

In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Twelve of the engravings are on paper roughly the same size (12mo), with the thirteenth smaller, but laid down on a leaf of the same dimensions. The majority of the women are writers, and the collection may well have been assembled to illustrate a work such as Byron's Letters and Journals. The thirteen women depicted are Hannah More, Maria Edgworth, Lady Noel Byron, Teresa Guiccioli, Caroline Lamb, Mrs Henry Tighe, Lady Morgan, Joanna Baille, Felicia Hemans, Mary Russell Mitford; Anne Maria Porter; Jane Porter. Artists are G. Freeman, W. J.

Signed album leaf with Autograph Musical Quotation, bars from his 'Ave Maria', initialled PBK [Percy B. Kahn, composer] with signature of Jean Vallier, French Bass, and overleaf that of Landon Ronald with images of him clipped from magazines

Percy B. Kahn, composer and pianist, composer of Ave Maria.
Publication details: 
Stoke-on-Trent, 21 Jan. 1921.
Percy B. Kahn, composer and pianist, composer of Ave Maria.

Page detached from album, stained but writing clear and complete. The plain signature of Jean Vallier, French Bass, is followed by the title Ave Maria followed by two or so bars from the song, with words (A-ve Ma-ri-a gra-ti-a ple-na), itself followed by Best wishes from | Percy B. Kahn Stoke Jan 21st 1921. Note: His most noted composition was the song Ave Maria with accompaniment by piano, and violin obbligato.

[Vellum indenture.] Grant of the Custody of the person and management of the real and personal Estate of Maria Anna Zachary Spinster a Lunatic unto Charles Claridge Gentleman'.

[Maria Anna Zachary; Shepherd]
Publication details: 
27 September 1838.
Grant of the Custody of the person and management of a Lunatic

Striking vellum document, 60 x 75 cm. Docketed on reverse. 32 lines of text, ruled with red lines, with ornate engraved decorative border along three sides, headed in large letters 'Victoria by the Grace of God', and depicting the young Queen, the royal crest, a crown held by a cherub, blind justice, and other images. Tax stamp in margin and frayed ribbon at foot. On 9 September [V Geo.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Y. Smythies') to Twining, including two translations of 'Bishop Lowth's Maria's Elegy'.

Rev. William Yorick Smythies (1816-1910), husband of the Victorian novelist Mrs Gordon Smythies [née Harriette Maria Gordon] (1813-1883) [Richard Twining (1749-1824), tea and coffee merchant]
Publication details: 
17 October 1838; Colchester.

4to, 3pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with slight loss to second leaf caused by opening of red wax seal (part of which still adheres), and minor nicking to edges. Begins: 'The task you set me was a task indeed [...] my first attempt at translation'. He comments on some of the difficulties involved ('The Cara so often repeated in the original is beautiful in repetition while it's angliciz'd Dear is so degraded by vulgar use').

Manuscript list of British subscribers' names, headed 'Nightingale Fund. | Subscription to present Madame Jenny Goldschmidt-Lind with a Marble Bust of the Queen'.

Jenny Lind [Johanna Maria Lind; Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt] (1820-1887), opera singer, known as 'the Swedish Nightingale'
Publication details: 
[London, England; 1855.]

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with minor evidence of the letter having been laid down on the blank reverse of the second leaf. Thirty names, with sums subscribed. The list is headed 'The Lord Mayor (Salomons) 5. - [five pounds]'. (David Salomons was Lord Mayor of London in 1855.] Several of the names are ticked in pencil, with another noted as 'Not paid' and another as 'Dead'. Among the subscribers is the poet Martin Farquhar Tupper (one pound). Jenny Lind had raised money for the "[Florence] Nightingale Fund".

First printing of his essay '[Ur-Gerausch]' ['Primal Noise'].

Rainer Maria Rilke
Publication details: 
In 'Das Inselschiff' (Leipzig: Im Insel-Verlag, October 1919).

The magazine consists of 48 pages, octavo, in original yellow printed wraps. Dogeared, and on aged paper, and with the grubby wraps quite heavily worn. 12mo publicity handbill loosely inserted. Rilke's contribution, dated 'Soglio, am Tage Mariae Himmelfahrt 1919', is on pp 14-20.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H Colburn') to Mrs Samuel Carter Hall.

Henry Colburn (1784-1855), English publisher [Samuel Carter Hall;Maria Edgeworth]
Publication details: 
London | <Novr.?> 7.' [no year, but between 1837 and 1849].

12mo: 1 p. 12 lines of text. An bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf, which carries Colburn's seal, with his initials, in black wax. Good, on aged Whatman paper with watermarked date 1837. The drift of the letter is doubtful as it is written in an extremely difficult hand. Colburn will call upon the recipient 'presently'. He then makes a request regarding 'Miss Edgeworth', whose letter should be 'sent to my care' before being 'forwarded to its destination'.

Oda en elogio de la Marina Española, por Doña María Rosa de Galvez.

Dona María Rosa de Gálvez [Maria Rosa Galvez de Cabrera] (1768-1806)
Publication details: 
Madrid: En la Imprenta de Repullés. 1806.

4to, 12 pp. Disbound and stitched. Very good. The poem covers pp. 3-11, with five 'Notas' on p. 12. Scarce (in the Anglo-Saxon world at least): COPAC only lists a copy at the British Library. Includes a passage on Nelson and 'el feroz Britano'. No copy found in Sanish Union Catalogue etc. (accessed through German Union Catalogue).

Photographic Portrait, with Autograph Signature.

Maria Jeritza [born Maria Jedlicková] (1887-1982), soprano singer nicknamed 'the Moravian Thunderbolt', associated with the Vienna State Orchestra and the Metropolitan Opera of New York
Publication details: 

The sepia photograph, 11 x 4 cm, is a full-length shot of a radiant Jeritza, posing stylishly in Grecian décolleté dress and sandals. It is neatly mounted in the top left-hand corner of a leaf of cream paper (24 x 20 cm) removed from an album. The whole attractive and in good condition. In a large, bold hand Jeritza has written, diagonally across the paper and upwards towards the photograph, 'With best wishes | [signed] Maria Jeritza | 1923.'

Photographic portrait by Letzer of Vienna, with Autograph Signature ('Raoul M. Aslan:') and quotation.

Raoul Aslan [Raoul Maria Aslan-Zumpart] (1886-1958), Austro-German actor of Turkish extraction
Publication details: 
Wien, Oktober 1923. -' [Photograph stamped at foot: 'Letzer | WIEN | VII. HOFSTALLSTR. 5.']

The sepia photograph, 10 x 7 cm, is a head and shoulders shot of Aslan staring at the viewer in the character of Hamlet holding Yorick's skull. It is neatly mounted on a leaf of cream paper (24 x 20 cm) removed from an album. The whole attractive and in good condition. In a firm, bold hand Aslan has written, across the page beneath the photograph: '"Zu was für schnöden Bestimmungen | wir doch kommen, Horatio"! - | (Hamlet) | Ein Erinnerung | [signed] Raoul M. Aslan: | Wien, Oktober 1923. -'

Autographs and Manuscripts. Catalogue of a Selection of Important Historical, Literary and other Autographs, being the Third Portion of a Collection for Sale.

Holloway & Son (M. M. Holloway) [autographs; sale catalogues; Thomas Jefferson]
Publication details: 
London: Holloway & Son, 25 Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. 1864. [G. Norman, Printer, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden.]

Octavo: 53 pp. Stitched and unbound. Complete in itself, in alphabetical order, but lotted 554 to 846. Good, though grubby, and with the outer leaves somewhat creased. Includes letters and documents by Burns, Charles I and II, Maria Edgeworth, Frederick the Great, Garrick, Lady Hamilton, Handel, Dr Johnson, Southey, Wordsworth. The high spot is a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Earl of Buchan, described over one page.

The Christmas Box; An Annual Present for Young Persons.

Thomas Crofton Croker, ed. [Maria Edgeworth; Felicia Hemans; William Blackwood; Charles Whittingham, the Chiswick Press]
Publication details: 
London: John Ebers and Co. Old Bond Street; and William Blackwood, Edinburgh. 1829. ['C. Whittingham, Chiswick.']

Small 8vo: [ii] + viii + 240 + i. Many illustrations in text. In original cream boards, cream endpapers, with leather label. Binder's ticket of 'F. Westley, | BINDER, | Friar Street, | - NEAR - | Doctors Commons'. All edges gilt. Tight, with spotting to endpapers, prelims and last few leaves. Binding heavily discoloured and worn, with remains of spine laid down. Last leaf carries an advertisement for the 'Christmas Box' of 1828 by 'John Ebers and Co. 27, Old Bond Street'. Contributors include 'Miss Edgeworth' ('Garry Owen; or, the Snow-Woman'), 'Mrs.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliza Hamilton') to Cecilia, wife of James Losh (1763-1833) of Jesmond.

Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton [Mrs. Eliza Hamilton] (1758-1816), Belfast-born miscellaneous writer
Publication details: 
26 August 1810; Whitburn.

Two pages, quarto. On aged paper, with several closed tears and loss at foot and remains of stub in margin, but with text clear and entire.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Ouida [pen name of Maria Louise Ramé (self-styled Marie Louise de la Ramée), 1839-1908]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

Irregularly-cut piece of paper, roughly 2 x 9 cms. Good, strong signature on very good, lightly aged paper. In purple ink. Reads 'Every sympathe | =tically V. Ouida'. Minor traces of previous brown-paper mount on reverse.

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