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[Sir Salar Jung.] Printed correspondence regarding 'the restoration to this State [Hyderabad] of the administration of those Districts in Berar which by the Treaty of 21st May 1853 were made over to British management.

Sir Salar Jung [Sir Mir Turab Ali Khan, Salar Jung I, GCSI, Prime Minister of Hyderabad] (1829-1883) [Ameer-i-Kubeer; Charles B. Saunders; the Marquis of Salisbury; the restoration of Berar]
Publication details: 
Place of publication not stated. Twenty-three numbered printed items, dated from 19 September 1872 and 17 October 1874.

Presumably printed up by Jung for circulation on his unsuccessful mission to England in 1876 to press the claims for the restoration of the Berar to Hyderabad. 23 numbered items of printed correspondence, each separately paginated, and totalling 144pp., 4to. The whole stitched together with red thread. No covers. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Entirely in English. All dated from Hyderabad unless stated otherwise. The 23 items are as follows: 1. Sir Salar Jung to Colonel Lumsden. 19 September 1872. 2pp. 2. Jung and Ameer-i-Kubeer to Colonel Lumsden. 19 September 1872. 8pp.

The Universal Letter-Writer; or, New Art of Polite Correspondence: Containing A Course of Interesting Original Letters, [...] With a new plain and easy Grammar of the English Language. [...] Likewise, The Complete Petitioner, [...].

Rev. Thomas Cooke, A.B. 'One of the Authors of the New Royal and Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences.'
Publication details: 
Gainsborough: Printed by and for Henry Mozley. 1812.

Full title: 'The Universal Letter-Writer; or, New Art of Polite Correspondence: Containing A Course of Interesting Original Letters, on the Most Important, Instructive, and Entertaining Subjects, which may serve as copies for inditing letters on the various Occurrences in Life. With a new plain and easy Grammar of the English Language. To which are added, Forms of Mortgages, Letters of License, Bonds, Indentures, Wills and Powers, Letters of Attorney, &c. &c. &c.

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